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Everything posted by gunnergip

  1. gunnergip

    Someone help me with Pitts RBs

    What are some of those makings?
  2. gunnergip

    WR-WR with the 12th pick

    This may be an entirely new topic in itself, but after reading a few replies on who would possibly be available if one went WR-WR, Pierre Thomas is much more than a td vulture; Thomas is a bonafide sleeper. Yes NO passes a ton, but from a team/winning perspective they need to open up the run game a bit and all arrows point to Thomas being the man there. I bet he matches Derrick Ward's production (top 25 back imo) or better by year's end.
  3. gunnergip

    WR-WR with the 12th pick

    I got the 11th in a 12 team redraft league, standard scoring, and have done a few mocks from this position, going WR-WR and at least 1 RB the next 2 rounds. I could have drafted either Chris Johnson or Steve Slaton each time as my 1st round pick and got AJ or Fitz each time as well. A smart drafter at the 12 spot would take AJ/Fitz if available, but the tier below is a big enough drop off to look elsewhere if AJ/Fitz is not there (rb, qb, wr). It is more of a read/react thing and having a guy like Wes Welker, or someone in that caliber, as a WR2 in round 3 or 4 isn't that bad either with decent rbs to match. All depends on who makes the most mistakes.
  4. gunnergip

    Someone help me with Pitts RBs

    You could do way way way better than Mendenhall with a middle teen overall pick, at rb or otherwise.
  5. gunnergip

    Someone help me with Pitts RBs

    Personally, I would rely on either back as a last resort RB2 or middle to top RB3 at this point. Mendenhall has all the upside w/ rumors he will get the goal line work. Parker has statistically spiraled downward over the last 3 years (maybe longer): 2006 16 games, 1494yds, 16tds 2007 15 games 1316yds, 2tds 2008 11 games 791yds 5tds Some say Parker is an injury risk w/ everything to lose while Mendenhall is also an injury risk, but with way more upside and physicality (last year could have been a "fluke" due to injury, who knows) All in all, I would rather have Mendenhall than Parker and really only as a value bench spot right now.
  6. gunnergip

    What 2 do for no-show at draft?

    Cancel the league and use the collected money from other owners toward a trip to Vegas when your other league's teams start to go a rye.
  7. gunnergip

    The Cutler to Hester thing looks good so far...

    I seem to agree with this, but for us Bear fans here in Chicago we need to see more. A few of Cuter's throws were behind Hester while in other cases Hester did not get separation. I forget who was covering Hester all night, they mentioned his name constantly in the first few series, but we made him look like a pro bowl db. At any rate, I still think Olson or Bennett will end up with the most catches out of all Bears targets; hell it might even be Forte.
  8. gunnergip

    PPR 1st Pick: MJD v. Forte v. ?

    I got the first pick in a PPR standard scoring league where we start 1qb, 2rb, 2wr, wr/rb, te, k, d. Who would you take? Does it only come down to MJD or Forte in this type of system? What should I be looking for come 2nd and 3rd Round? 4th and 5th?
  9. gunnergip

    7th in a ppr...

    AJ or Fitz...not LT. Hope for Westbrook LT or CJ on the way back. CJ is gonna be huge this year. I see a Matt Forte type year out of him.
  10. gunnergip

    I did everything right in my draft except.......

    Saying you are in a standard, 12 team, non ppr league that does not start a flex position and does start 2-3 wrs, I would trade Barber. This is in mind, your other wrs are not reaaaallly that good; they may be ok, but if Williams is your number 1 then.... Having a QB and WR combo from the same team is always kind of fun when monitoring your scoring. As the two complete plays, you get those points right away for two guys instead of points being scored all over the place at different times. This does not really give you an advantage, but if the two can really click then you have gold. I remember years ago when I had McNabb and TO...heaven. Romo and Williams will not repeat what TO and McNabb did, but never the less could produce big points. Point being, and more importantly, trading away Williams for a position other than WR hurts your wr core. Who are your other WRs? Are they that reliable? Also, I figure 2/3 names at RB (Moreno, Rice and McCoy) will have average to above average years and you of course have MJD to lean on. Don't get me wrong, MJD and Barber III is a nasty combo, but since you have the depth and need help at wr, it makes the most sense. Rice is the name I like the best out of Moreno, Rice and McCoy given the cake schedule v. 10 teams who gave up 110yds on the ground or more per game in 08 w/ most of the Ravens games this year against such teams coming in the second half. Rumors are Rice is already the man and you gotta love the style of play the Ravens have on the ground.
  11. gunnergip

    Who is the 6th best RB

    Let someone else sweat out the season w/ LT. Way too many things to go wrong there and it's not like Sproles is any kind of slouch either. Depending on your scoring system, I might take a WR there or Chris Johnson. I posted on another thread how many think CJ's numbers will go up because he will be relied on so much more as an RB and WR out of the backfield on swing plays, etc. If you believe in soph. slumps though then stay away. A toss up b/t Gore and SJax is very tough. Personally, I think I would pull the trigger on Gore though because of the potential of San Fran being an NFC West contender this year. ie better team than St. Louis.
  12. gunnergip

    Kyle Orton. This guy could become a legit #1 Qb

    Having watched the guy a few years here in Chicago, he made the best out of a bad situation. He is, by no means, a number 1 QB though; possibly a top back up, but not a number 1 QB to start the season. A lot of Orton's struggles were from some of the things mentioned on here: not athletic enough, run first O, etc, but a lot of balls were just plain dropped last year by Bears WRs. He gets Marshall and Royal instead. That definitely increases his value, but not as much as one would think. Eddie Royal is the better of the two Wrs because he is more of a Welker type player. Orton has a tough time throwing the long ball, which hurts his and Marshall's value a lot. I'd love to have him as a back up, but would be very worried about my squad if I had to rely on him as an every week starter.
  13. gunnergip

    Forte vs Tomlinson or a WR?

