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tony hardware

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Everything posted by tony hardware

  1. tony hardware

    Anyone here go to a chiropractor?

    No joke, I've had mean irritable bowel syndrome developing for the past decade. I've been seeing a Chiropractor for two months and I'm good as gold! Also, I have some degeneration of my spine and this will improve it.
  2. tony hardware

    How does Nair work?

    I shave my chest, but it gets itchy. I might try nair. Then I thought, how does that sh!t even work? A creme that just removes hair? There has to be more to it.
  3. tony hardware

    Anyone have a Sony PSP?

    My playstation broke, warranty is expired on it. For many reasons, (including increased travel) I might go with the Sony PSP. I ONLY play Madden, baseball and hockey . . . I don't care about any other features on the system. How's this thing for playing sports games? How's the screen for viewing players in these games? How's the manueverability of players without a joystick? TIA - TH
  4. tony hardware

    Anyone have a Sony PSP?

  5. tony hardware

    Anyone have a Sony PSP?

    I thought I made it well known . . . I got a new job back in January and fftoday is blocked. For my sake, it's better that it is.
  6. tony hardware

    Hey wait -

    Florida team names that make sense and are cool: Gators Seminoles Heat Hurricanes Florida team names that make no sense and are gay: Lightning D-Rays Marlins Panthers Jaguars Magic Dolphins HTH
  7. tony hardware

    Anyone have a Sony PSP?

    I don't know, that thing looks pretty gay. Why are there two screens if I'm playing one game? I would rather one larger screen. It's cheaper, but I'm not crazy about it.
  8. tony hardware

    Where's Tony Hardware?

    Right here b!tches! Things are great. Happy as a pig in sh!t, but I miss you silly bastards.
  9. tony hardware

    I'm alive and well

    That is all. (thought you might be worried since my post count has dropped DRAMATICALLY from an average of 50 per workday to 0) I miss you all now fvck off, seriously.
  10. tony hardware

    Thanks for the worst advice ever

    Lost #2 in my league by 9 points because Garcia and Westbrook sat. I blame you idiots. I followed your advice and started Garcia over Vick. Had I started Vick (who also played limited time), I'd be a little richer today. You all know everything about nothing.
  11. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    I have my third interview for the job of my dreams, an in-house Attorney position with a SWEET company, a major market player. They want a business oriented attorney, with creative solutions - not some tightass motions slave. In my third and (presumably) final interview, as evidence of my creativity, do you think it would be inappropriate to broach the subject of a cross-promotional services pitch with another major market player that would result in substantial mutual gain, expansion of services, marketing strategies and direct audience targetting? I have friends in the business development departments of both respective companies who could facilitate a plan and a pitch to the appropriate persons. Too aggressive? or good risk?
  12. tony hardware

    MLK day

    are banks and post offices open? or was he not important enough
  13. tony hardware

    Andy Reid

    They really DO choke every year, 5 of the last 6 years and no rings. That's worse than the Bills of the 90s. Now, if only the other perennial choke artist (Manning) can blow it in the AFC Championship, then the Marino comparisons will gain greater validity and Brady will still be considered the better leader (maybe not better quarterback, but better leader).
  14. tony hardware

    Skill testing question #2

    (this is not intended to be humorous) 1) He landed on the platform directly below him at 59 feet, or 2) he was wearing his fall prevention system per OSHA standards
  15. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    Finally, a response to my question and it only took 13 hours. Thanks for the input. I don't think I'm going to mention it unless they ask me for specifics. I may wait a few months to really put something together, get settled and then pitch it.
  16. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    The landlord may think its enforceable, but the actions described in the provision cannot be taken without a court order. As described, the provision is arguably ambiguous. Ambiguous provisions of boilerplate contracts are interpreted against the drafter. Pete is obviously in default, there is no dispute about that. The issue is what action can be taken by the creditor, when it may be taken and what is required to carry out said action. Any remedies against pete for his default with respect to liquidating his inventory would have to be done under an equitable order by the court, not under the provisions of the lease. That's the issue, sir and that's why you are a sales tech geek and not a lawyer. I wasn't telling Pete to be careful, but the guy who goes around signing personal guarantys on behalf of his corporation for unsecured, uncollateralized debt. Bad idea. One has the option of making a counteroffer to a vendor by altering guaranty language found in standard form contracts.
  17. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    I would argue this clause is unenforceable because it is vague and vague provisions are interpreted in favor of the party who did NOT draft the lease. The attachment, execution or judicial seizure of the tenant’s assets or a writ of attachment CANNOT constitute default because these actions can only occur upon court order to enforce a judgment. The occurrence of these events does not constitute a default. This is vague because it is akin to saying, you can have this car if you pay me $5000, but if I take it, that means you are in default, even if you are making payments. Rather, a default would have to occur according to the previous terms of this clause, e.g. failure to pay within three days of notice of default and demand by the landlord. Upon the occurrence of this, the landlord can move that judgment be entered against you. And it is only then that your inventory can be seized to satisfy the judgment. The lease clause you provided makes no further mention of when your assets can be liquidated. Therefore, the above is the only scenario under which your inventory can be seized and liquidated. However, this clause is not enforceable because it is vague. If they try to take your stuff without a court order, tell them to fock off. Call the police and have them arrested for larceny. And sue them civilly for trespass to chattels.
  18. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    Unless you have absolute control over accounts payable and operating assets, this is a bad idea. Be careful in the future.
  19. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    If I were to say, "2+2 Buddy, 2+2." Would you respond with "= 4"? Thanks for stating the obvious, Sir. PS - in some animals, parasites are necessary for life. Symbiotic.
  20. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    You ever hear a stripper say, "You don't need a lapdance." ?
  21. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    When you're in sh!t up to your eyebrows, sometimes an attorney is the only person holding a snorkel and shovel. CH's one free legal service by TH. So I take it you're referring to your existing commercial lease where your store is . . . Without even viewing the lease, I can almost answer these. Can they confiscate? No, not unless they get a judgment against you for the unpaid balance and request an order that the court allow the landlord take possession of your remaining inventory to satisfy the judgment. Otherwise, no. Besides, I don't think they really want to sell $3000 worth of bras to collect the unpaid rent. The court will look for more coventional ways to satisfy the judgment, i.e. garnishing your wages in any future employment. They can certainly take you to court for the remaining balance. When I was doing some stuff in District Courts, I saw at least 30 evictions and judgments against delinquent tenants every session. The court will try to work with you, but they will make sure you pay.
  22. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    No, but I will offer you this free legal advice. Rule #1: Never change the deal. Rule #2: No names. (The Transporter) JK - if you want to scan it in, convert to a PDF, then you can email it to me and I'll look it over. Tell me what you want out of the lease agreement, your concerns and I'll see if I can alter the agreement to suit your needs. I'm not going to spend more than 10 minutes on it, but I'll take a look. This is your one free legal service by TH. Let me know when you've scanned it and I'll tell you where to send it.
  23. tony hardware

    Good Morning, Who's got a hot cup of coffee?

    I had to, I woke up with a headache and stuffy nose. Coffee heals all wounds.
  24. tony hardware

    Sophisticated business persons here?

    In that case, I guess I better keep my mouth shut.