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Everything posted by ToadSprocket

  1. ToadSprocket

    Hey Tennesseeans,

    Finally after 3 trys. Jimminy!
  2. ToadSprocket

    Green Bay Packers

    So like I'm perusing my Drafting Lists and one thing jumps out at me. In my top 70 Running Backs, there's only one Packer. A frigging Rookie picked near the end of the 2nd round rated barely top 50. And even though Favre is still a top 20 Quarterback, he has only DDriver albeit a top 10 Wide Receiver and second year man GJennings (top 40, maybe) in my top 80 Wideouts. Anf no TE in my top 30. Are they going to suck this year or what? I don't see the Defense being any better.
  3. ToadSprocket

    Vikings to sign Ferguson?

    The Washington Nationals have a lot of ex Cincinnati Reds on their roster. Jim Bowden connection
  4. With LT2, this year is more obvious than some others. But still, do you have a preference if not # 1? Is it # 2 and then # 3 and so forth? I ask because I've drafted # 1 twice before this year. Once, I barely made the playoffs then lost 1st round playoff game. The other, I barely missed the playoffs altogether. But over the years I've had # 10 out of 10 twice and won a championship and also missed reaching the Championship by a small margin another time. Obviously, I'd jump to the conclusion that # 10 is better for me. But I'm glad I'm picking 1st this year.
  5. ToadSprocket

    NFL re-draft for all teams...

    I'm sorry. I didn't read everything. I was speaking out of school on being an NFL team GM, putting together the best team possible. I like DEFENSE. Offense sells tickets; DEFENSES win championships.
  6. ToadSprocket

    NFL re-draft for all teams...

    If I'm putting a team together from scratch, I'd start with 3 of the best OL I could find. Then I'd take 2 DL a LB a Corner and a Safety. Then RB, QB and WR. JMO
  7. ToadSprocket

    Spooky Dreams:

    I know there are many of you who will have a variety of reasons for why this happened but regardless, it's mighty eerie. I went to bed last night as I usually do. Around midnight. I'm sure I was asleep by 12:30. Somewhere during the early part of my 7 hours in bed I dreamed that my mother and father who are both deceased were imploring me to "hurry up, come on, come here NOW!" But in my dream, I wasn't following their instructions. It did cause me to wake up and I went to pee and went back to bed and back to sleep. And by golly, that same dream appeared to me again only this time it was my mother and father telling me I should have listened to them. I didn't follow their instructions and now I'll be sorry. When I got up this morning at about 7 AM, I got ready for work as usual but couldn't shake off such weird, vivid dreams. I don't think I've ever dreamed the same thing in my life, let alone twice in one night. So at 7:45 I go out to get in my car to make the 15 minute drive to work and lo and behold, my car has been broken into. The driver's side window was broken. What makes all this worse was yesterday evening I was running errands and my shorts had only one pocket. So I put my wallet and cell phone in my car's arm rest compartment and forgot them there. Gone! Yes, I called the police. Yes, I'm calling my credit card companies and the DMV. And no, the $ 110 I lost won't break me. But I'm wondering about those dreams. My bedroom isn't in earshot of anything going on out in my driveway. I doubt seriously I heard any comotion out there. Still, why my deceased parents trying to warn me of something. Never had dreams like that. Never.
  8. I don't play video games and have drafted the Madden cover player 2 years in the past 4 and been burned by it. Who's on it, this year?
  9. ToadSprocket

    Who's on the Madden cover, this year?

    Oh! Good good good. Thanks a lot, guys. I was considering him, too. I won't now. I'll take McNabb in round 5 or 6. Maybe 7 if everybody is scared off by his injuries. No VYoung though. I guarandamntell you that. Glad LTII turned it down. What with me picking # 1. Thanks, again.
  10. ToadSprocket

    Whats the consensus on McNabb this season?

    What? Only 3 QBs ran for more yards last year (Vick, Young and Garrard) and McNabb barely played half a year. Plus McNabb had more TD runs than Vick. Only 2 QBs had more. AND HE ONLY PLAYED GAMES!
  11. ToadSprocket

    Who is the one player

    I won't actually refuse anyone but I never ever ever seem to have a cowgirl on my team.
  12. is to take LaDainian Tomlinson at # 1. Then at 20, I have a list of 14 RBs that I would take one of. If they are all gone, I intend to take the best WR out there which will likely be SSmith, MHarrison or RWayne. Even CJohnson. Followed at 21 by the best QB out there which will likely be CPalmer or TBrady. Even DBrees. Then at 40, I'll go best RB available if I took a QB at 21 or QB if I took a RB at 21. Which would probably be DMcNabb or VYoung. Then best available WR at 41. Then a RB at 60. I do plan on shaking things up in the 7th round at 61 overall by taking the Bears D/ST. Yes, that's early for a D/ST but I think the Bears are worth it. Plus, it'll scare some people and start a mini-run on D/STs. Then TE at 80 and WR at 81. This may be a little different but you win Championships by taking chances. Let the disparagements begin. Go.
  13. ToadSprocket

