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Jello Biafra

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Posts posted by Jello Biafra

  1. Hi again,


    With the Eagles losing Kearse for the year and Via Sportsline"Injuries have left the Eagles thin in the secondary. Starting corner Lito Sheppard went down in Week 1 with an ankle injury that could keep him out for 3-5 weeks. Then, last week, his replacement, Rod Hood, injured his heel. He likely will miss Sunday's game against San Francisco. With Sheppard and Hood out, Joselio Hanson, who is just four months removed from NFL Europe, will start against the 49ers. Dexter Wynn, who was cut in the preseason and then re-signed last week after Sheppard got hurt, will be the nickel corner. Dustin Fox, who was signed off the practice squad Tuesday, will be the fourth corner",


    Should I pick up Miami or Cincy??


    Any help would be great!!!


    I'm in the same boat, and I'm sticking with the Eagles.



  2. Team is 0-2 and needs TWO RB's from this group:


    Caddy vs Panthers (poor vs run but Caddy has done nothing behind battered O-line)

    Kevin Jones vs GB (Packers D is ranked #10 vs run but Lions at home)

    L. Maroney vs Bronco's (splitting time with Dillon, Denver D poor vs run this year)

    Joseph Addai vs Jax (playing much better than D. Rhodes but against tough Jax d)


    will answer your post if you leave a link




    Maroney for sure, and then probably Jones.

  3. tough call this week, need to start 2 of these 3 to go with larry fitz


    A.Bryant vs PHI

    J.Walker vs NE

    Reg. Williams vs IND


    Bryant is getting big yards but isnt being targeted much, but they should be playing catchup

    Walker is a huge target especially in the red zone and got alot of looks last week + NE's corners are small

    Williams is getting targeted alot, and matt jones may be out/limited, plus indy has 2 of the smallest starting corners in the NFL


    Bryant is putting up number so I'd start him. I'm really down on Walker right now, so I'd start Williams.



  4. I just received an interesting trade proposal from another owner in my 12 team league. Scoring is 50/50 with 1 pt/2 receptions. We start 3 combo WR/TEs.


    He requested Javon Walker and Jericho Cothery for Randy Moss and TJ Houshmanzadeh. Normally I wouldn't have to think about this, but with Housh's nagging heel injury and the Raider's scoring problems, I am not so sure. The upside is huge, but the downside is huge as well.


    What do you think?



    QB - D. McNabb, R. Grossman

    RB - R. Johnson, B. Westbrook, L. Maroney

    WR - A. Boldin, J. Walker, D. Mason, T. Glenn, J. Cotchery

    DL - J. Abraham, KJB

    LB - R. Lewis, K. Brooking

    DB - E. Reed, C. Gamble

    K - N. Rackers, M. Koenen


    Going against the grain here. I'd do it. The Cotch/Housh part is a wash, and while it's true Moss is on a crappy team, I don't see Walker exactly lighting it up. One goog game from Moss and his value skyrockets. I'd take the chance.

  5. This trade was proposed to me. I am probably going to decline.


    I receive Gore, Holt, Hasselbeck, and Duckett


    I give Rudi Johnson, Randy Moss, Culpepper


    I'm just really hesitant to give up Johnson, and I'm not sold on Gore yet. I wouldn't mind picking up Holt or Hasselbeck though, do you think there are any deals I can make? My roster is in signature, his is:


    QB - Warner, Hasselbeck, Brees

    RB - LT, Gore, Bush, Duckett, Barber, Morency, Bennett

    WR - Holt, Cotchery, Burleson

    TE - Dallas Clark, Cooley

    D - Dolphins

    K - Mare


    I would never do that deal. You don't need Hasselbeck enough to give up Rudi and Moss.



  6. Normally a no-brainer, but after a poor outing and several times in and out of the lineup last week, I'm leaning towards starting Dallas Clark at home vs. Jax. instead of Shockey at Seattle. Indy will have a tough time running on Jax. and think Clark could get some opportunities.


    What do you think?


    Shockey asked to be taken out last week because of his ankle, but supposedly he's feeling better. I have a choice between Shockey and McMichael and I'm going with Shockey. I'd do the same if I were you.



  7. i am looking to improve my WR core...


    so here is what ive propsed to the other guy

    would you do it if you were him??


    i give:

    Marc Bulger + Mewelde moore


    Javon Walker (right now, his QBs are delhomme and brunell, and he has good WR depth)

    the other trade i offered him is:


    I give:

    Willie Parker + Bulger


    Chester Taylor + Walker

    my current team (12 team, keep 2-4 every year)

    Bulger, Warner, Favre (Kitna on WW)

    LT, Edge, Parker, Moore, Turner

    Chambers, Housh, Evans, Bruce

    LJ Smith, Heath Miller



    If I were him, no way I'd do the first trade. Moore doesn't have much value. The second offer is fairer, but he might be waiting for Smith to come back, making Delhomme more valuable. So, basically, if I were him, no, I wouldn't do either trade.



  8. I'm one of those poor bastards stuck with Jordan and Moss. I was trying to move one of them in case the Raiders don't turn it around. I have a couple offers one is the following


    I give- Pennington and Moss


    I get- Thomas Jones and Terry Glenn

    My team-


    QB- TGreen, DBrees, CPennington

    RB-SJackson, LJordan, CTaylor, MBarber, JNorwood

    WR-RMoss, LColes,AByrant,DMason,JWalker



    D-Chargers and Redskins


    If you start 2 RBs and 2 WRs I wouldn't do it. Glenn is the #2 on Dallas and Jones could lose his job before the year is out. Besides, you have C. Taylor as your #2.



  9. Hello all,


    Can you please help me make a decision as to what 2 RB's would you start this week? I will answer all replies.


    C. Williams home against Panthers

    T. Jones at Vikings

    A. Green at Lions

    C. Taylor home against Bears.




    I'd go with Taylor and Jones.

  10. my roster in this league:









    I would get to unload a RBBC situation in which case I'd still have McGahee and Jones as no.3 and no.4. I don't know how excited I'd be to have both cardinals b/c I'd think that I would tend to get a great game from one and ho-hum from the other. Although, they have co-existed for some time and edge doesn't seem to be affecting things at all. The only other team in my league that needs rb has DJax for his best wr, who I like but do not think is Boldin's caliber. Thoughts???


    start 1qb/2rb/2wr/te


    leave a link guys, will answer all responses



    I would do it FAST!



  11. My starting RB are Tiki, Lamont Jordan (I will start B Jacobs this week b/c of Jordan's bye)

    Must start 2 RB in my league


    My starting WR are Chad J, DJax, Chambers, A Bryant

    Must start 3 WR, the 4th WR is my flex


    I want to find a flex RB option (or better yet a #2 RB since Lamont's been contained), so who would be the best WR to trade and what RB could I get in that trade?



    I'd hold on to Johnson and trade Jackson while his value is high. I don't know what kind of RB you'd be able to get back, but hopefully you can find someone that needs a WR and has an extra RB to trade. Good luck.
