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tony hardware

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Everything posted by tony hardware

  1. tony hardware

    TNG's "I am an Attention Ho, ask me anything!" Thread

    It's like a d!ldo, only spelled with a "b" because you can't say ######. Is that an offensive gift?
  2. tony hardware

    CBF gets stuck in cave and traps fellow tourists OR

    South African women are the most beautiful women in the world.
  3. tony hardware

    CBF gets stuck in cave and traps fellow tourists OR

    As a child, I got a Kix stuck in my nose. My dad made me blow my nose to get it out. Don't put big things in little holes.
  4. tony hardware

    TNG's "I am an Attention Ho, ask me anything!" Thread

    Should a women be offended if given a bildo as a gift? (seriously)
  5. tony hardware

    Possay'st ass kickin?

    Were you that little boy?
  6. tony hardware

    Darrent Williams shot and killed

    How did such a bleak thread get so funny
  7. tony hardware

    jim mora fired, why is vick blamed?

    I really think the Falcons would be playoff contenders with Shaub at QB and Vick as a scat back, slot receiver, type player. I don't think any team could ever win the Superbowl with a runner as gifted as Vick at QB. His natural instinct is to run, no matter how long he sits in the pocket. He's not looking for receivers as much as he is waiting for no one to be open downfield so he can run. Schaub is wasting away on their bench, a great talent.
  8. tony hardware

    My wife wants an iPod...

    I just remember my sister and brother buying them and they came with "firewires" that didn't connect to their desktop computers. They haven't had a problem with them since. Regardless, I think I'm right about the itunes.
  9. tony hardware

    My wife wants an iPod...

    . . . because they're trendy. I think they suck. You have to purchase extra equipment to make them universal for most laptops and computers not named Apple. You have to load songs onto your Ipod through itunes and I don't think those are universal files to be used in other media players. It's a great way to get sucked in to buying Ipod products and files for the rest of your life. My siblings and Mrs. H swear by them, so I could be wrong, but I think they suck. If she's just using it for recreation and not any fancy entertaining or if she doesn't care about all the accessories, just get her another brand MP3 player. I bought the original Gateway version three years ago, 20 gig hard drive and it essentially functions as an external hard drive that I can access through a universal USB. I can transfer any file onto the device (of course it only recognizes and plays the MP3 files). But this makes it easier to use, because its like any other external device. However, the new Nike+ ipod nano thing is sweet if she's a runner. PS - nice rack!
  10. tony hardware

    In case you slept through the weekend...

    Agreed, LJ all over Colts sieve-like run D. I was glad to see Denver lose, but upset to hear D. Williams was shot.
  11. tony hardware


    You don't beat Belicheck twice in one season. You just don't. Pats 24. Jets. 14.
  12. tony hardware

    Boise State

    One of the best games I've ever seen. Amazing. I was impressed by Ian Johnson's patience hitting the hole, physically, he looks more like the waterboy than the RB, but he showed me I'm an idiot for thinking that. Jared Zabransky throws a NICE ball and runs a 4.5 40. I don't think he would be anything more than a poor man's Matt Jones, but if some team took a chance, he reminds me of a Garcia/Favre combination. Another random Bowl observation, #77 Jake Long, Tackle (junior captain) for Michigan is the largest person I've ever seen.
  13. tony hardware

    What's the most badass move you ever made?

    I hereby contribute $5 to the GF v. Kimbo fund
  14. tony hardware

    Is this pay out fair?

    Three prizes, so I awarded 3/6 of the prize to #1, 2/6 of the prize to #2 and 1/6 of the prize to #3. Because four kids didn't pay and the pot is smaller than expected, #2 thinks #3 shouldn't get a prize. #1 thinks #2 is getting too much. Is this a fair system of distribution? I can't think of anything more rational. #1 and #2 are throwing out arbitrary numbers for prizes. #1-#3 have always gotten a prize in my leagues.
  15. tony hardware

    Is this pay out fair?

