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Everything posted by philmckracken

  1. philmckracken


    Restore the Roar.
  2. It seems that what the patriots are doing is using almost every second of every game to work on every aspect of their offense so that when they finally do end up in a close game, they've got everything covered.
  3. philmckracken

    Most delusional football fans

    Bears fans also believe they get some kind of advantage from something called 'bear weather' when in fact they have a losing record in games where the temperature is below 32 degrees.
  4. philmckracken

    Super Bowl Halftime Shows

    I'd like to see one of those 'extreme' athletes do something actually extreme and try to swim across a pool filled with nile crocodiles. Don't tell me that you wouldn't watch that.
  5. For what it's worth-it can't hurt-From Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: "We suggest that pomegranate juice may have cancer-chemopreventive as well as cancer-chemotherapeutic effects against prostate cancer in humans." http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/102/41/14813
  6. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    How long will it be before we have to see those 1972 undefeated, idiot, moron, tool dolphins hoping that NE will lose a game?
  7. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    "The biggest negative on the '72 Dolphins' résumé is the strength, or lack thereof, of their schedule. While it's true that they could only play who was scheduled, it's also true that with an opponents' winning percentage of .396, the Dolphins' schedule was one of the easiest since 1950. How easy? Basically, 99 percent of the teams since 1950 had a more difficult season schedule than the 1972 Dolphins. That is a very easy schedule." http://espn.go.com/nfl/s/epstein/72dolphins.html So since 1950, when there were 12 teams, up through 2007 when there were 32 teams, there have been 1446 different nfl team schedules. The phish had a schedule in 1972 that was easier than 99% of those. That means that the '72 dolphins' schedule was easier than 1431 schedules out of a possible 1446 schedules from 1950 through 2007. It tests the limit of rationality to say that the '72 fishes were and still are the best when their schedule was tougher than only 15 individual team schedules in 57 years (1446 schedules x .99=1431. 1446-1431=15).
  8. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    You can play down the easy schedule all you want, but the fact remains that their schedule was a cake-walk. Maybe this will help clear it up for you. Their schedule was really, really, really, really, really, really easy. Only 15 schedules in the history of the nfl out of 1446 were easier. You might think that the weak schedule argument is weak itself but the '72 schedule wasn't just weak; it was almost at the farthest possible point of the weakness scale. It was weak to the extreme end of weakness. That has to lend some strength to the weak schedule argument. It would be irresponsible to just brush that aside. Maybe there should be an asterisk next to their record.* I don't have any particular ill will towards the phish. I'm just tired of these fools showing up to get on camera to watch the latest record-threatening team (who is most assuredly enduring a tougher schedule) go down in defeat. Did Hank Aaron sit in the stands and actively root against that slug barry bonds? Did Lou Brock actively root against Rickey Henderson? Did Marino show that he didn't want Favre to beat his td record? If he had been alive, do you think Walter Payton would have been seen rooting against Emmitt Smith? Were there any 49ers or Cowboys in the stands seen rooting against Pittsburgh when the Steelers tied them for winning the most superbowls? Those '72 dolphins are a classless bunch of whiners and it would be nice if most fans at least knew that their schedule was likely far easier than the schedule of any record-threatening team whose defeat they will publicly be toasting. Disgusting. *=really, really weak schedule, 16th weakest in history
  9. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    They were and still are the best? Well, let's just take a look at that. "The biggest negative on the '72 Dolphins' résumé is the strength, or lack thereof, of their schedule. While it's true that they could only play who was scheduled, it's also true that with an opponents' winning percentage of .396, the Dolphins' schedule was one of the easiest since 1950. How easy? Basically, 99 percent of the teams since 1950 had a more difficult season schedule than the 1972 Dolphins. That is a very easy schedule." http://espn.go.com/nfl/s/epstein/72dolphins.html So since 1950, when there were 12 teams, up through 2007 when there were 32 teams, there have been 1446 different nfl team schedules. The phish had a schedule in 1972 that was easier than 99% of those. That means that the '72 dolphins' schedule was easier than 1431 schedules out of a possible 1446 schedules from 1950 through 2007. It tests the limit of rationality to say that the '72 fishes were and still are the best when their schedule was tougher than only 15 individual team schedules in 57 years (1446 schedules x .99=1431. 1446-1431=15). So if both Indy and New England lose at least one game this year and you see those '72 dolphin morons raising their champagne glasses in relief and thanks to the teams that beat Indy and NE, say to yourself, "I was given a look inside the actual numbers, and those '72 dolphins weren't as good as I thought they were. They should really be raising their glasses to the 1972 schedule-maker."
  10. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    Wrong, tool-chomper. It's only a matter of time before the boo-ya's at the espn start talking about it. I'm just wondering when we'll see those clowns who owe their 'record' to the easiest schedule since 1950.
  11. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    Who's calling them out? I'm asking (notice the question mark at the end of my sentence that you quoted) a question you rod-muncher. When will they make their first appearance and provide us with their annual display of childish attention-seeking?
  12. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    Awesome? Great? "The biggest negative on the '72 Dolphins' résumé is the strength, or lack thereof, of their schedule. While it's true that they could only play who was scheduled, it's also true that with an opponents' winning percentage of .396, the Dolphins' schedule was one of the easiest since 1950. How easy? Basically, 99 percent of the teams since 1950 had a more difficult season schedule than the 1972 Dolphins. That is a very easy schedule." http://espn.go.com/nfl/s/epstein/72dolphins.html
  13. philmckracken

