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Everything posted by shaqers

  1. 8 owners in...4 to go... 2 g's is sweet for a 300-buy-in !!! where are all the fftoday hardcore guys? step it up...
  2. I understand a lot of people's hesitation, like who's this guy (shaqers)....so let me just say that I'm not rich, but I'm doing better than 85-90 of the rest of America in pulling a 6-fig income. Stealing a few hundred dollars from ppl ain't gonna make my day (as my rep and integrity are worth far more than that), but winning $2000 off of $300 will make my day........My motivation is competition, and for these stakes (and commitment), I expect the true competitors to come to the front.... I respect everyone's knowledge, abilities, and perspective. So u can get in, too. So, if you're speaking for yourself and you'd be interested, what would it take to ease your concerns and join in? Short of my home address and phone number, I've already committed myself to share my workplace, cell, and work # with all owners once they've come on board...I understand this is not for everyone.... League is setup in MFL.com already and we got 7 owners committed and signed up....... need a few more hardcore GUYS up n hereeeeee......
  3. shaqers

    Michael Turner back up for Sale.

    or he isnt willing to trade Turner at all, to ensure the Chargers can still win a SB if LT goes down. He may not care losing Turner for nothing if they win it all this year.
  4. shaqers

    Michael Turner back up for Sale.

    when was this article? today?
  5. shaqers

    Lendale White

    anyone from Ten got any news? why isn't Fisher giving this guy some time on the field? Does Fisher think Henry is the long term answer ???
  6. shaqers

    Which combo is better?

    Team A gets: Reggie Wayne and Leon Washington Team B gets: Troy Williamson and Lendale White. which team benefits from the trade in a dynasty league? thanks all.
  7. shaqers

    DST pickups for next week

    winless MIA at home, vs. the TITANS
  8. shaqers

    for those of you who need a 3rd wr this week

    samie parker this week against the bengals
  9. shaqers

    Over Hyped list - Top 10

    you must have drafted DD in the 2nd, Dayne in the 6th and Morency in the 9th....and now the team who got Lundy in the 15th is going
  10. shaqers

    This year's 'Larry Johnson'

    Yes, Jamal had a good preseason - he looked pretty darn good so they decided to just rest him too, that and his hip injury. No need to play your guy 2 mroe games. They saw what they needed to see. Musa outperformed Anderson, so thats where all this talks are coming from. OK, maybe he did, but he aint going to be the Larry Johnson of last year !! an injury prone guy, who was hyped up in the preseason !!! Yes, he's not bad, but he still shouldn't be discussed in this thread IMO.
  11. shaqers

    This year's 'Larry Johnson'

    you're saying a #3 RB at the moment would overtake both 1 and 2, Jamal and Anderson ???? no way, he had a good preseason, but so did Jamal. From what i've been hearing, Jamal looks like the Jamal of 2003/2004. No way i see this happening !!! And if you say injuries, MUSA has been easily injury prone the last few years..... must be Musa owners here.. Musa will remain here.
  12. shaqers

    Sleeper D

    Vikings D at the Skins with no Portis.
  13. shaqers

    David Carr

    I'll go out on a limb and say Carr wont be the starting QB for the Texans next year. He has the physical tools and all, but he doesnt seem to understand how to play the QB position in the NFL. Doesnt know how to go thru his reads and just always dumps it off to the RB. say hello Brady Quinn next year
  14. shaqers

    Tell me about Doug Gabriel

    so you like Curry now as he takes over for Gabriel's spot? coz i sure do. Curry will be someone to watch this year.
  15. shaqers

    any chance for morency?

    nice one !!! to Morency owners,
  16. shaqers

    any chance for morency?

    Seems like everyone who responded are Morency owners...LOL.. to me it's telling when Kubiak, who supposedly known as having an eye for RBs, has declared Lundy his starter over Morency !!! Lundy fits the offense WAY more than Morency. a rookie 6th round pick has essentially beaten out Morency !!!! stop pumping Morency !!! Go LUNDY !!!
  17. shaqers

    Trolling for sleepers among the forgotten

    Samie Parker hands down !!! Williamson aint ready just yet. next choice is TJ Duckett - i dont see Portis doing anything at all this year. he needs surgery
  18. shaqers

    With Rothlesberger out, how does that impact Willie Parker?

    Big Ben missing 2 weeks is a NEGATIVE to Parker. Don't you think teams will force BATCH to make plays and put 8-9 in the box?
  19. shaqers

    if denver cuts dayne

  20. shaqers

    Stud #4 this year

    Nice !!! Taylor SUCKS. He runs to one side and that's it. His vision SUCKS big time.
  21. shaqers

    David Carr

    He will definitely rebound from his 650yd-2TD last year the million dollar question is by how much ???
  22. shaqers

    David Carr

    exactly what i've seen as well. he continually dumps off to the backs !!! amazing !!!! Texansfan, do you think LUndy is the real deal? i see maybe a 70-30 split on the carries with Lundy getting the 70. thoughts?
  23. shaqers

    Denver backfield: It's official

    I seriously doubt an undrafted rookie FA would ask for a pay raise without even playing a game !!! UNLIKELY. From what i heard Mike Bell is high-character, hardworking guy. I also heard is that it was Shanny who wanted to redo his Mike's contract but it isn't allowed in the NFL. Cobbs will have value if any of the Bells go down.
  24. shaqers

    David Carr

    Carr and co. cannot possibly have any worse season than last year. They WILL improve this year, the question is how much. What i've seen on preseason is Kubiak hasn't opened up the playbook as much which could be expected. It's all been basic vanilla offense, although they have been running a lot of the bootleg for Carr ala Jake Plummer. Other than that, i havent seen much from the offense. I havent even seen them use Putzier or TEs which is normally a big part of Denver system. Moulds looks like he's gained weight. Couldnt see if AJ is ready to bust out this year. the play-calling in the offseason just kinda baffles me. You would think they'd at least try to get the timing with Carr and the WRs with that new offense.
  25. shaqers

    Denver backfield: It's official

    Here's how i see it: Mike Bell jumped out as #1 by preseason game #1. Shanny and teammates were raving about him. Did good in game 1, great in game 2, and so-so in game #3 --> opening the door for Cobbs/T.Bell. Tatum Bell, for 2 years now, should have been given the chance to start being the incumbent, hasn't happened !!! Now isn't this the most telling of them all !!! Shanny doesnt believe in T.Bell !!! As mentioned by a lot, he is a great change of pace back. Cobbs emerged on the 3rd preseason game after good showing against 3rd stringers. Cobbs still hasn't played with the first team of the Broncos. Mike Bell will definitely start, Tatum Bell getting 8-12 carries per game, and Cobbs as an insurance in case one goes down. The main question is who is the goal line back ??? I say Mike Bell, defintely not T.Bell.