    Because they're poor. Nice league indeed.
  16. tony hardware

    Dropping like focking hotcakes...

    Aren't the sayings, "dropping like flies" and "selling like hotcakes" or am I just splitting needles in a haystack?
  17. tony hardware

    Geek quote of the year!

  18. tony hardware

    Bad Boys the movie

    I think I would feel the same. As for letting my buddy watch me fvck my ex on video, I'd probably punch him in the face for asking. Something about that would piss me off, don't know why. Sounds like BL'sBuddyIAFP.
  19. tony hardware

    Bad Boys the movie

    why don't you just watch the video, close your eyes and jerk each other off
  20. tony hardware

    Hey Tommy Gavin

    I don't misinterpret. You said that there were drunk girls outside, probably from a christmas party. You saw them on December 20th. They may have been dressed in festive garb which led you to this conclusion. The point being . . . you can be sure they weren't coming from a Thanksgiving dinner. New Years is a week away and unless they were wearing veils, it wasn't a bridal party. I was mocking your stating the obvious by saying your "deductive reasoning is impecable" then gave you a wink to let you know that I was just busting your balls. As I am now.
  21. tony hardware

    Favorite movie character

    Anthony Hopkins as Bill Parish in Meet Joe Black De Niro in Casino, Goodfellas Pesci in Casino, Goodfellas Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption Eddie Murphy in Coming to America Robin Williams, Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting
  22. tony hardware

    Geek quote of the year!

    Don't tell Mrs. H! She'll lock me in a cage and hose me down with battery acid if she knew. I appreciate the acknowledgement without my even having to make a separate post about it. Big Blue has been doing alright too, he joined a few months before me and has over 2400. Newbie, I'm not so much a loser as one who makes efficient use of his time at work. Notice I rarely post anytime other than between 9-5 weekdays? Also, I can now post from my Motorola Q anytime, anywhere. Scary.
  23. tony hardware

    Bad Boys the movie

    In Ohio, apart from distinguishing felony from misdemeanor, it appears as though there are no statutorily mandated criminal penalties, so it is likely to the judge to determine the sentence based on the totality of the circumstances. Everything described below is a crime and applies to this scenario: gross sexual imposition - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC sexual imposition - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC voyeurism - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC kidnapping - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC abduction - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC unlawful restraint - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC extortion - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC coercion - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC classes of crimes - http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/o...htm&cp=PORC
  24. tony hardware

    Bad Boys the movie

    If done in a school zone, the penalty will likely be more severe, the public indecency or similar charge would be a slap on the wrist. If the pictures were taken without permission, you are open to a number of other crimes/civil torts under the "invasion of privacy" umbrella.
  25. tony hardware

    Bad Boys the movie

    Is this a serious question? I hope your not a cop looking to find a way to get a cheap lay you sick bastard. I haven't seen the movie, but . . . No, it's not legal. It's blackmail, which is a criminal offense, not just a word that gets thrown around. What the blackmailer is doing is technically legal, there is nothing wrong legally with posting naked pictures, but when you are causing another to act against their will to perform sexual acts, its blackmail. Extortion is different because it is a demand for money or threat of harm, whereas blackmail is something in return for refraining from an action. If she is taken or kept against her will to have sex with men, it could be kidnapping which is another crime. There are other things which are civil: If she is held there against her will with a fear of harm or prosecution if she were to leave, it could be false imprisonment. A civil tort. It could be an assault if she has an appreciation of imminent harm, i.e. an attack at that time. It could be intentional infliction of emotional distress, another civil tort, if the act is intentional, extreme and outrageous (basically a social standard), it causes the person emotional distress and there is actual distress shown. In this case, it would likely be proven. If the pictures are posted, it may even be considered libel, the form of defamation in which the publication of defamatory materials are in a form other than spoken. Truth is normally a defense, but not here because there is no public interest in the common knowledge of the information contained in the naked pics. I recommend not doing it.