    Giants & Phins at London

    Go to a country where there never has been or where there never used to be any capitalism. See how the environment looks in those places.
  14. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    This says it all: "The biggest negative on the '72 Dolphins' résumé is the strength, or lack thereof, of their schedule. While it's true that they could only play who was scheduled, it's also true that with an opponents' winning percentage of .396, the Dolphins' schedule was one of the easiest since 1950. How easy? Basically, 99 percent of the teams since 1950 had a more difficult season schedule than the 1972 Dolphins. That is a very easy schedule." http://espn.go.com/nfl/s/epstein/72dolphins.html I need to correct myself for saying the phins weren't even favorites in the '72 superbowl. They were only a 1 point favorite. http://www.vegasinsider.com/nfl/superbowl/history/
  15. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    Yes, I understand that they were undefeated, but they were far from the best team ever. They weren't even the best team of their era. First, they had one of the easiest schedules in nfl history (and that is not opinion). Second, they weren't even favored to win the superbowl over the 'skins that year. I'll bet you didn't know that. They should just go away. When NE, or Indy or any other team goes undefeated, let it be about them, not those '72 childish fools. Don't be a disgruntled phish-phag and rag me because some overrated team from 1972 wants to steal the limelight from a current team who might accomplish a really impressive feat.
  16. philmckracken

    NE is 7-0

    Yes, I understand that they were undefeated, but they were far from the best team ever. They weren't even the best team of their era. First, they had one of the easiest schedules in nfl history (and that is not opinion). Second, they weren't even favored to win the superbowl over the 'skins that year. I'll bet you didn't know that. They should just go away. When NE, or Indy or any other team goes undefeated, let it be about them, not those '72 childish fools. Don't be a disgruntled phish-phag and rag me because some overrated team from 1972 wants to steal the limelight from a current team who might accomplish a really impressive feat.
  17. philmckracken

    I'm quitting my job

    They've created a hostile work environment and you should sue.
  18. philmckracken

    Goodell on crack?

    The giants-miami game sold out in no time. The superbowl would too. 99.9% of all fans in the U.S. will be watching it on tv anyway. Who cares where it takes place? Football is making strong attempts to grow internationally. It's a very smart move. Now that the nfl has made inroads into the female market, the next logical step is to see growth in the international market. You have to accept that the nfl is a business. The nfl owns the U.S. market. The next logical step is to grow internationally. The long term goal will be to grow football enough overseas so that eventually football will be able to have a true world championship such as the World Cup for soccer. Baseball has already done this with with its World Baseball Classic.
  19. philmckracken

    Who's got Hines Ward status info?

    Does anyone know how Hines Ward is doing healthwise? A couple of games off and a bye week should have helped.
  20. philmckracken

    Rudi Johnson 4-8

    The bengals' schedule is not the greatest for Rudi: Pitt (twice), Bal, Ari, Tenn, Cle. That's 6 games out of 11 that are tough. Plus, the bengirls stink and get scored on a lot. Carson might just be throwing the rest of the year.
  21. philmckracken

    MJD is back!

    A little patience is rewarded.
  22. philmckracken

    Being Real about the Chicago Bears

    The bears' biggest problem is that they are not playing last year's schedule. This year's team is a more realistic version of who this team really is than last year's.
  23. philmckracken

    Travis Henry has 5 days to file his "in house" appeal

    Did this possibility ever occur to any of you?: He's guilty and a hair test and polygraph would prove it but he's so arrogant and stupid that he doesn't care (yes I own him). This is a guy who fathered 8 kids with 8 different women, learned nothing from it and fathered a 9th. You all assume that this guy is a rational thinker. He is not. You think, "why would he throw away his career/salary by smoking pot?" Well, why would he keep costing himself more and more money by having more kids? He is stupid, plain and simple. Start with that presumption when analyzing this situation.
  24. Never give one beer to 2 hookers.
  25. philmckracken

    Bucs to sign Zack Crockett

    Goal line vulture? From 1999-2002 he scored 4, 7, 6, and 8 tds.