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Sparkling Wiggles

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Everything posted by Sparkling Wiggles

  1. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    Then you've probably seen Million Dollar Baby, Castaway, The Departed, and not too much else.
  2. Sparkling Wiggles

    Spoil a movie

    The Crying Game Also, she's a guy.
  3. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    Even if you think so, don't tell me it's the worst movie you've ever seen. May be overrated in your opinion, but it's not the worst movie you've ever seen. To imply as much is nonsense.
  4. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    So, you have one line you thought was lame. Show me a movie without a ton of lame lines. Just because you haven't seen a woman's genitals in two decades doesn't mean all romance story backgrounds are intolerable. The friggin WGA nominated Cameron for best writing that year. If you think Titanic is the worst movie you've ever seen, you're a retard. You're not as sophisticated as you make yourself out to be, paul.
  5. Sparkling Wiggles

    On the Clock!

    Countdown to BigPete coming to suck Henry's cack and tell us he's a steal at 1.11........3........2........1......
  6. Sparkling Wiggles

    Eating Contests

  7. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    It won best picture. It wasn't nominated for writing but the writing isn't bad if the film wins best picture.
  8. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    So if a movie about porno and screwed people is written for people like you, it's good. But if a movie is written for twelve year old girls, it sucks.
  9. Sparkling Wiggles

    USA back on top where we belong!

  10. Sparkling Wiggles

    Drafting from second position

    You forgot his TE sucks, too.
  11. Sparkling Wiggles

    Hey Mike

    This can't fail.
  12. Sparkling Wiggles


    I had Soundwave and Perceptor as a kid. Microscope, my ass. It was a tube with two pieces of clear plastic on the ends. I was stoked when I got it, too.
  13. Sparkling Wiggles

    If Priest comes back this year, is it an open battle in KC?

    Oh, it's no joke.
  14. Sparkling Wiggles

    Drafting from second position

    Eh. I wouldn't say horrible. These posts are how we learn. I definitely agree that he should have gone with Colston or Plax instead of Ward. I also would have taken Thomas Jones over Edge. Probably would have taken Moss instead of Eli and gone QB later. Overall, you were fortunate that you're in a league with some people that made some questionable picks, too.
  15. Sparkling Wiggles

    USA back on top where we belong!

    Taking into account they dip the buns in water, that's got to be over 60 lbs of food in ten minutes. Good Lord. I'm telling you. One of these guys is going to die.
  16. Sparkling Wiggles

    Drafting from second position

    Who else was available at the four spot? You shouldn't post your draft if you don't want criticism.
  17. Sparkling Wiggles

    Drafting from second position

    What other WRs were on the board in the 4th? Who did the guy with the top pick take in 4 and 5? Also think you went too early on kicker.
  18. Sparkling Wiggles

    USA back on top where we belong!

    I was looking at the stats and the winner of the contest in 1986 ate nine hotdogs. Now, it's 66. Also, nowhere can I find out how much these hot dogs actually weigh. The smallest ones Nathan's sells on it's site are 12 oz. Throw in the bun and that's 50 lbs of food. They have to be some kind of smaller hot dog made for the contest. Also, what's going to happen first? Will someone die in an ultimate fight or in one of these contests?
  19. Sparkling Wiggles

    WRs rank em please

    Andre Johnson. Not much question here.
  20. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    Yeah, you definitely have to pay attention. I had to watch it a couple times and talk to people that had seen it a few times to get it all. It doesn't shove everything in your face. You do have to think a bit.
  21. Sparkling Wiggles

    Ever watch License to Grill?

    Bobby Flay is a retread when it comes to meat. In his challenge show, I saw him singe the fock out of baby backs over a direct flame. Two days later, I saw him bury monster ribeyes in BBQ sauce. He should be fired for those incidents, alone.
  22. Sparkling Wiggles

    SEINFELD = best sitcom of all time

    "The sea was angry that day, my friends." A forgotten episode that actually turned me on to Seinfeld was where Jerry's statue gets stolen and Kramer goes to steal it back. The episode is one of the first ones and the clothes they wear are horrible. But it's pretty damn funny. Agree with phillybear that Arrested Development might be better. I don't think there was an unfunny AD episode. Also agree that the backwards episode and finale pretty much suxored. The finale has grown on me a bit but it should have been better.
  23. Sparkling Wiggles

    Best movie fight scenes of alltime?

    As much as The Phantom Menace gets ripped, the final fight with Darth Maul is hellasweet. Neeson and MacGregor are OK, but the Darth Maul dude does some pretty focking greta moves. What's the movie that Southpark copied move for move in the Timmy/Jimmy cripple fight??
  24. Sparkling Wiggles

    Most depressing movie you've ever seen

    The final hospital scene is pretty rough where she grabs the kid and tells him she knows.