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special K Hit

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Everything posted by special K Hit

  1. special K Hit

    Pats acquire Doug Gabriel from Raiders

    Until teams have to honor the contracts THEY sign ....I dont blame guys for holding out. I hate when its a guy from my team, but if you put yourself in their shoes you would do whats in the best intrest of you and yours. The contracts are not worth the paper they are printed on . They will dump you the second they think someone cheaper can take your place. So if you are underpaid by market standards or only have a year left and dont want to kill yourself for someone who doesnt plan on asking you to comeback .I can see why they try and FORCE the hand that feeds them. IMO
  2. special K Hit

    * Cheatsheet Compiler/Draft Buddy *

    Will the depth charts be updated again now that some cuts have cleared things up ? Jay Foreman ....Sam Cowart..... Also I notice that you still have Teddy Lehman in the Detroit lineup and he is done for the year? I draft tomorrow morning at 8am CST Thanks K