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Toothless Grin

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Everything posted by Toothless Grin

  1. Toothless Grin

    Colston Owner

    I would have to agree with all here. Satana is probably the more reliable choice here. Last 4 games last year he averaged around 80 yards/ game and almost a TD each time. I think he will do well over the span you are looking at.
  2. Toothless Grin

    Bevy of RB's quandray

    Too many to figure out which to keep. Normal performance league. Can keep five out of these 6 backs, but which ones? Also which one do I start? Lendale White Steve Slaton Ray Rice Ronnie Brown Chris Perry Pierre Thomas Also which WR should i start Reggie Williams, Amani Toomer or Kevin Walter? Any help will be appreciated, struggling with this one.
  3. Toothless Grin

    Bevy of RB's quandray

    Thanks for the input, anyone else have an opinion, I sure would appreciate it.
  4. Toothless Grin

    Lenwhale for Welker

    I agree stick with Lendale for a while. Your WR are fine for now, hard to say where Welker is going to end up, Driver will probably turn out better then him at years end. Mine please
  5. Toothless Grin


    Go with your gut, put in Edge.
  6. Toothless Grin

    Trade: MJD/D. Mason for E. Graham/Eli

    I like that trade. Especially if it is a non PPR. I personally think Graham is going to put up as good if not better numbers then MJD as he doesn't really share with anyone and you can play the matchup game with your QB's. Mason vs Walter is about a toss up as a backup so i wouldn't worry there.
  7. Toothless Grin

    RB/WR week 2 starters

    I would definitely go with Barber, MJD, Edge Chad,Bowe and Royal
  8. Toothless Grin

    Warner or McNabb this week

    I would stick with McNabb until he gets hurt and or Warner shows some sign of life. Good match up for Arizona may mean good running game instead of Warner stats.
  9. Toothless Grin

    PPR Sit/Start Marshall, Bush

    I agree with everyone else on the starters: Marshall, Cooley and Bush. Although the thought of Bowe against that awfull Oak secondary that Royal shredded is tempting.
  10. Toothless Grin

    QB and RB help

    I like Rothlisberger here. Always good for couple of TD's. Yards might be down to Rodgers but i think he will do better this week then he did last week. After last weeks game I think Cleveland will try to take Parker and Ward out of the game which leaves big gains for Holmes. That is a tough one with the Running backs. Platoon vs bears player, are they for real? Carolina shut down Tomlinson fairly well so i guess i would probably go with Johnson.
  11. Toothless Grin

    All's Fair in Love, War, and Fantasy Football

    Found this is a previous thread, thought was rather interesting considering who started this thread! fftoday
  12. Toothless Grin

    commish question

    We are in a league that is pretty much represented by employees here at work. Recently one of the members of the league left the company and moved out of town. I figured he would keep up with the league as it is a money league and we already have his money. He didn't replace LT during his bye week last week and he lost, but would have lost anyway. He hasn't replaced his bye week players this week yet. What do you do? Let it play out? I haven't heard anything from the others yet, but I am sure it will come up when I play him next week as I am winning the league so far. What would you do?
  13. Toothless Grin

    commish question

    Thanks for all the responses. I am currently fielding comments from the league and most all I have heard from are for changing his lineup for him. He currently is 1-2 in the league. I have tried to contact him and will continue. I believe out of these responses we will come to an approved solution for the league and I will address a rule prior to next year. Thanks again, I appreciate the helpful info. I am of the opinion that we need to change his line up starting this week for the remainder of the bye weeks and then it reverts to the week one line up, if we don't then the roster is set for the remainder of the season as is.
  14. Toothless Grin


    link couldn't find the post where someone wanted more info on Westbrook leaving practice early
  15. Toothless Grin

    Westbrook Leaves Practice Early

    I posted it a little while ago. sorry couldn't find this post for some reason. Link
  16. Toothless Grin

    New nicknames for players

    Troy "Clifford Franklin" Williamson
  17. Toothless Grin

    Who do I keep

    Who would you keep on your bench out of this group Ronnie Brown Troy Williamson Colston
  18. Toothless Grin

    coltson-saint wr/te

    How long will he keep the WR/TE designation in a Yahoo league? Is it that way for the remainder of the season, or do they change the designations through out the year depending on the actual positions played?
  19. Toothless Grin

    TO/Branch for Glenn/Westy

    I would make that trade, with your Rb you won't miss Westy and you wouldn't prabably start Glenn and TO together anyway unless you had to. I would probably try to get someone other that Branch though as that is a mess and who knows if he is going to play at all.
  20. Toothless Grin

    Running Back By Committee

    I would play K Jones and A Green, If you don't want to start Green I would think you would have to take the starter in Denver Mike Bell.
  21. Toothless Grin

    WSIS: Ward or DJax

    Play Ward much safer and he will get his.
  22. Toothless Grin

    Decisions, decisions.......

    I actually would play Kennison, but it is just my opinion. They will have to throw a bunch to keep up with Cincy scoring.
  23. Toothless Grin

    Lee Evans or Matt Jones in week one

    Yeah, play Evans
  24. Toothless Grin

    Who To Start... Please Help

    I agree Chambers and Driver, Ronnie and Lamont
  25. Toothless Grin

    flex position - Hines Ward?

    I would probably start Taylor, he should get some catches to go with his rushing stats.