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Senator Tankerbell

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About Senator Tankerbell

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. Senator Tankerbell

    Reuben Droughns or Lee Evans?

    I am so upset at taking a Cleveland Brown as my 2nd RB in the draft. Luckily, I have Chester the Molester to move right in to the 2 spot, but I still have a flex WR/RB spot to fill. It's either Evans or Droughns. Maybe I'll leave the spot empty... Who would you guys go with? I also have Barber III and Welker.
  2. Senator Tankerbell

    Steelers Sign Davenport

    Not only is he going to come in and steal touchdowns from Willie Parker. I heard he also plans to crap on the beds of FWP and all his fantasy owners this season. I'm getting an extra lock on my door.
  3. Senator Tankerbell

    Darrell Jackson

    I am debating whether to start DJax or bench him in favor of my least favorite fantasty player of all time, Drew Bennett. Does anyone know his status. Bennett is an ass-clown, but Jackson might not play enough. Right now, I'm leaning towards Drew. Any suggestions or Bennett rips are welcome...
  4. Senator Tankerbell


    That's nothing dude, check out my team... P Manning S Alexander LJ LT S Smith C Johnson T Holt J Shockey L Tynes Chicago I know my kicker sucks, but everyone took kickers for 9 rounds straight. I hope it doesn't blow my chances. Like you, I play in a league with 11 year old retarded girls, who are either blind or deaf, sometimes both. It's a 12 League Team 1 ppr and the entry fee is $50, payable in cash, check, or candy.
  5. Senator Tankerbell

    I didn't get LJ in any league!

    Congratulations. You just jinxed yourself and now you're going to lose those matchups anyway.
  6. Senator Tankerbell

    Need help on RB

    Guys, I have a similar dilemma. I'm trying to decide who to start this week between Larry Johnson and Dominick Davis. I know Davis is hurt, but Johnson is still relatively unproven. Any advice would really help. Oh, and to give my advice on the Jacobs/Jordan question... maybe you should leave that roster spot blank. Imagine how confused your opponent will be. You'll totally get in his head. Think about it, it's a little avante garde.
  7. Senator Tankerbell

    Who else is starting Darrel Jackson this week?

    I have Lee Evans and Drew Bennett going this week with Jackson on the bench. I just don't know how much time he'll spend on the field, let alone what his production will be. If he plays well, he'll be a starter in week 2 without reservation. My WRs are fairly weak as it's a 14 team league and I drafted three RBs and then took Jackson in the 4th round. What do you guys think of my strategy?
  8. Senator Tankerbell

    Kick Returns

    This is the first year I'm playing in a league with return yards (1 pt for 50 yards as opposed to 1 pt for 10 yards rushing and receiving). We also are using defensive players. Anyone have advice on players whose value might make them worthwhile based on returns?