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Everything posted by ToadSprocket

  1. ToadSprocket

    Which is the worst of of these aliases?

    WTF is Gutter?
  2. ToadSprocket

    Which is the worst of of these aliases?

    Sir, why include me on your hate list? Is it because I've seen Siouxsie in person in Key West? I'm here on her advice. I've bought the Draft Buddy because of her. And why do you hate her? She seemed like a decent chick to me. My wife even liked her. Has she dissed you in some way that we don't know about? Or are you just an internet bully?
  3. ToadSprocket

    Derrick Ward

    I agree with the OP. What I must be missing is those who basically agree but say they are targeting Ward in the 5th round. Even if it's the 4th round I don't see him being there. I rate him between 15th and 20th RB and in every league I know of, he'll be gone b4 the 3rd round ends. Is this just me?
  4. ToadSprocket

    Our company gave classes on this

    So I'm sent to a house this morning to inspect it for a bid to install a new HVAC system. I knock on the door at my appointment time and knock and knock and knock. Finally a man comes to the door in his boxers and undershirt. We talk briefly and he tells me to do my inspection and he'll get dressed. So I start to look around and as I enter a lower level family room there's 2 grown but obviously underage girls watching TV in their underwear (panties & teddy tops). So I immediately walk back up and call out the man's name. Then again. So he comes back into the hallway still not completely dressed and half perturbed and asks what in a agrivated tone. I tell him that I cannot examine the lower level with young girls in their underwear present. Instead of thanking me or something, he asks why not. I tell him it's just not right and besides our company has ardent rules concerning it. Then his freaking wife comes out of the bedroom wanting to know what all the fuss is about AND SHE'S NOT COMPLETELY DRESSED! This house is looney! So I ask them if I can come back later when everyone's had time to get dressed. The man is still pissed for some damn reason and tells me to just leave and they'll get a bid from some other company. So as I'm driving away I call our shop and explain to my boss what happened. He told me I should have done my work and ignored the people's dress or undress as it were. I remind him of our classes concerning this and he reminds me of the economy and how few people are spending $$ in today's financial climate. I just was trying to do the right thing.
  5. ToadSprocket

    Our company gave classes on this

    My boss (the owner) basically is HR. And I reported to him immediately. Plus I'm writing a full report on this as I do all my appointments and bids.
  6. ToadSprocket

    Our company gave classes on this

    THIS is exactly why we were given the classes. A Service Tech of ours a few years ago got fired when a 16 year old girl claimed that he spied at her through her bedroom door. The family took it to court but dropped it before a judge heard it. I'm telling you it's dangereous stuff. But my boss figured I could have handled it. Still I wanted to take no chances. Plus none of the 3 females had any boobs to get excited over.
  7. ToadSprocket

    Our company gave classes on this

    I'm not up on Geek speak. What does this mean?
  8. ToadSprocket

    Our company gave classes on this

    You know, you're right. I should have.
  9. We did a complete HVAC system change in a renovated lakefront Townhouse last week. I must tell you that partially the reason for the renovation was the new owner didn't like the history there. You see the original homeowner had killed his wife there. When I first visited the site about 6 weeks ago there was still a thick layer of blood on the upstairs hall carpeting. But I digress. We sent our utility laborer to the place to retrieve the old units and the old sheet metal etc. He did not know a single thing about the TH history. Nothing about murder or blood or anything. But when Freddie entered the front door, he did a little herky jerky dance and rubbed the back of his neck and ran back out. He told me he was freaked out. So I sent him to the lower level back door to enter the TH but he basically did the same thing. Then he refused to stay on the premises and got in the stakebody truck and split. My boss wants him fired but I think Freddie has some powers that can somehow reach into the afterlife. Problem is Freddie has disappeared and we can't find him or our truck. He has had problems in the past and now that I think about it, it may have had something to do with a cemetery by our shop and another time in an old church that we were doing work on. I'm not gonna fire him but I have to stand up to my boss and take full responsibility. I want to send Freddie to a specialist and check out any special powers that he may posess. Last time he disappeared he was gone for several days. I hope he returns after the weekend. Otherwise my boss is gonna skin my ass.
  10. ToadSprocket

