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Sparkling Wiggles

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Everything posted by Sparkling Wiggles

  1. Sparkling Wiggles

    Article: Dynasty RBs

    Where did I say he's not a top 10 talent? I have him in my top 10 players for this year. But even you're saying that Westbrook has "at least 2 more years". If I'm drafting a dynasty team, I don't want to use my first pick on a guy that will be around for "at least 2 more years". There's tons of young RBs out there that have stats similar to Westbrook's.
  2. Sparkling Wiggles

    100 people that are screwing up America

    Exactly. I don't have any love for many, if not most, of the people on the list. But if you're going to try to put together an honest list of people screwing up America, don't tell me there's one Repulican and almost all liberals. What dave doesn't seem to understand is that this list was put together to sell to the same clowns that buy the Rush and Coulter books. Be honest, even the playing field, and include all the Republicans that are focking our country over and watch the book sales drop. The narrow minded right wing clowns will no longer ante up their $20.
  3. Sparkling Wiggles

    100 people that are screwing up America

    Good Lord, davebg. I'd like for you to explain to me how Goldberg isn't doing what, according to you, he chides the liberals for (by using position and power to lecture and affect the political scene). I don't want to ever hear you come into a thread again and try to claim you're a moderate with your trademark, "Both parties are focked up." You're obviously on board with this nonsense propoganda so just don't pretend to be unbiased (a la kpbuckeye) in the future as you have in the past.
  4. We know your wife has two. Seeing your posting history about swinging, how many kids do YOU have? Also, is either kid black?
  5. Sparkling Wiggles

    100 people that are screwing up America

    Completely unlike Coulter, Rush, and Goldberg himself.
  6. Sparkling Wiggles

    Pete Kendall

    At least your quote manip actually slammed me this time (regardless how unfunny it was) instead of your incredibly poor attempt at a manip in your Jeter thread last night. Good job, jets24. You don't know jack shiot about baseball or the NFL, but at least you've figured out how to put a quote manip together.
  7. Sparkling Wiggles

    Pete Kendall

    Obviously, you don't know jack shiot about contracts in the NFL. A contract is not a contract. If a team wants to cut a player, they can do so at any time and the player sees zilch of his remaining contract. That's why NFL players hold out way more than NBA and MLB players. It goes both ways.
  8. Sparkling Wiggles

    Man vs. Wild

    and then..... Another good one: Here's the follow up from a Bear hater: Try NOT to climb INSIDE the glacier like Bear did.
  9. Sparkling Wiggles

    100 people that are screwing up America

    Nothing about this list would lead someone think that he's just trying to get headlines and ratings and deserves to be painted with the same brush as Rush and Coulter.
  10. Sparkling Wiggles

    Kobe still wants out of LA

    Servile? You learn that word in your MBA program?
  11. Sparkling Wiggles

    Club Blaze in Georgia

    He always seems to develop into a pretty nice player in Madden 2006 franchise mode. That, in itself, is enough to be skeptical of these early reports out of Georgia.
  12. Sparkling Wiggles

    Article: Dynasty RBs

    Uhhhhh, yeah. Westbrook is still too high even though he's 28. What is your complete roster for your dynasty team you're so proud of?
  13. Sparkling Wiggles

    Fantasy Football Today's consensus #1 WR?

    The point that needs to be made is that you don't want to be the guy to take the first WR. Smith, Harrison, TO, CJ, Wayne, and Holt are all in the top tier. If you want a WR in round 2 and have a pick at the top of the round, trade down if possible. There's a lot more value with any one of those guys at the end of round 2 (or even in 3 in many drafts I've seen) than at the beginning.
  14. Sparkling Wiggles

    Article: Dynasty RBs

    What the fock? Westbrook is ranked 6th in dynasty way ahead of guys like Willie Parker and Jacobs even though he's nearly 30? Yet Shaun Alexander is ranked 19th even though he's close to the same age as Westbrook and has outproduced Westbrook over his whole career? Also, seems to be too much of an emphasis on contract length. If a RB is good, he'll get carries somewhere. See Corey Dillon, Jerome Bettis, Edge, Henry, etc. No offense, but this article needs some serious editing by someone that knows how to build a dynasty roster.
  15. Sparkling Wiggles

    How many people have you had sex with?

    I've sparked 40.
  16. Sparkling Wiggles


    Pretty slick attempt at spamming. At least you didn't intro your question about the site with your first post, like most of the assclowns. I don't go to footballguys (mostly because Joe Bryant sucks balls) but I'd bet money that there's some rookie over there inquiring if anyone has tried the same site.
  17. Sparkling Wiggles

    Guys do you let your wives.....

    My wife doesn't really drink, but I don't have a problem with her going to lunch with other guys (some of whom drink). Not on weekends, I guess. But I trust her enough that it's cool if she goes to lunch with guys during work. You think she's cheating on you? Weren't you thinking about cheating on her?
  18. Sparkling Wiggles

    Assuming Jeter

    Jeebus, an idiot Yankee fan to boot. If you're going to go for the quote manip, at least have the focking sense to do it right. See, you edited my post to say, "Who's worse? Me or a piece of dog crap?" At least follow through on your crap joke and finish it with "Me!" You don't manip like that and then say the dog crap is worse. Good Lord. I can't believe I have to explain this.
  19. Sparkling Wiggles

    Who died and made gocolts president?

    The first I ever saw penus in a movie was in The Crying Game. To me, that was acceptable because it had a pretty big impact on the plot. But now, I can't turn on the TV without seeing shlong. Penus is all over the place in Borat. Scorsese even flashed the penus in The Departed. I just flipped past HBO and there's some guy standing nekkid with penus in full view. I want as little censorship in entertainment as possible, but do the guys in charge have to show penus all the time just because they can?
  20. Sparkling Wiggles

    U.S. Open final round

    Pretty amazing that Tiger played like complete shiot and still damn near won the whole thing. His line drive chip on three looked like one of mine. His follow up looked like one of my follow ups, too. I tell you what was the most noticable thing today. How Gawd-awful the broadcast is. Johnny Miller and Jimmy Roberts should be forced to fight each other in a cage match to the death. That way, we only have to listen to one of their dumb asses during the most important golf events of the year. When Roberts was giving his "Water off a duck's back" spiel, I really wanted to track him down and kick him in the nuts. I think Miller talked about Tiger's game being "bottled" about 10 focking times. Absolutely intolerable for such a major broadcast. These assclowns make the ESPN team of Theissman and Maguire look like the best analysts in the history of professional sports.
  21. I still find it hard to believe anything's worth going to Council Bluffs for. You could give me backstage passes at a Rolling Stones concert, $10k to play with at Harrah's, and tell me that Angelina Jolie would give me MUA after the show and I still probably wouldn't go to Council Bluffs for all of it.
  22. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's on the grill today?

    Is it too early to start a pool on when this whole thing blows up?
  23. Sparkling Wiggles

    Article: Second Half Wonders

    Interesting that Waldman keeps hyping Clayton over Edwards due to the QB situation. With McNair's injury history and the fact that Cleveland basically has two interchangable QBs, I'd consider that even more reason to place Edwards over Clayton. The one reason I could see going with Clayton is that he gets to go against Cleveland's defense twice instead of Baltimore's.
  24. Sparkling Wiggles

    What's on the grill today?

    Did you make any new friends today?
  25. Sparkling Wiggles

    Anybody ever drink Beer?

    That was such a POW! that Meph didn't even address it.