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Forbidden Doughnut

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About Forbidden Doughnut

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    FF Rookie
  1. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Derek Ross and Antonio Bryant were players with incredible talent as well. Considering the player conduct policy and the new commish coming down hard on players with off-field issues, I would just as soon pass on a guy who can't be counted on. A DB like Marcus McCauley or WR like Jason Hill will be available at the top of the 3rd.
  2. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Ellis might not ever be the same again. I certainly hope he comes back 100% because he is a solid player and a stand-up person, but there is no guarantee. Even if he is fully healthy, he is not getting any younger and what would be the harm in resting him every now and again? Ware and Ellis are the only two players in that list of LBs that I have any faith in getting to the QB. We were absolutely destroyed in the stretch run last season, and especially by RBs out of the backfield. Burnett has been a bust, plain and simple. Other than being a high second round pick, he has done nothing else to even be considered in the discussion. Carpenter will likely be moved inside, where he can replace James, who was awful the last half of the season. Back in the Super Bowl years we had 5 or 6 DTs who would shuttle in and out of the lineup. Depth allowed players to stay fresh, and versatlilty allowed creative schemes. I can see instances where we go 4-3 on 3rd and longs, putting Ware and Spencer at rush end with Spears and Canty/Hatcher inside. I would say Ware Ayodele Carpenter Ellis would be the opening day starters, with Spencer playing a heavy role in pass rush situations, and James and Burnett providing depth. Seems like an excellent situation to me. I feel a great deal better about our prospects on fielding an aggressive, attacking defense with the addition of Spencer. I would not have had such confidence if we had not addressed our need for another pass rusher. I don't feel that a CB or S would have had a similar impact on our defense.
  3. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    We gave up Cleveland's second rounder, the #36 overall. LOVE the pick, but this was the guy I wanted all along. You can't have enough guys who can get after the QB. You look at San Diego's defensive secondary last year, and they were average at best talent-wise. However, they had guys like Merriman and Phillips and Foley bringing pressure, and suddenly the pass defense seemed fine. I'm of the opinion that pass rush improves your pass coverage more than coverage improves your pass rush. Spencer is arguably the second best pass rusher in the draft, and someone who produced results in college (26.5 tackles for loss last season), not just a workout wonder. Great draft thus far. We have, in essence, traded our 3rd and 5th rounders this year to get a first round pick next season, one that should be in the top 10, and could very well be #1 overall. In the second round, I'm looking for a WR like Gonzalez or Smith or Rice (character issues cause a fall?), or an OL such as Ugoh or Sears.
  4. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Browns #1 next year could very well be #1 overall. I would definitely pull the trigger on this. Oh. I assumed that the initial would be a trade down to their 2nd round pick, plus the 1st next year and 3rd. You're right. If the second isn't part of the deal, no go. EDIT: Trade! Sweet!!!
  5. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Sigh of relief. That puts to rest the silliness of trading up for Lynch. Edited to add: At this point, if Quinn is on the board at 22, I would like to think a team like Cleveland or Detroit might like to give up next year's #1 to move up.
  6. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    If it's a trade up, this is the spot for it. I have to think Atlanta will take Peterson if he is available at 8. Doubtful, however, if there is enough ammo to make a trade up all the way to 7.
  7. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Don't like that at all. I would be quite ok with a trade up for Peterson, even though it is not a need by any means, but not for Lynch. Personally, I don't see Lynch as that much of an upgrade over Barber/Jones.
  8. Forbidden Doughnut

    2007 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    I'm hoping for a pass rusher. Someone like Anthony Spencer, ideally after a trade down.
  9. Forbidden Doughnut

    Next time a high profile college athlete thinks about turning pro

    Leinart will still be a millionaire. Rod Wright went from middle-1st round in '05, and dropped all the way to the 7th round in '06.
  10. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    I would also remind of the 2002 draft. 1- Roy Williams 2- Andre Gurode 2- Antonio Bryant 3- Derek Ross 4- Jamar Martin 5- Pete Hunter 6- Tyson Walter 6- Deveren Johnson 6- Bob Slowikowski This was graded a consensus A+ draft immediately thereafter, and we all know how that really turned out...
  11. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Makes sense. I just don't see this as being a team that has the luxury of using premium draft selections on filling future needs. TO is a ticking time bomb. I was hoping that everything was being set up to make a run this year. I have very little faith in Fabini at RT. We've already been down the path of an injured ex-Jet O-Lineman who was a "Parcells Guy" with Ryan Young. I would love to be wrong about it, but to me RT is a position where there is no starter today. A second round pick needs to be a starter, and I don't that being the case here. Jason Witten Ryan Hannam Sean Ryan Brett Pierce Tony Curtis and now, Anthony Fasano. If 2 starting TEs was so important, Dan Campbell should have been re-signed. I certainly hope Jerry isn't gun shy about making selections at a certain position in a certain round because of busted picks in the past...
  12. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Well, that brings the number of TEs on the roster to about 7. I wonder which way we'll go in Round 3. Dominique Byrd, Leonard Pope, or David Thomas?
  13. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

  14. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    I agree. I'm guessing that's ammo to help move back into the 4th. Minnesota has to be looking QB I would think. EDITED to ADD: Green Bay went OT earlier in the round. Winston is assured.
  15. Forbidden Doughnut

    NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Dallas Cowboys

    Well, there goes Marcus McNeill off the board.