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Everything posted by BlackClouds

  1. BlackClouds

    What was your first album

    Beatles - Red & Blue Albums
  2. Ski trips to Colorado, Utah & Tahoe Annual fishing trip to Sierra's Angels/Dodgers club seats Working with Brown Eyed Girl
  3. You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time
  4. BlackClouds

    Who's hottest?

  5. BlackClouds

    Hey Geek Homers!

    This has nothing to do with Geek Homers.
  6. BlackClouds


  7. BlackClouds


    Please accept my trade offer. TIA
  8. BlackClouds

    Angels vs Devil

    That's just focked up that we have to play satan on his birthday.
  9. BlackClouds

    It's my birthday!

    Ok then. Have a beer or 12 on me. Happy Birthday
  10. BlackClouds

    It's my birthday!

    Today's Birthdays No members are celebrating a birthday today LIAR!
  11. BlackClouds

    Bo Jackson the greatest athlete ever? spinoff.

    Bo snapped a bat on his head.
  12. BlackClouds

    Happy Birthday gratefulted

    Happy Birthday old man.
  13. BlackClouds

    Guess which stamps BlackClouds will bring me...

    Well there you have it. Stop Family Violence/Kwanzaa....same thing.
  14. BlackClouds

    Guess which stamps BlackClouds will bring me...

    You calling me out PIK? Don't make me go POSTAL on you. The stamps I wanted to get for BEG looked very Kwanzaaish and when I selected them the clerk informed me that they were 40 some odd cents.
  15. BlackClouds

    Guess which stamps BlackClouds will bring me...

    Exactly. I promote her to supervisor, give her a 19% raise and she thinks she's Oprah now.
  16. BlackClouds

    Guess which stamps BlackClouds will bring me...

    I really did feel sorry for this guy. I would've helped him get that penny, but he might have thought I was trying to get to it first. Then he would've tried to hit me, thus falling over and hurting himself. That's why I just sat back and enjoyed the show. Nope, all the carriers are black so no worries about Kwanzaa/Sugar Ray stamped letters making it to their destinations. BEG & I work not too far from ground zero of the '92 L.A. riots.
  17. BlackClouds

    Oprah Winfrey

  18. BlackClouds

    Guess which stamps BlackClouds will bring me...

    The only kwanzaa stamps they had were .46 She ended up getting Sugar Ray Robinson Although she didn't seem too pleased when I handed them to her. Ungrateful! Also, there was an old man at the post office who had to be pushing 90 or so. He was all hunched over with a walking cane and he's ahead of me in line. He proceeds to lurch out of line and sloooooooowly make his way to the service window that was unoccupied. Strange. Then I hear him moaning loudly and I think this guy is going to keel over dead right there. Nope, he spotted himself a penny and was reaching down on the floor for it. Must've taken him about 30 - 40 seconds to grab that focking thing. Meanwhile, myself & two other people watched in amazement and didn't lend a hand for this poor old codger.
  19. BlackClouds

    Oprah Winfrey

    I'm in the middle of watching the Suns/Clips game and the tv switches to this focking Oprah Legends Ball crap. I figured my wife prolly has Oprah on tivo's season pass so this prime time special got caught up in the recording. Seeing as my wife was over at her parents house, I changed the channel, thus stopping Oprah from recording and continued watching the Clips get their asses kicked. Wife gets back at around 9:30 and says, "Please tell me you let tivo record Oprah." I informed her that she records it on a daily basis and there was no need for me to be inconvenienced by watching a bunch of african american women talk jibberish when I could be watching sports. This didn't go over very well. FOCK YOU OPRAH!!!
  20. BlackClouds

    No Quarter

    Warren Haynes Going to see SCI & Rat Dog at the Hollywood Bowl in June.
  21. This is Mrs. BlackClouds needing your help fast. My husband and I are in lockdown over who gets to Tivo their show (we have ancient tivo). You can figure out which is which.
  22. BlackClouds

    Those of you with pools

    Snuff's pool I'd just keep dumping the water out and refill with each use.
  23. BlackClouds

    New $100 bet
