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Posts posted by escobante

  1. Matt Jones has been fairly productive but you have to wonder if his head will ever be screwed on straight. I'm thinking no, but you never know.


    Is anyone spending a 5th rounder on the guy? Why argue about it. He will go in the 13th round and someone will hope he pans out. If he doesn't, then he gets dropped and is sitting with Bobby Engram on the waiver wire.

  2. He may not put it all together this year, but Chris Johnson has all the makings of a special player at some point in his career. I will definately target him late in my redrafts, and high in my keeper.


    possibly ... but he is 5'11" and 200lbs. the only FF worthy back in the league smaller is dunn. not impossible, just not very likely.

  3. Our View

    With the quality play of rookie Ray Rice, McGahee could be deemed expendable. This news has to alarm fantasy owners who invested a high pick in the former Miami back. It is absolutely imperative to handcuff Rice should you choose to draft McGahee.



    I highly doubt they'd move a guy with this much potential but I have seen crazier things.




    Please. Absurd training camp speculation.

  4. Now, maybe the "experts" will take him off their must-start and no-brainer lists. If he and 'pepper can't do anything in consec weeks against the Titans and Texans, forget 'em both. I waived Chambers after the Titans game, despite the next matchup with Houston :bench: . Now he turns in a whopping 3 recepts for 28 yds and a TD :thumbsup: . Goodbye, Chris ... and good riddance.



    if i played in a 6 team league, i might waive him too, but for those of us who play real fantasy football, he has scored just fine so far. not great, but definitely worth a spot on anyone's roster.

  5. Going with D Carr in a flex spot over C Brown - too many RBs there...


    Thinking about dropping him and getting another available low tier QB - Collins, Frey, Batch, Pennington...


    QB/RB flex? are you kidding me? and you would even consider ever starting Brown as a QB/RB flex? how can a QB not outscore scrub RBs? QBs must be completely devalued in your league scoring system.

  6. Excellent job! And like I said that's only a slight increase, worthy of #1 and one of the best Fantasy seasons in history however it's not 150% increase and it doesn't make him "untradeable". Their is a fair price for LJ or the #1 slot and if you get offered the right deal it might make sense to take it.


    Sorry about being late to the party guys, I hadn't realized their had been so many about this. Just tried to open someeyes.


    so you expect him to have one of the best fantasy seasons ever, AND you feel he is overrated.


    who are these people that think he was going to get 3000 total yardss and 40 TDs? i think you are inventing expectations. people who put him #1 or in the top 3 think he might have a chance at 2000 yards, which is huge by anyones standards. no one thinks he is for sure to get 2000.

  7. I rather gamble on Bell, than take 1200 yards and 4-6 tds from Dunn!


    thats a joke right? f not, i don't think you know how good 1400 and 5 is. it makes him a low number one or high # 2 back. instead you would gamble that bell gets a few more points, with the risk that he gets a ton less?

  8. congrats everyone, you are all smarter than some guys who don't pay much attention to football or fantasy football.


    like a bunch of math nerds talking about how stupid the guy is who doesn't know how to divide a polynomial by the square of a prime number.

  9. by cheap I mean you can get him for about a mid to late second round price tag. Im am not saying he would be dirt cheap but if you really want Portis buy now and get rewarded later.


    ok boy racer, who you playing with that portis drops to a mid to late round pick? there like 5 guys in your league?

  10. Of course none of us "know" a damn thing. Every projection we're making is based on a mix of our own perception of talent, past performance, etc. But don't you agree that looking at him as just a RB is flawed thinking?


    And I've go no love for Sean Payton, I'm just saying he's thought of as a creative offensive mind by people that have forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know.


    reggie isn' going to levitate, or wear flubber on his shoes. so they will use him as a receiver in some sets. but plans are plans, when it comes down to it, he will be used if he is successful in gaining yards and he won't be used if he isn't. make your projections, but give me a break on the "reasoning" crap. it's called a guess, and thats cool, but don't pretend it is more than that.


    and is that really your response regarding sean payton, just read your words from both posts and tell me if you don't smirk a bit.

