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Angry White Male

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Everything posted by Angry White Male

  1. Angry White Male


    They are engaging in the ultimate perversion of nature, therefore, they are most definitely NOT o.k. I practically vomit when I see some sick lesbian movie scene or pic.
  2. Angry White Male


    gocolts is good people, always has been. People take their political disagreements too seriously on this board, I'm sick of these puzzay libs making personal attacks on gocolts, just cause they don't like his politics.
  3. Angry White Male

    Obama Dissected

    TERRIBLE POST. You are go gay, you probably give Obama oral sex all the time.
  4. Angry White Male


    Liberalism is a mental disorder.
  5. Angry White Male

    Obama Dissected

    GREAT POST!! It leaves out the eerie similarities between Obama and the description of the Antichrist from the Book of Revelations. That is some eye-opening shiot. He could really lead us to hell in a handbasket.
  6. Next thing you know, they'll be allowed to use the same hospitals as us.
  7. Angry White Male

    Schwarzenegger flip-flops on gay marriage

    I loved the guy in Conan, but he's been a disaster as a governer. Total RINO.
  8. Angry White Male


    Why should gocolts be tolerant of the ultimate perversion of nature?!??! You people are sick in the head, gocolts isn't in the wrong here. The ones in the wrong are the liberals that are ramming their big, hard, gay agenda down our throats again and again. It's sickening how they plaster the rippling bodies of gay men all over magazine and TV ads. How they are inserting them into movies and TV shows as if it's completely normal to see handsome young men passionately kissing each other and carressing each other's lithe, muscular bodies. Nobody wants to see that, but if I say that, then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy? This country is going down the crapper.
  9. Angry White Male

    Cheney, others OK'd harsh interrogations

    LOL. Who gives a PHUCK what that RINO thinks? He's just another puzzay whining asshat more worried about the terrorists than about Americans.
  10. Angry White Male

    D1ck Chaney parties with a hooker?

  11. Angry White Male

    How was McCain the best of the Republican Prez noms ?

    See my post. The media has a lot to do with this problem. Notice that the candidates that they love - "Maverick" (LOL) John McCain, Osama Obama, and Hitlery - are the ones remaining. Too many phucking sheep in this country.
  12. Angry White Male

    How was McCain the best of the Republican Prez noms ?

    You are so ghay, you probably have oral sex with Obama all the time.
  13. Angry White Male

    How was McCain the best of the Republican Prez noms ?

    Too many PC focks are voting Republican these days. They are being brainwashed by the liberal media to think that we need to give amnesty to the vermon illegal aliens, that we shouldn't torture the phuck out of terrorists that hate us, and that Bush phucked up in Iraq. So they voted for this phucking puzzay RINO McCain instead of Giuliani, who would have taken care of all that shiot and cleaned out the trash, just like he did in NYC.
  14. Angry White Male

    Venezuela bans The Simpsons...

    This is all part of their plan, they are preparing the populace for their eventual submarine-based naval attack on the US. What better way than to ban that most American of families, the Simpsons, and replace it with an aquatic-based series?
  15. Angry White Male

    How was McCain the best of the Republican Prez noms ?

    Easy, he's not, he's the worst. That's because he's a RINO. But he's still better than Osama Obama or Hitlery.
  16. Angry White Male

    Teens...watch ya gonna do

  17. Angry White Male

    I'm starting to really like Sal Paolantonio

    Oh please... Cut.. it.. Out! Sal Pussantonio is a Philthy homer, still about what TO did to them.
  18. Angry White Male

    i had to tell my coworker to give me a break

    peen!s is rac!st?
  19. Angry White Male

    Art makes me angry.

    Me too!!
  20. How about I put up a webcam and get naked and you can watch me get naked and look at my butth0le?
  21. Angry White Male

    Police find killer of 18 y.o. college girl

    This was a good thread with lots of solid discussion until you brought this partisan BS in here.
  22. McCain is the RINO. And that is something I've always said. I just hate how liberally biased this board has become. Every day there is another partisan thread bashing McCain. Where's the criticism of Barrack Hussein or Hitlery? Not a peep.
  23. Angry White Male

    Hillary Clinton's New Video Game!

    Haha. Flashover PWNED again.