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About EDogg

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. I voted for Thomas Jones as your RB -- with the sorry Ram rush D, and the ball taken out of Grossman's inept hands, he should have a big night. Thanks for mine....
  2. If Benson gets enough carries, he'll have a field day against the pathetic Rams run D. NY RBBC would scare me a little, so I'd go with Jones as the other choice -- unless Taylor is out, then it's Fason....
  3. EDogg

    Housh or Stallworth @ WR

    I've currently got Housh in my lineup, but I'm concerned about the matchup vs. Oakland. The only reason I don't have Stallworth in his place is that I'm also starting Garcia at QB vs. the Skins, and I'm worried that if he tanks it'll kill me this week. Advice, please!
  4. EDogg

    I lost McNabb, but made it to the playoffs

    I'm feeling the same leaning, and for the same reason. This week will probably be a good time to own MJD or F Taylor, as I too suspect Jax will try to pound the running game. Manning can't hurt you unless he's out there flapping his arms on the field. Here's hoping 2 recovering former McNabb owners pull out a win this week! Good luck....
  5. As a fellow recovering former McNabb owner, I'm trying to decide between Garcia and Garrard (vs. Indy). Thoughts, anyone?
  6. EDogg

    I lost McNabb, but made it to the playoffs

    So would you also pick Garcia over Garrard vs. Indy?
  7. EDogg

    I lost McNabb, but made it to the playoffs

    I'm in the same boat (lost McNabb, in playoffs anyway), and have to pick from the scraps to replace him. I actually have Garrard as my starter at the moment, but that's mainly because my only other options are Garcia and Carr. Carr tanked on me last week with a negative 3, while Garcia blew up on my bench. Does wonders for the ol' coaching rating! If I were in your position, I would be starting Vick. I had him last year, so believe me, I know how inconsistent he can be. But I would play anyone that has TB as their matchup -- the Bucs are probably the sorriest D in the league right now, so numbers are almost a guarantee. Now...what would you do if you were me? Garcia is @ Washington, Carr hosts the Titans....
  8. EDogg

    Ronnie Brown?

    I also think that with the quality RBs you've got, that it's not a big issue for you. I'd say that Morris is good for 1-2 weeks at the most. When Brown returns, he's back to unknown.... Thnx for mine.
  9. EDogg

    I Need to win! Now, who to start.

    I'd say that Gore is a given. It's kind of a toss up between MB and Dillon, but I think I'd go with Dillon. I too would play Mush, and either Henderson or Clayton based on Colston's availability....
  10. EDogg

    Housh or Evans?

    Housh is at home against the Ravens Evans and the Bills host SD Which one would you start?
  11. EDogg

    WR3, pick ONE

    I like Evans @ Houston. The matchup is favorable, and after mouthing off last week, he may get extra looks...
  12. Housh and Fitz are a little banged up. All 3 have favorable matchups: Housh v. Saints Fitz v. Lions Stallworth v. Titans Which 2 would you start?
  13. EDogg

    Larry Fitzgerald

    I'm leaning this way too. Fitz is actually in my lineup right now, and I'm thinking I'm gonna leave it this way.
  14. EDogg

    Larry Fitzgerald

    At least I'm not alone! My thinking on Evans goes something like this: 1) With McGahee out, he's about their only legitimate offensive weapon, so he's bound to get increased looks. But if we know this, so does Tony Dungy. That means he'll probably get more attention from the Colts as well. 2) He will still have Losman throwing the ball to him, which IMO accounts for much of his inconsistency this year. 3) Indy's pass defense ain't exactly world beaters. Maybe I'll just flip a coin!
  15. EDogg

    Larry Fitzgerald

    With Berrian out, my only other option is Lee Evans. Would you go with Evans against Indy or Fitz?