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Everything posted by ToadSprocket

  1. ToadSprocket

    Travis Henry, now a Bronco.

    I see things the same way you do, BP. I just haven't found many others that agree with me. Maybe they'll come around.
  2. ToadSprocket

    Travis Henry, now a Bronco.

    Music? I like to listen to it. Talking about it? Not so much. Politics? Almost ruins the place. Popcorn? I'll take mine with a butter spray. And a diet coke. Maybe they should just rename it Music, Politics and Popcorn Today. Anyway, I've already queried the other side about this. They're a stuck up bunch. I'm not sure which side is more mature.
  3. ToadSprocket

    Travis Henry, now a Bronco.

    Well I'm scared of the big boys over at the professional side. Do you not have an opinion over here? Yeah but that's when he's only got slow Fullbacks and fast Rookies. This guy Henry has talent. Wouldn't you agree?
  4. ToadSprocket

    What are the top 20 picks overall,

    I need perspective. And I need a little help. Of course I'd like a wife who didn't b!tch and holler and push me around. So ............... PLEASE
  5. ToadSprocket

    FF Team Names...need a new one

    We have one gay fellow who named his team Amanda Huginkis.
  6. 1. Will he get a higher percentage of votes than Nader? 2. Will he get a higher percentage of votes than Perot? 3A. How many Republican votes will he steal? 3B. How many Democrat votes will he steal? I'd like to have your true personal opinion. Not your politically affiliation rhetoric.
  7. ToadSprocket

    Guess who's in Contempt of Court?

    You got it, partner. The way I keep myself out of that vicious circle is I do everything my wife tells me. Yeah, I lose some manhood but I keep all my money or at least what part she lets me spend. I've got buddies in your predicament. It seems the psychological torment is worse than the monetary one. Good luck, man.
  8. ToadSprocket

    Guess who's in Contempt of Court?

    Why not put out a lunitic rant on youtube the way gocolts did about Bloomberg? Get it out of your system, man.
  9. ToadSprocket

    If Michael R. Bloomberg runs for President as an Independent

    Good answers. Very thought provoking. I'm thinking it's a Clinton/Obama Democratic ticket and I haven't a clue who'll be the Republicans team. Thompson/Guiliani maybe. Or even vice versa. I think McCain has bastardized himself too much. Ron Paul? Could be but I think the conservative base might be afraid of him. Should be a fun campaign as long as there's a minimal amount of mudslinging.
  10. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    I've been playing Fantasy Football for 4 years past. And although my wife Darlene and I have a personal computer with internet, I haven't ever used a website for information. Is this a bona fide site for such info? I've looked in here the past few days and haven't seen anything relating to Fantasy Football. Maybe it's just the off season. And do you guys really refer to yourselves as geeks?
  11. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    Yes, I'm a male. Thumbsup. And I have a twin brother whose name is Lester. Clap. The same person who told me about this Fantasy Football website. There were warnings given but I came here anyway. LOL Thanks. What's your name?
  12. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    I haven't hit the Quote button yet. Just the Reply button to reply to specific people . But while we're at it, how do you make that Code thing work at the bottom of each message? And these cute little pictures. How do I get them to be viewed? Oh and I have used a computer board before. Just not a Fantasy Football one. Darlene and I are on vacation and she wants me to go out and about but I'll check back in later.
  13. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    Okay. But I don't want to let you guys down. Darlene is just average. Sorry. Hey, take that back! I'm not fat. LOL Code: Thanks. Thumbsup.
  14. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

  15. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    Oh my. And is edjr a man or woman? If a woman, Darlene won't allow it. If a man, she may authorize it when she gets angry at me.
  16. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    I'll let Darlene consider this one. Ah who am I kidding. She considers everything for us.
  17. ToadSprocket

    Hello. My name is Leslie.

    I'm looking for it. Well I had the nickname Toad from grade school. And my last name is similar to Sprocket. So once the 'wet' band came out, I became Toad Sprocket. Then you may call me Leslie. Thanks for the welcome. I'll consider those options. Am considering. I was told I'd be asked this. Are we supposed to lie or tell the truth here?