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tony hardware

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Everything posted by tony hardware

  1. tony hardware

    Laptop performance question

    Mrs. H's laptop gets slammed by pop up ads relentlessly despite having a browser with a pop up blocker. I frequently delete her cookies, temp int files, scan for viruses, remove adware and spyware, but still the fvcking pop ups. are there any good popup blockers for free downloading? Is her laptop FUBRed? What to do? (I'll answer yours about eating ass )
  2. tony hardware

    Laptop performance question

    That's very nice of you to offer Pete. But I'm afraid to give you my email because you like me too much and I don't want one of those Cable Guy situations happening to me.
  3. tony hardware

    Jury duty

    I was way hungover and had the serious shits on the morning of my jury duty. I lit up the bathroom like 3 times in about 90 minutes. I was squirming like a choir boy's first time. Luckily, we were dismissed because the criminal trials on for the day resolved at pre-trial. Which court house in MA is your doody?
  4. you seek to escape your life? If so, which Geek's basement would you live in while erasing your previous identity? (Assuming it wasn't already occupied by a Geek and belonging to said Geek's mother). PS - Sorry I haven't posted lately. I'm living off my "golden parachute" and playing playstation all day until I start my new job. I recommend it.
  5. tony hardware

    What is someone's "Fair Share" when it comes to taxes?

    I don't feel like reading yours, but I'll suggest that one's fair share of taxes is directly proportionate to the degree to which they rely on government for survival. (It makes no sense economically, but sure is fair).
  6. tony hardware

    give me some suggestions...

    Here's a suggestion - - - Look up one of the 932 previous threads about this topic. also 52" Mitsubishi DLP
  7. tony hardware

    My kitty just attacked me . . .

    I take it you don't consider "tongue in cats ass" provocation?
  8. tony hardware

    Ugliest geek? I'd say Tony Hardware

    That's not me! I am 25 and sexy. Gosh blammit.
  9. tony hardware

    Watching Borat on Peekvid

    The naked wrestling scene at the hotel in part 4 is I can't believe they did that.
  10. tony hardware

    Watching Borat on Peekvid

    http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...&hl=peekvid discovered it yesterday thanks to mmmmm......beer. Its only the best website in the world. They have a free library of tv shows and movies that you can watch just like youtube. I saw Borat in full. They have Apocolypto, Black Diamonds and other movies in theaters right now. Its fvckin sweet.
  11. Depends what you became famous for. Like if people saw your video and you did something weird or freaky, then you become infamous, that would kinda suck even if it was worth a couple mil because everytime people saw you, all they could think about is that weird sh!t your wife did to you.
  12. tony hardware

    hey Q.Lazzarus

    Is this a veiled compliment? I didn't like Q. Lazzarus when I was a cocky newb, I don't mind him now. I liked kpbuckeye at first, then didn't like him, now I'm indifferent. But, I'm definitely starting to not like franknbeans. PS - I'm real. I live in Boston. End of discussion.
  13. I left my job today. That means I won't be killing myself this year. I have an interview tomorrow with another firm. Fingers crossed for me. You're likely to see a lot less of me in '07 (but it won't be because I'm dead, hopefully I will like my next job).
  14. tony hardware

    My prediction for 2007 has already come true

    I hate night posters.
  15. tony hardware

    Getting a massage tomorrow...

    This is what I'm afraid of too. I don't want to go to a spa with Mrs. H, get a back rub from Mindy, flip over and have the soldiers at full attention. I would be embarassed.
  16. tony hardware

    Getting a massage tomorrow...

    Leave Big Pete out of this
  17. tony hardware

    Re-rate your team's 2006 draft

    FWIW I think the Broncos had a good draft
  18. astronauts ice cream from the gift shop for me! http://www.mos.org/bodyworlds/
  19. tony hardware

    Clogged Ear

    I used to get ear infections as a kid with wax build up. My mom had me rest the afflicted ear on a warm, damp facecloth with a little salt on it. I hated it, but it worked.
  20. tony hardware

    Getting a massage tomorrow...

    But do you still tip for the "release" in the room or in the lobby?
  21. tony hardware

    RIAA sues AllofMP3 for $1.65 trillion

    Like entertainers and recording industry doesn't make enough money off John Q. Public at $16.99/CD. Fock 'em.
  22. tony hardware

    Getting a massage tomorrow...

    when VH1 started giving blow jobs
  23. tony hardware

    Re-rate your team's 2006 draft

    I've never heard of any of those people. I hate the eagles.
  24. tony hardware

    Re-rate your team's 2006 draft

    Jets did have a good draft. Afterall, Mangini is a product of THE SYSTEM. Speaking of which, the Pats did pretty well. Maroney will be an elite back in this league by next year or as soon as Dillon retires. He's shown veteran poise, impressive speed and herculian strength at times. He reminds me of LT. Chad Jackson started out injury prone and took a while to adjust to the offense. Was inconsistent at times, but still has a lot of promise. My expectations for him have fallen a bit. Dave Thomas played sporadically as the #3 TE and was used more in short passing situations than run blocking. He'll be a TE who can line up in the slot and will be serviceable for some time. Garrett Mills - IR, disappointment Gostkowski - has played very well. New franchise kicker. Great college career translated to NFL. Ryan O'Callaghan - played when others were hurt. Has promise. Will start by year three. All others did not play. Final Grade - B. Maroney and Gostkowski pull this grade up from a C. The Pats need some youth at LB, hopefully they take some in this draft.
  25. tony hardware

    TNG's "I am an Attention Ho, ask me anything!" Thread

    If you were smart, you would wear shoes that were many sizes too large to throw off the popo when they analyze your tracks, even though your space suit would make no tracks, it would leave imprints in soft earth, like that earth found in Montana.