    My boss told me to fire this Black dude

    Or I could tell you about my son's 3 for 3 game.
  11. ToadSprocket

    My boss told me to fire this Black dude

    Actually, the dude is swapping out everything. Almost totally renovated. The place was 25 years old so it wasn't that big a deal anyway.
  12. I'm not talking about the Waiver Wire. My question is during the season can any team acquire any player at any time? Or do you have some rules for after the 1st game of the week starts and before the last game of the week ends (or even through say Wednesday)? Do you have an organiszed orderly take turns approach or is it first come first served. Does the CBSSportsline website have default rules on this? Where? Thank you kindly for your time and consideration on my Q. Btw, sometimes when I go to a Ravens game I get home and find certain things have happened during the NFL day and some teams have picked up certain pivital players before I've had a chance to act.
  13. ToadSprocket

    Whoops, forgot to tell you

    Wednesday my son's C League team played another A League team (they play 2). This time instead of the best A League team with the best Pitcher (or 2) they played one with a sorry ass record. They still lost 8-5 but that isn't all that bad. My boy went ohfer 1 with a BB. He's now 3 fer 10 but with 3 BB and a HBP his OBA is .500 w/ 7 fer 14. Not bad for a 9 year old. It's not like he'll make the All-Star team but no errors in the last 11 innings in the field and a couple of pretty good catches. Btw, my 6 year old is the team's official batboy and he's been taking batting practice with the big boys. He's actually making contact too. Team is 4-5 with games left against the B League, D League then the All-Star game. Then 5 Division games. No playoffs. The All-Star games are A League vs. B League and C League vs. D League. The poor kids in E League don't play any interDivisional games or All-Star.
  14. You see where I'm going with this
  15. ToadSprocket

    Little League manager mixes it up

    Well now, Saturday was quite the fun day. My son's team played an interdivisional game against the lowly D League. (we're C League) The team's main coach (manager) flipped things around. The 5 subs started the game and my boy played the first 4 plus innings. He went 2 for 3 and played 3 innings at 2nd base with no errors. He's now 3 for 9 overall and hasn't commited an error in 3 games. We won 13-3 and are now 4-4 on the year. Fun day for our kids. Btw, I forgot to mention that my youngest boy who's 6 is now the team's batboy. At practice on Thursday they let him take some BP and the little squirt actually made contact with the pitched ball. He's not playing in any organized ball although he could be in T-ball right now. Before the season, his mother and I asked him about T-ball and he said he wanted to wait another year like our oldest did. T-ball at 7, minors at 8 and try out for LL at 9.
  16. ToadSprocket

    Suggestions on naming my son?

  17. So last night my son's 'C League' team played an intradivisional game vs. an 'A League' team. Not only were most of the opponents 12 years old but their Pitcher was a big kid and nearly 13. Anyway their mature Pitcher was starting off every batter with a pretty wicked curve. Our younger kids were ducking and backing away and striking out routinely. The one problem was he couldn't completely control that pitch and by the 3rd inning had hit 3 of our kids. One in the head area. Our kids were scared to death. So after one kid gets hit, his parent yells from the spectator area for the opposing coach to stop the big kid from throwing the curveball. Then an opposing spectator yells back to get a pair of balls. That caused a woman to tell him to watch his filthy mouth. So the plate umpire calls time out and admonishes the spectators' behavior. Soon there after, the big kid plucks another of our batters. The umpire calls another time out and tells the opposing coach that he's ejecting the big kid but not from the game, just from pitching. When the big kids parents see this they actually came on the field confronting the umpire. Ump tells them they have 10 seconds to get off the field or he's calling the game with us the winner. So calm is restored. Another kid comes in and finishes up the game as their Pitcher. There's still some hollering back and forth but a bit more civil. Bottom line: we lost 11-0 and our team did not get one hit. Other than the 4 HBP and 1 BB, we got nodda. My kid played 3 innings and went ohfer 2 with 2 Ks. BUT he handled 4 OF chances with no errors and a PO.
  18. ToadSprocket

    A real melee last night at Little League game

    I see you missed the Kramer / Newman humor.
  19. ToadSprocket

    My Space , Face book , Twitter

    I don't use facebook or myspace or Linkedln and neither does our company. I don't want the world to know where I am, what I like and how much hair I've lost. BUT my friend was telling that his wife uses myspace and somehow a kid that he had many years ago with some other woman found him that way. Both parties were very happy about it so I guess to each their own. But it's not for me.
  20. ToadSprocket

