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About theMSUkid

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    FF Rookie
  1. theMSUkid

    Need some draft opinions/advice

    With the Bell's, I just don't like the idea. The more I think about it I'm leaning toward Williams, Maroney and Taylor. Who knows what will happen at the draft at noon, but one of the others could very well be there in the 2nd. Thanks for the input!
  2. theMSUkid

    Need some draft opinions/advice

    Yeah Jones is the #1 in Jax. Personally I like Maroney, Williams and then I'm trying to decide between White or Taylor. Of course Taylor is a starter, but I also like White's long term potential. He's a punishing runner and I believe it's only a matter of time before Brown gets hurt. But I need to be smart about how I use these three picks, don't want to draft on who I like. I'll probably take a stab at Cutler or Leinhart with the 2.1 pick and grab another WR with 2.4 Thanks for the feedback.
  3. theMSUkid

    Need some draft opinions/advice

    Flex option roster: QB, 1-2 RB's, 2-3 WR's, TE, K and D Keep 12 players, draft 8 It's not necessarily that I need 6 rb's, I'm thinking about moves I can make with others in the league too. Rest of my roster: QB's Palmer and Leftwich WR's Housh, Wayne, Bennett, M Jones TE Shockey K J Brown D Giants
  4. Want some opinions: 10 team keeper league, I have #2, 3 and 4 picks in the first round. My RB's are T Bell, W McGahee and W Parker. Obviously going to take 3 rb's with my picks but which ones? I already know my brother is taking R Bush with #1, so that leaves L Maroney D Williams L White J Addai M Bell C Taylor (no one kept him) A couple guys have told me I need to take M Bell for sure cuz I have T Bell, but I hate the thought of using a top 4 pick on a RB for Denver! Who knows who will end up carrying the ball the most , it's Denver we're talking about. Yeah the argument could be if I take M Bell I should be guaranteed to have the #1 in Denver. I really like Maroney and White, won't be long before they both are the starters. D Williams has huge upside. I'm not sold on Addai, he was injury prone in college and Rhodes is no slouch. I do like Taylor but for some reason I like the thought of taking three rooks and worst case have solid trade bait. I also have the #1 in the second round and my own #4 in the second. With the knuckleheads in my league there's a good chance Lundy and/or Norwood will be there at 2.1 Thoughts and opinions appreciated! Thanks, theMSUkid