  11. Bush is a playmaker, period. Sean Payton is known to be one of the more creative offensive minds in the game; Bush probably couldn't have landed in a much better situation coach-wise. Bush will definitely carry the rock this year as a RB, but not likely more than 10-15 times. However he will be on the field for at least 70% of the offensive plays, as a wideout, slot receiver, h-back, moving all over the field to create mismatches.


    In the preseason, Bush has already shown that his quickness and explosion can translate to the next level. Even in the off game against the Cowboys, that play where he cut off his inside foot was just sick. However anyone taking the preseason as an indication of how he will be used in the regular season isn't paying attention. Teams run vanilla offenses during the preseason, to gauge the fundamentals of their football team and not give away anything scheme-wise. Bush will be used all over the place when the bullets start flying for real.


    really. ready for the counter argument? he hasn't played a down in a regular season game yet. so you have no idea. i'm happy you are in love with him and all, but you don't "know" a thing.


    maybe he ends up being the best running back ever, but right now he is a rookie running back who has 4 rec for 24 yards and 10 car for 66 yards. so outside of the one 44 yard run against the titans, who gave up 240 yds rushing the next week, he has 9 carries for 22 yards.


    and please allow me to laugh out loud. sean payton, an offensive genious? you mean the guy that was so creative offensively that Jim Fassel had to take over play calling for him 3 years ago. then 2 years in dallas, where he produced a super creatively average team both years.

  12. You guys do realize that this is the preseason right? 4 carries isn't exactly much to draw from, but you can look at the explosiveness on a few of them and see what could happen with 15 carries in there.


    or you can look at the lack of explosiveness on the 3 or his four carries which resulted in -2 yards and see that 15 carries would extrapolate to 4 times as many negative yardage plays.


    or even more likely, the outing didn't really show you anything, but an as yet ineffective offense.

  13. A discussion I had a few days ago. Prove me wrong here:

    prove me wrong here gents, I've been debating this for the entire offseason.


    I could have saved you some time. Nothing can be "proved" until the season is over.


    Too bad that didn't come up in your debate, or else you might have been able to spend some time doing something constructive.

  14. Boldin & Fitz are one of the, if not the best WR tandem in the league and I am most likely going to have a shot at drafting one of them, but I am seriously reconsidering it now. Why? Matt Leinart. We all know they are gonna put up great numbers w/ Warner at the helm, but we also know the aging Warner's injury history these past couple seasons. Since Warner seems to have a pretty good chance of possibly missing significant time this season, Leinart could very easily end up having to finish the season as the starter, and we all know what a rookie QB can do to a receiver's production(especially one who hasn't even practiced yet). How much do you all take this into consideration when ranking Fitz & Boldin?



    they didn't seem to be hurt much by half a season of mccown and navarro.

  15. Anybody ever win a 14 team league with there draft pick being number 14???? What was your draft strategy?

    We just pick the order last night......It is a snake draft so I get pick number 14 and 15........


    All tds = 6 points

    10 yds Rus/Rec = 1 pt

    100 yds game = 3 pts

    300 yds pass = 3 pts

    RECEPTION for TE, WR only = 1 pt per reception (not RBs)

    First time in a 14 teamer......I 'm thinking a RB, WR Combo in rounds 1 and 2, grab best TE available in the 3rd and another RB in the 4th.........and wait to get a QB in the 5th.......


    I 'm thinkin i'll probably be left to choose from: Dunn, Dom Davis, J. Jones, Drounghs, McGahee, Dillon, ..............and I'll probably be able to get T.O. , Chad or S.Smith, Fitz or Holt........


    I don't mind any of the WR's, I just have no clue what RB has the best value at 14


    Who do you think the best RB and WR combo will be available at 14 and 15?


    yep, did so last year, but not sure stategy itself was the reason.


    last year i was much more comfortable with depth of quality RBs, so I went JJ, Rudi, Mike Anderson, LJ, then filled out the roster with Santana Moss, Terry Glenn, Delhomme, Plumber, McNair, Antonio Bryant, Kevin Curtis, Troupe, Shayne Graham, etc...


    Moss, Glenn and LJ turned out to be money and all of the other guys played above expectations with the exception of JJ, so my first pick was the worst.