    A real melee last night at Little League game

    I agree with you all about most everything. Especially the idiot parents. I see it at every game in some form. Yes I know the kid is probably ruining his arm but his parents and coach let him so ...... Plus our kids learned a valuable lesson. Most had NEVER batted against a curveball before. Btw, THAT kid had a pretty impressive fastball, too. And the Relief Pitcher was pretty good as well. Our kids learned from this. They really did. As far as the scheduling, they could have had just a mass distribution of players throughout but I'm told that this gives more players a chance to play regularly. Plus younger, more inferior kids can learn about being not as good as opponents rather than playing (or not playing) behind them on the same team. Ten games are against equivalent teams with 6 mixed.
  21. You know I always thought that people who worked from home would get caught up in home activities to include watching TV, talking with neighbors, sleeping, messing with a hobby, fooling around on the internet, playing with their kids, playing with their wife etc. and just plain not get the same amount of work done that they would in an office environment. But for me it's working out soooooooooo well that my boss is complimenting me on my work productivity. AND I still am doing all those aforementioned home activities. I'm EVEN helping the wife with things like washing, drying and folding my clothes and straightening out the garage (storage area). I have mowed the lawn on company time and even grocery shopped. Of course I am able to make and receive quick business calls in the evening / weekends that I wouldn't if I still worked only from the office. And when things get boring during off hours, I find myself doing engineering & designing of jobs just out of boredom. And so now my boss tells me I'm doing more business than I ever have before. Maybe it's just me. Any of you work from home? How's it working out for ya?
  22. ToadSprocket

    Little League son

    Okay, my boy's team finished the 1st half of their division schedule (3-2) and are now playing 6 interdivisional games. Saturday July 4th morning game was against a B League team (my boy is in C League). So the other team had superior players for sure. My son entered the game in the 4th inning for 3 scheduled innings. With 2 outs and a man on second a lefty hit a frozen rope towards my son in RF. Hit so hard it was hooking down and away and I just knew it would eat my boy up but he styaed with it and caught it to the surprise of nearly everyone. That must have really built his confidence because in the bottom of the 5th with 2 runners on he smashed an opposite field liner that rolled all the way to the fence. He was so jacked that he rounded 2nd heading for 3rd without watching the 3rd base coach who had tried to hold him up. He was out but had driven in 2 runs (their only 2 runs at that point). The main coach told him how proud he was BUT pulled him from the game because he didn't watch the 3rd base coach. For all he'd done I thought it was harsh but these coaches really want the boys held accountable. Anyway they lost 10-2 and are now 3-3 and will face an A League team this Wednesday and a 12 year old Pitcher for sure. The coach told me my boy would still be scheduled for 3 innings that game. He's 1 for 4 with 2 BB, a HBP, 1 run scored and 2 RBIs and 4 fielding errors in 12 innings.
  23. ToadSprocket

    Little League son

    Yes. But I knew he was only embarrassed by striking out and making 2 errors in one inning. I made him make the choice by himself knowing he wouldn't quit.
  24. ToadSprocket

    Little League son

    Yes, my boy is the youngest on the team at 9. And it did seem a little harsh given the game circumstances BUT I can see the coache's point. My boy will learn from this and that's what counts. The coaches said at the beginning of the year that they were gonna be strict. And they are. In one game one of our kids yelled Fuc U at an opposing player and was pulled immediately. Another of our kids argued with the ump on a play that the ump trully missed but the coaches said NO ARGUING by the players. Only by coaches. The kid was pulled from the game. I certainly didn't want to be a typical bratty parent thinking their kid can do no wrong. Driving home, I asked my child about not looking at the 3rd base coach and his reply was funny. He said "I've never hit a triple before!"
  25. ToadSprocket

    Little Leaguer Son III

    I've got a busy day ahead with 5 appointments and I'm supposed to spend at least 2 hours on each. Add in the driving to each and some Office time and it's gonna be a long one. So my son's practice on Tuesday went well; they spent quite a bit of time on fielding. So afterwards I asked the team's main Pitcher if he'd stay and throw game similation to my boy. He did for about 20 minutes and then he left. Then the two of us worked on fielding and added in thinking. Always know what you're gonna do on each play depending on what happens. Then in last night's game, my boy played 3 more innings. Batted twice again with another Walk and a Flyout to the OF. Sweet. But damned if he didn't flub another grounder in the OF. This time the runner tried taking 2 extra bases and my son threw all the way to Third Base and the kid was out. Great applause cause it was a tight score at that point. My boy is no HOF just yet but he's improving. Still looking for his 1st hit AB. Btw, last year in Minor League ball he did quite well although every kid was only 8 years old.