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Red White and Blue

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Everything posted by Red White and Blue

  1. Red White and Blue

    Thousands of Marines face involuntary recalls

    Here's my theory: The architects of this war really did believe that Iraq was ready for democracy, we'd be greeted as liberators, and it'd be an inexpensive, short-term war. Rumsfeld and Cheney are on record as saying that six months and $30 billion would be high-end estimates. In the days after the invasion Rumsfeld called the insurgents a "few dead enders." There's no way Bush does the Mission Accomplished speech if he'd known we'd end up where we are now. These guys were just 100% drinking the neocon Kool Aid and got burned. Now we know that Saddam didn't have WMD, the Iraqis hate us, and Bush and the GOP are getting clobbered on the Iraq issue. They can't pull out of Iraq because to do that would be to admit failure. We could (and IMO should) significantly up troop strength to put the clamp down, but the White House does not want to deal with the fallout from the cost and more casualties. So, I really think their plan is to just keep saying "stay the course" until some other guy comes into office saddled with the huge mess they've created. Sad but true: Bush just isn't an incompetent liar, he's too much of a poosay to do what's right. The White House would rather troops die for nothing than admit their mistake and change course. Disgraceful.
  2. Red White and Blue

    Pointless Panhandling Anecdote

    Tabs can be acid or X. "Tabs" just means that the liquid acid / X is on a tab of paper, otherwise known as a white blotter. You are a douche and MIL Kathy Fritz pays your bills. HTH.
  3. Red White and Blue

    Two new polls show Lamont/Lieberman in dead heat

    In my opinion the risk of giving up another seat to the GOP is not worth the frankly pretty limited benefit of replacing Lieberman with a Democrat who's more hostile toward the White House. Even if Lieberman doesn't win he could create a contest out of it - that will take time and resources that would be better spent elsewhere. If Lieberman does win I've read some speculation that he'd be promoted to Secretary of Defense and the Republican governor of CT could appoint his replacement. Either way, if Lieberman wins you'll feel even sillier than you did after voting for Nader in 2000.
  4. Red White and Blue

    Two new polls show Lamont/Lieberman in dead heat

    Yes terrific, now we've got an even better Democrat to cast meaningless minority votes and give withering verbal upbraidings to the President through the press. Excellent stuff.
  5. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Nearly six years and he's hired some blacks and cut taxes. Must be tough work. No wonder he needs all that vacation.
  6. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    OK. Anything else?
  7. Red White and Blue

    Bryant Gumble = Racist

    It would be so much easier if I was black and could make vaguely racist jokes.
  8. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Give me a break, I was trying to say something positive about the guy.
  9. Red White and Blue

    Two new polls show Lamont/Lieberman in dead heat

    Good thing the party is going to have to actually run a campaign to hold its seat, nice going Dean.
  10. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Me neither.
  11. Red White and Blue

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

    I'm not an atheist but this is a silly argument. Is it really "faith" if a non-believer prays to God out of fear? That does explain why so many old folks start going to church but it's not really belief IMO. Also, seems to me it'd take more strength to disbelieve in God and accept responsibility for all of your actions than to put your fate in the hands of something greater than yourself.
  12. Watching the Red Sux get humiliated. :banana:
  13. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Yes. He showed great leadership in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and I still support the war in Afghanistan 100%. Otherwise, well ... it's slim pickings. Can you tell me anything he's accomplished? I've noticed that Bush supporters don't have much to say in his defense either, other than to congratulate him for going to church and sticking to his guns (only a virtue if you're right in the first place IMO).
  14. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Bush is objectively a miserable President, so at least the people who attack everything he does are right most of the time. At any rate, I wasn't criticizing Bush. It just amazes me that an otherwise respectable conservative pub like the National Review could be so delusional and blind in their partisanship.
  15. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Blame Clinton - the second strategy of a loyal Bush drone.
  16. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    This thread wasn't about the crappy job Bush has done. It was about the psychotic depths of denial that some of his loyal drones will sink to in order to defend the man.
  17. Red White and Blue

    More delusional Bush followers

    Attack the messanger - always the first response of a Bush drone.
  18. Red White and Blue

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

    Put these on and you'll be fine.
  19. Red White and Blue

    There are no atheists in foxholes.

    Got to hand it to paulinstl - that was a pretty fast and comprehensive rebuttal!
  20. Red White and Blue

    Birth control

    I didn't feel guilty about it (still don't) but I did learn my leasson. Looks like a lot of guys here are playing Russian roulette.
  21. Red White and Blue

    I paid 2.77 9/10 for gas yesterday

    You're lucky. I know a lot of people who spend hours in the car everyday and hundreds on gas. I'm 100% fine with not having a car, but I live right downtown - 15 min. walk to work and there's always the subway and cabs. I could rent a car every weekend and it would be cheaper than owning one when you consider insurance and parking.
  22. Red White and Blue

    I paid 2.77 9/10 for gas yesterday

    What are you laughing at? I bet you shell out thousands a year on gas, maintenance, tires, etc. I have a 15 minute walk to work and for a few bucks a month, access to a car anytime I want (without paying for gas). Think about that when you're sitting in a traffic jam lining bin Laden's pockets with your SUV during rush hour, tool.
  23. Red White and Blue

    I paid 2.77 9/10 for gas yesterday

    Philly Car Share When I need a car for a few days I rent.