    This year I would probably go RB/WR or WR/WR depending on who is available, but talent at RB is pretty thin this year, a stud WR may be a better pick in some cases.

  16. and Moss had Nate Burleson?... Moss doesn't need a WR2, he just needs a QB to get him the ball. Collins did not.


    CJ is great with receptions and yardage but he has not been elite in scoring and I am in a TD heavy league (1pt for 20yrd instead of 10yrds). Moss had 1005yds and 8 TDs last year and his year was deemed 'horrible.' CJ conversely had 1432 yds and 9 TDs, a 427yd and 1 TD difference (27pts in my league). My point is, a 'horrible' year by Moss is not too far off of one of CJs better production years. Just think if Moss puts up a 'decent' year by his standards?


    I'm not going to put CJ up in the top 3 until he starts to show he can put up double digits seasons. Please keep in mind my league's scoring system plays a big role in this decision. From where I stand however, CJ is being overated.


    maybe the solution is to play in a real league. TD heavy leagues are rediculous. Why not use all of the statistical categories that play into real football. I mean is TJ Duckett more valuable than Anquan Boldin? you can't say CJ is overvalued because no one else is playing by your standards. Thay are counting yardage and receptions. that is why he is being projected as a top 5 receiver. In most balanced scoring systems he was.

  17. I fixed it...I meant Boldin....smart alec :P

    I agree with your statement...but consistenty works for Holt as well and better at that


    true, i love holt also. like i say, any of those guys are great. actually i was fortunate last year to have holt, johnson and boldin in my 14 team league last year and all three were studs. (of course I had Chris Brown and Duckett as my primary backs most of the season). so i can say with certainty, i wouldn't argue with any of those picks.

  18. What would you do to get both LJ and LT2 on your team? I had both last year, got LT2 in the first round, and LJ in the third or fourth round last year, I forget. We protect one player each year, so I plan on protecting LJ, which means LT2 will be thrown back into the draft. The guy that has the first pick is protecting Peyton Manning. I have the last pick of the first round the 12th pick, and every other round is completely random. I'm wondering what draft picks I could offer to get him to trade me his first. I was thinking my first 3 picks maybe? Then I could have LJ and LT2 on my team which I think would mean another :huh:


    In our 14 team league last year, one guy had SA and LT2 and Moss and Bledsoe and Tony G, amoung others via a series of trades. He finished out of the money. So even in a huge league where the talent is diluted, I wouldn't overplay it too much. I think most people would expect more for LT2 than he is worth, so it is unlikely you will be able to pull off a trade and not overpay. I would wait until partway through the season and if LT2 has a couple of subpar games, perhaps his owner will get frustrated early and be willing to trade for a reasonable price like happened in our league.

  19. 1) Owens 2) Moss 3) Fitz 4) Holt 5) Harrison 6) SSmith 7) Fitz 8) CJ


    i wish i had two fitzgeralds on my team too :banana:


    obviously arguments can be made for any of these guys. it all should depend on who else is on the board, where you draft, what your scoring system is and who you have already drafted. CJ is a stud receiver, just like the other guys listed. he has led the AFC in receiving 3 years straight (never been done before). over 90 rec in each of those years. in other words consistently high production. now he doesn't score as many touchdowns as some of the other guys, but he doesn't miss games, and he doesn't disapoint. none of those guys are bad picks.

  20. My apologies...for the not winning comment. Making the playoffs...say what you want, but the goal is to get into the playoffs to win a Super Bowl. Maybe they don't need to score 40 points a game and run for 8000 yards in a season. Maybe they can change the philosphy of the team, score about 20 and not give up 45, maybe a stronger empahasis on defense.


    The Colts put up a chitload of points two years ago and did okay, they slowed things down a bit and really focused on making their defense better last year and could have went undefeated if not for some unfortunate events.


    If the Chiefs are happy having the best fantasy player and not making the playoffs, keep doing what they're doing. I'll try and draft LJ myself, even if they play a more controlled game LJ is still a top 5 pick.


    teams do not intentionally try to score fewer points. i am sure edwards will try to improve the defense, but he isn't going to say, "we need to play better d, so lets try not to do so well on offense."
