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Everything posted by gunnergip

  1. ...it would be this year. Gates has a new QB and while he will produce he won't have the top numbers at the end of the year. As for Gonzo, Al Saunders is gone and Herm Edwards has never, repeat never, had a TE on his team with more than 4 tds in a season. So I ask you, fellow geeks, who will be THE top TE at the end of 06? I would love to say Chris Cooley. For one he is on my team, but on a much more unbiased note, he has Al Saunders and is second only to Gates in total tds by a tight end over the last two years. Other considerations could be Ben Watson, Randy McMichael and a deep one would be LJ Smith.
  2. gunnergip

    With Housh down go with S. Parker or Porter?

    The right move, but if Henry is not there start Parker. Porter is no where to be found.
  3. gunnergip

    Is it Ledell Betts or TJ Duckett?

    Exactly, but Portis will not start.
  4. gunnergip

    If there were ever a year for a new top TE...

    Good point. Completely forgot about Heap and the situation in Baltimore. He could be the top te.
  5. gunnergip

    What would you do

    Denver homer here and I keep telling people on this board that Mike Bell WILL NOT see as much action as Tatum. This was talked about on the radio several times throughout the week here in D-Town and was meant to light a fire under Tatum. Tatum may not start in Denver, but he is the man. To answer your question though, I would go with Jones and McAllister based on the match ups alone.
  6. gunnergip

    Clinto Portis to start per ABC

  7. gunnergip

    What's Kevin Curtis' story?

    Anyone know about this? I got him on my bench and know I will use him more if he is the number 2. Whose got me heady info?
  8. gunnergip

    Lets talk Mike Clayton:

    Slow? Fat? You are still stuck in 05 main. This guy is in great shape and is ready to repeat an 04 campaign. And yes I am talking about Michael not Mark.
  9. gunnergip

    Houshmandzadeh may not go

    Doesn't look good for Housh, but keep an eye on this early Sunday as Mort brings you the injury report on ESPN. If you can, grab Henry for sure. I got him slotted in there right now and plan on reaping the benefits.
  10. gunnergip

    Lets talk Mike Clayton:

    A fantasy nightmare for me last year, I picked him up as my 3rd WR this year in my league redraft. He definitely has all the tools and possibilities for comeback player of the year, but we need to see it first obviously. I got him slotted in as my 2 this week, Housh is out and I got Henry in as my 3, so we will see what happens. Definitely worth a roster spot none the less.
  11. gunnergip

    What's Kevin Curtis' story?

  12. gunnergip

    Delanie Walker.....

    Sep 8 San Francisco 49ers TE Delanie Walker (shoulder) remained out of practice Friday, Sept. 8, and won't play during Week 1.
  13. gunnergip

    McAllister or C. Brown

    What do you guys think? It seems pretty obvious to me to start McAllister, but Brown is predicted to score more fantasy points (6 total) than McAllister which could make a difference in my close game this week. Should I go with my gut or place the predictions?
  14. gunnergip

    McAllister or C. Brown

    Thanks for your response guys. Thought McAllister was the right choice, but just needed some reassurance.
  15. gunnergip


    I gotta got with C. Taylor as your # 2 RB. I am Denver Homer and while M. Bell MAY start, T. Bell should see more carries. The talk all week here in D-Town was how all this M. Bell talk was used to get a fire lit under Tatum. Also, while San Fran will try to establish the run they will be playing from behind from the get go and be forced to pass a lot more. And as for Lundy, Kubiak has stated that even with Lundi starting both him and Morency will see a lot of time making the situation in Houston officially an RBBC. The point is, C. Taylor does play a hard D, but should be the primary man as the others you have listed will not be. As for your situation at WR. I gotta go Lee Evans here against a very weak NE secondary. Jennings could have a decent day, but that's a big if, and the match up for mason against Tampa isn't nearly as good as Evans. I am a big match up guy when it comes to close questions like this. Take it for what it is worth, but at any rate good luck.
  16. gunnergip

    Portis likely to serve as backup

    Yeah Portis fell to me at the 12th pick and I took him and FWP with my first two and made sure I got a guy like McAllister with my 3rd round pick. This situation is a mess and thank God I got Duece with a favorable match up. Hopefully you guys got a decent sub as well because this situation stinks.
  17. gunnergip

    Darrell Jackson

    The great thing about DJax is that he doesn't need a ton of prep time to have a good game evident all of last last year and the super bowl. If he plays he could have a huge game against Detroit. Another one of those things you gotta pay attention to Sunday morning.
  18. gunnergip


    T Jones for sure.
  19. gunnergip

    Trade McGahee for Foster and Dillon?

    Yes definitely. Not sure that McGahee will produce like owners want him too plus you have Dillon's handcuff. I also thik Dillon will prodice quite a bit this year and Foster is always nice to have when healthy.
  20. Yeah I would definitely start Henry if Housh is out. I got both in my league and will be paying attention to this very closely.
  21. gunnergip

    Do you like this trade? It's on the table

    Isn't it a cardinal rule to never trade studs? At any rate I am not sure I would do this trade either. At least wait to see how Evans does week 1.
  22. gunnergip

    Need a BACK?

    Leon Washington is a deep deep deep rb that could take over the starting job at some point. Worth a look in a 14 team league 20 man roster like mine.
  23. gunnergip

    Sun Starts? Dunn v. Car or T. Jones at GB

    easily jones
  24. gunnergip

    Gametime Decision for TJ Houshmandzadeh

    ESPN is the best source, in addition to rotoworld, for last minute injury updates Sunday morning. If you can, get online or turn the tv on before the games start and stay tuned. If Chris Henry is available I would suggest picking him up and playing him over Matt Jones saying Housh is out.
  25. gunnergip

    TJ Houzyomomma downgraded

    He's been probably since last week so I dont know about this downgrade plus he played hurt a lot of last season. I would pay attention to this very closely tomorrow, but expect him to play. probable not probably sorry