    Way too many red flags around a guy like LT to take him 4th. It is silly to completely write off the guy, but making him a top 5 pick is a really really big risk/reward. I'd rather have Matt Forte than D Williams based on the sole fact Forte does not have a John Stewart type player cutting into his carries. Also, thinking that Williams will put up a full season of numbers similar to his second half 2008 is absurd. I don't know if the long td scoring system applies to all players (qb, rb, and wr) but I'd take Forte; dude is going to have his hands on the ball a ton.
  14. gunnergip

    Aaron Rodgers...

    Lotta people, "experts" alike, are high on Rogers this year and actually think he is being undervalued based on current ADPs. He is a perfect example of waiting on a QB until the early middle rounds instead of jumping on Brady or Manning. Top 3-5 QB, especially w/ the weapons and cake schedule.
  15. gunnergip

    Fitz or AJ at 6?

    I kind of agree with that especially since you are in a PPR league. I do wonder how much Chris Johnson will be involved in that offense? I keep hearing people say he will be relied on even more, which would boost his value in all leagues, but especially in PPR leagues. I think you're right though about taking either AJ or Fitz here saying that, in some order, All Day, Forte, MJD, and Turner are gone. One way to look at it, since this is a very real possibility w/ both clubs, is whose value takes the biggest hit if their QB goes down? I would have to say Fitz's does since AJ is proven w/ another QB. Would be Fitz be the same with Lienert in there? Just one way of looking at it, but I would rather have AJ, that's just me though.
  16. gunnergip

    Bulger - Will his FFB Numbers Improve

    top 5 qb imo
  17. gunnergip

    LaMont Jordan versus Brandon Jackson

    Not only does Jordan have a nagging back injury, but he is in a dead heat with a guy who is suspended for the first four games of the season for the starting gig. Jackson has done nothing but wow at camp and with Morency out a few more weeks should have every opportunity to win the bulk of the carries even if Noah Harron steals a few. Like they said, avoid all Raiders unless it is like the last round.
  18. gunnergip

    Cedric Benson

    As a Chicago native and die hard Bear fan, we are all chomping at the bit around here to see what he can really do. At any rate, we do know this: He has a ton of potential, but lacks motivation and health at times. With that said, he falls easily into the second round and probably should be ranked in the 15-20 range for RBs in terms of fantasy rankings headed into the season. He is obviously a great RB2 to have, but anyone who makes him their #1 could be in for some trouble. Also, do not be surprised if Adrian Peterson steals more carries than expected as he is one of the best back ups/handcuffs out there and of course we cant forget about the change of pace scat back Garrett Wolfe who, as of today, is a lock to make the team.
  19. gunnergip

    10th pick this year in a re-draft

    1a. McGahee (Love the guy and he is in a great situation) 1b. Reggie Bush 2. Joseph Addai 3. Ronnie Brown 4. Laurence Maroney 5. Rudi Johnson
  20. I'll be on posting for Da Bears!
  21. I think this is a great trade for both teams. The Bills will more than likely sign Dillon and/or Brown to be in a time share and now have a lot of draft picks in 2007 with an additional one '08. The Ravens do not have a lot of holes on their team and have filled the biggest one by getting a back who could easily shine in their power run offense. McGahee's fantasy stock rises and the RB pool gets deeper for 2007.
  22. gunnergip

    Who are you drafting first next year

    Very hard call here. Rotoworld expects Jones to have the same amount of carries, maybe a few more, as he did in Chicago. This means Leon Washington will definitely be in the mix. Jones has also not offcially approved the trade. Keep that in mind. In the end I gotta take Henry though solely based on the fact that every running back in the last 5 years has produced for Denver (consider last year an off year I guess, but combined both Bells did produce).
  23. gunnergip

    Where does McGahee end up?

    I think he will remain a Bill at this point. Buffalo is in need of a MLB and Denver reportedly might have given up Al wilson for him. That obviously is not happening now. I think the asking price is too much for McGahee to move unless they really really want to get rid of him. Also Baltimore could still resign Jamal Lewis or perhaps Corey Dillon or Chris Brown; all three of whom are free agents.
  24. gunnergip

    starting RB situations

    Couple of things here: I know the draft has not happened yet, but I gotta think that Adrian Peterson is going to the Browns. Dominic Rhodes is a free agent and the Colts have no intention in resigning him. Lendale White is the official starter according to rotoworld. I think Tony Fisher is the back up to SJax. DeAngelo Williams is the projected start for Carolina who may still ship Deshaun Foster.