    Picking 1st in a 10 team serpentine draft

    But THAT my friend could be a Kicker. What I do is try to take the player who'll have the biggest point differential to the next highest at his position.
  14. ToadSprocket

    Picking 1st in a 10 team serpentine draft

    If that many QBs & WRs were gone that early, you must have gotten some very good starting RBs.
  15. ToadSprocket

    Picking 1st in a 10 team serpentine draft

    I agree. This is just my basic guide. I will let best value set my actual picks. I have a guide just to be sure I get something at each position. I don't want a great value at a bench RB while missing on a starting WR, etc. I've seem guys with 5-6-7 very good RBs but nothing at other starting positions. It's all good.
  16. ToadSprocket

    Picking 1st in a 10 team serpentine draft

    And I've been wondering what yo stevo would be doing. But yo stevo no tell me.
  17. ToadSprocket

    shocking predictions

    JGibbs wins a 4th Super Bowl. Retires. Bill Cowher becomes the new Skins HC for '08.
  18. ToadSprocket

    Wade Phillips

    Could he reach those numbers? Possibly. But with Terry Glenn on that offense, I doubt TO attains those heights. Plus, just remember, the more they throw at him, the more he'll drop. And the more he drops, the more those drops will be in crucial situations. And the more that happens, the more they'll look to Glenn and Whitten in the 4th quarter.
  19. ToadSprocket

    prediction: Vick will never go to trial

    Last night on the news I saw an NAACP spokesperson asking that Vick be given an opportunity to defend himself being as he's innocent until proven guilty. But I don't remember them saying that during the beginning of the Duke Lacrosse case. As a matter of fact, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were screaming for their heads. How soon they forget.
  20. ToadSprocket

    prediction: Vick will never go to trial

    Yeah, that's when my 7 year old boy was telling my 4 year old boy that Shadow was just too old to get out of that mudhole. But when Shadow came limping out of the woods, later saying how he had been so worried about the boy who he belonged to. Just like a dog. To be hurt and worried about the human. Well, that's when I had to get up and go blow my nose in the bathroom. Btw, I didn't see Old Yeller but my family has a funny story about that movie. When my uncle was little he cried when they had to shoot Old Yeller. And he asked why they had to shoot him. They told him it was because he had been killing chickens. Then some time later after a big family get together dinner, my grandpa got out his shotgun to clean it. My uncle who was not yet 5 asked my grandpa if he was going to have to shoot grandma. My grandpa said no, of course not. Why do you ask that? And my uncle's reply was because grandma had to kill 3 chickens to have enough to feed all the relatives. LOL
  21. ToadSprocket

    Who is a must have for your team?

    I'm going to agree with crawfish. Now that NFL Defensive Coordinators know what kind of tools Romo has, they'll figure a way to stop him. At least slow him down.
  22. ToadSprocket

    Who is a must have for your team?

    Peyton Manning.
  23. ToadSprocket

    prediction: Vick will never go to trial

    I watched Homeward Bound on Animal Planet last night. You know where the 2 dogs and a cat traverse about a thousand miles through the wilderness just to reunite wirth their children owners. I swear, I nearly cried twice in that movie and I'm a 30 year old man. Vick should be made to watch that and then talk to a psychiatrist. IF he shows repentance or emotion of any kind then just give him a year suspension from the NFL and make him give $ 250,000 to some kind of animal welfare organization. If no emotion nor repentance, then fry his arse cause he'll never get it. And Clinton Portis needs to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't get it. That's all I got.
  24. ToadSprocket

    Travis Henry, now a Bronco.

    I'm guessing he's most definitely a top 10 overall selection but just because he's on the powerful running Denver team, how high does he go? Shanahan who seems consumed by his credentials as a RB maker will surely feed this one. But can Henry's body take the pounding? WDYT?
  25. ToadSprocket

    Travis Henry, now a Bronco.

    I'm guessing he's most definitely a top 10 overall selection but just because he's on the powerful running Denver team, how high does he go? Shanahan who seems consumed by his credentials as a RB maker will surely feed this one. But can Henry's body take the pounding? WDYT?