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Posts posted by jgilkey513

  1. I've won my division 7 times in last 11 years and have yet to win a single playoff game. I've already won my money back plus a hundred bucks for winning the division but damn I want the big money! Come on Diggs, catch everything thrown your way and knock down anything to Thielen!

  2. After squeaking my way into the playoffs having my number one pick sit almost the entire year including the last week of the regular season, I'm praying to God he finally pays off with a big-time run in the playoffs. Will he get 30 carries and 20 catches or injure his pinky finger and be out the rest of the season?

  3. I know there's a history between these two but this still seems a little harsh. Especially considering it happened at the beginning of the game which effectively makes this a 3 game suspension. If I recall, that was the reasoning for why Green didn't receive an additional game after his fight.


    Any chance this gets reduced to one game?

  4. The ESPN article linked above stated that Gordon is 231 lbs...which sounded surprisingly high until I read he weighed 225 lbs when he came into the league, holy hell. This dude has clearly gotten in the way of his own success but I wish him the best. It always seems that guys who miss substantial time end up injured very quickly. Wish him the best, he's only 26! Hell, most millennials I know still binge drink during the week and live at home with their parents so by that comparison he's doing great!
