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About Horsecollar

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    FF Rookie
  1. Horsecollar

    POLL: Rate trade

    I voted no. I think LJ is that elite back that can single handedly win weeks for you. His numbers so far are actualy pretty amazing considering he has 0 touchdowns, no trent green and a shitty start. IF he can start punching in TDs with his yards, hes a monster. I just dont think you trade an elite back like that, well not for whats being offered. Just my opinion Heres mine... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238315 EDIT** I didnt see your team linked so not taking that into account here, just a straight optinion on LJ
  2. Horsecollar

    TRADE offered lamont jordan for addai..yes or no?

    I like it. You are buying low on Jordan a back who is clearly the number one back in his system. You are giving up a roookie that is spliting time in Indy. I would take the risk and get Lamont, his next couple matchups look good. If he puts up a good week his stick will rise. Do it. Mine... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238315
  3. Horsecollar

    M Jones Drew or Jerrious Norwood

    I have FTaylor and Norwood right now. Drew is still avilable on my wire. Would you drop Norwood for him? or would you stick with Norwood? Im thinking that i can handcuff Taylor and if he gets hurt id have drew to plug in. I have Larry Johnson, but dont have him handcuffed right now. What do you guys think? Thanks, will answer yours
  4. Horsecollar


    Id stay with Carolina D and feel fine about it http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  5. Horsecollar

    S. Moss for D. Carr

    Id hold off. Carr is pretty much a waiver wire QB where comparable options can be found. Smoss can be a higher tier Wr. Id stay with Moss and pass on this deal. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  6. Horsecollar

    would you trade...

    I dont know your situation but If you had to make a trade, id target Boldin ahead of Walker.
  7. Horsecollar

    Maurice Morris or Deshaun Foster

    Foster, no question http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  8. Horsecollar


    Voted Chargers, should be a low scoring affair with 2 solid Ds. thusfar. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  9. Horsecollar

    Improving my WRs Help

    Agreee with the posters. You badly need a stud WR and you have some depth at RB. Move Brown and grab CJ. Unless of course you like ronnies upside, perhaps you could convince him to take Gore instead, your call though, whoever your higher on keep and pull the trigger. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  10. Horsecollar

    Pick-up: Maurice or Maurice?

    I lean towards MaMo. SA is out for what, an estimated 6 weeks? Who knows if that is accurate or if the foot will dog him the rest of the year. IF you go with drew your your hoping for freddy to get hurt, SA already is. I dunno, sure drew looked good but its 1 game, he hasnt really proven anything in the league. I gotta believe that as long as taylor is healthy at best they will be platooning. Just a thought http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  11. Well, if you want to upgrade to a Dunn with a 2-1 kinda package. Id go with something like KJohnson, or Plax, or Glenn with a Gore (Good start, but has injury history, and unproven) for Dunn. Looking at your roster you have tons of depth at both WR and RB so you have a few choices if you like say Gore more than a chester taylor, etc. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=238044
  12. Horsecollar

    Troy Williamson on the wire

    Another vote for Williamson
  13. Horsecollar

    Favre Vs Plummer

    Hey All, Quick opinion time. My team in Sig, I have bulger as my so called #1 QB. Wondering what the consensus is on Favre vs. Plummer for my number 2/1.5 QB slot. Favre is sitting on the wire right now and I have 3rd pick this week. I know which way im leaning but I want to make sure im not making a bad call. QB scoring is +4 per TD, +3 for 300 yds passing, 0.1 per 3 yds passing, NO penalty for ints or turnovers. Will answer yours in return Thanks
  14. Horsecollar

    ARG Im stressed, please help me or put me down.

    Id drop clark and grab Evans now, getting in on evans on the low, well the real low in this case.
  15. Horsecollar

    Fred Taylor or Reggie Bush?

    Start the Fragile one. Bush is splitting time, who knows how that will shake out. Freddy has looked good, and put up solid numbers against a stout pit D last week.