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Posts posted by cdogge

  1. bumping this to own my fail.


    mccown kicked ass. hats off to anyone who had the balls to start him.

    I started him over Romo last night.. I needed a win & 44 points to win the tie-breaker for the 4th seed. Needless to say I'm still shocked.

  2. One bright side is he is still getting targets.

    Yeah but that's part of the dilemma... This is a classic case of as soon as you bench him he'll go off.


    I realize it's more Eli and the o-line that's causing the problem. But what do you do? Guess I'm giving him this one last week since the Skins turned Kaep into Tom Brady last night.

  3. What are you guys doing with him going forward? He's killing me right now. He's had 1 good game over the last 7... 7! Weeks. We aren't talking top notch defenses either here.



    Green Bay







    He's averaged about 5 pts a game in standard leagues over that time period.


    I guess I have to roll him out next week since they're playing the skins but I really don't want to.


    Curious who you guys would consider starting over him.

  4. I view it kinda like Kevin Jones for Detroit last year. Arguably the greatest scrub to play the game. lol


    Let's keep in context.. we're not looking or expecting Adrian Peterson part deux. Merely a guy who could potentially start at flex for your team the last couple weeks of the season.

  5. Would anybody just roll out the Chefs against Denver?

    I know a lot people who just roll their defenss out regardless of matchups just because they don't believe in streaming or chasing points. But I really think playing anybody against the Broncos is a death sentenance. I might feel a little better about it if it was in KC but that's not for a couple weeks.


    With all that said.. if I didn't have a player to drop in order to carry two defenses then I might.

  6. Tate hasn't missed any time with his current rib injury while carrying a full workload. I don't see him missing any time unless it's a new injury


    Johnson is nothing more than a backup and has yet to prove he can carry the load on his own even if Tate went down. He has shown nothing. If he was so talented, he would've been drafted. But he was waived by Houston and then resigned after Arian Foster got injured as insurance.



    You should have ended with "I know this makes no sense because foster wasn't drafted"

  7. Yep.. He's a more than solid pick-up for the home stretch. Houston is actually playing pretty decent with Keenum despite their record. Tate is gone next year and Foster is showing a lot of red flags. They will probably want to see what they have with him even if Tate stays somewhat healthy which is a big if. Long story short I'm picking him up ASAP.

  8. F it, starting him over Locker this week.

    I truly can't decide..I want to lean Keenum but I really think the Titans kick the out of Jax this week (of course). Even if Cj?k has 200 yards & 2 td's I think Locker could still do the same.

  9. I dropped him last week. Even if he does come back I don't want to deal with it. I'm hoping somebody picks him up with the hopes of him actually doing something and then I get to play them in the first round.
