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Everything posted by nemode

  1. I am in a dilemma, who should I start out of these three: Leon Washington Sammie Morris Jarious Norwood Your input is appreciated...
  2. nemode

    Just livin it up...

    I drafted a suspect team: (notables) Peyton, Grossman Droughns, Maroney, Julious Lee Evans, Joey Gallaway, Bruce Jay Feely Bucs D I played the WW to a tee, picking up: Berrian Washington Betts Jones-Drew Pennington (early) Gould Rothlisberger I traded for and eventually traded away: McGahee (traded before bye week, perfect timing) Cadillac Bears D Maroney again This is the lineup I am starting on Sunday: Rothlisberger Tiki Portis Chester Taylor Housh Holt Gould Denver (playing oakland, also have chargers D) I feel I have done one hell of a job building my roster. Any comments. I never cheated and every one of my trades were lopsided against me. Let me know what you think, I will respond to you, post the link.
  3. nemode

    Which WR to start?

    Boldin, Burress, Furrey - I offered Chester, Bears QB, and Ron Dayne for Javon, Brees, and Jordan. I need a 3rd RB in my league, they score bigtime http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=252262
  4. Chester Taylor, Rex Grossman, Housh, and Broncos D for Brees, Lamont Jordan, and Javon Walker I also have Holt, Portis and Barber he wants another RB to go with Rudi. Looking for some help...
  5. nemode

    This trade was Vetoed.

    Thats a fair trade. No reason for veto. I dont get it. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=252262
  6. nemode

    Week 10 lineup HELP

    Brees Tiki CJ http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=252262
  7. I would do it. POrtis is going to start getting more carries with moss out and being healthy. That means big time production.... http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=252262
  8. nemode

    Would you Trade

    I wouldn't. Portis is going to be huge the next few weeks. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=252262
  9. nemode

    How's my line up for week 10?

    Start Fred, Green is going up against a very good run defense. I am going to pull Broncos D from that offer... Does that make it any better for me?
  10. nemode

    Favre @ MIN or Alex Smith @ DET

    I think Farve is going to have a good game. Detroit's D looked decent last week. Carolina coming off a bye against a bad run defense. I would go with Farve. Do you think Losing Chester for Lamont will hurt me down the stretch?
  11. nemode

    did I screw up?

    I like Dillon in a TD league. Jones doesnt get short yardage opportunities. I agree with you on Stalworth. You dont think losing Chester for Lamont will hurt me in the long run?
  12. nemode

    Just livin it up...

    I traded peyton and droughns for cadillac, reggie brown and rothlisberger. The I traded Cadillac and McGahee for Tiki, Reggie for Chargers D, kept ben because of all the yards he has been putting up.
  13. nemode

    Just livin it up...

    yeah, maroney and jones-drew for him
  14. I have Grossman and Rothlisberger, they rest of my team is set, which one of these QB's should I play?
  15. nemode

    QB decision... Who do I play?

    you can hear the bell ringing? Is that cause you are in the Library with the other geeks? LAst time I checked there was no internet access in the band room.
  16. Your opinion is appreciated.
  17. nemode

    QB decision... Who do I play?

    You say "we" like you have friends on here. But since you a labled as a "Geek" I am guess you dont have any friends anywhere hence the time you waste on here.
  18. nemode

    QB decision... Who do I play?

    Thanks for answering the question.
  19. nemode

    Just livin it up...

    No point to this thread, I just wanted to bore you. What does your roster look like?
  20. I traded Maroney, Jones-Drew, and TJ Housh for Portis and Reggie Wayne. The guy I traded was super happy like he had gotten the best of me. Did I get a bad deal?
  21. Trying to make the playoffs and need to score as many points as I can. Is there anything I can to to improve my team? It is listed in my signature.
  22. nemode

    Maroney or Jones-Drew?

    Looking for some help.