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Sparkling Wiggles

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Everything posted by Sparkling Wiggles

  1. Sparkling Wiggles

    Food and sex

    I don't like that, either. No focking ice cubes. No focking apple dipping sauce. No altoids. Just blow me!
  2. Sparkling Wiggles

    Food and sex

    Have you tried this? No focking way. She once tried to put some kind of apple dipping sauce on that she got out of the fridge. I immediately got up and warshed it the fock off. Freezing is pain.
  3. Sparkling Wiggles

    Food and sex

    Well, fock that. Why did you think this was a good idea?
  4. Sparkling Wiggles

    Food and sex

    Does it freeze on schlongs or just ice cream?
  5. Sparkling Wiggles

    Grocery Store Ethics

    Don't give up. I just want to establish if it is truly stealing or not. It's not like I'm going through the bulk candy and eating a handfull of gummy bears as I shop.
  6. Sparkling Wiggles

    Food and sex

    What the fock is Magic Shell? Like mac n' cheese with shells?
  7. Sparkling Wiggles

    Grocery Store Ethics

    Who's to say some guy won't come along that likes mushroom stems and brocolli stalks and will buy them? They're still product. They're still there. Just like the over-ripe bananas.
  8. Sparkling Wiggles

    Grocery Store Ethics

    Ah, but people take bananas off the bunch all the time that they don't want (either because they are too ripe or not ripe enough). Do you do that?
  9. Sparkling Wiggles

    Grocery Store Ethics

    Mushrooms and broccoli are like $3 a pound. Those broccoli stalks are focking gross....and they're dense!
  10. Sparkling Wiggles

    Sources: Vick to be suspended for 2007 season

    I would pay good money to watch him take on PacMan in a cage fight.
  11. Sparkling Wiggles


    She ain't that anorexic.
  12. Sparkling Wiggles

    BSG Mailbag

    http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/060220 Never caught this article on the 2006 Black Super Bowl. One of his best articles, for sure.
  13. Sparkling Wiggles

    BSG Mailbag

    http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/070810 Frank the Tank has an awesome email. Also, the one at the end about Meat is pretty damn funny.
  14. Sparkling Wiggles


    I don't want her to send it to me. I want her to post it. She's done before. Also!@#@!
  15. Sparkling Wiggles

    An account of my trip to the Iowa Straw Poll (w/video)

    I imagine running around like a bunch of crazed screaming banshees convinced a lot of people to vote for Dr. Paul.
  16. Sparkling Wiggles


  17. Sparkling Wiggles

    My board suicide?

    BSG has a game that he plays with his friends. "How much would you pay....?" I would pay $200 to watch this video.
  18. Sparkling Wiggles

    Criminalizing America's Fathers?

    I, for one, am shocked that Meph doesn't have joint custody. He seems like an ideal father.
  19. Sparkling Wiggles

    An account of my trip to the Iowa Straw Poll (w/video)

    What the hell was that video? Looked like a HS pep rally for a football game.
  20. Nope. Just repeating fact in case edjr forgot how much of a dumbass we all think he is.
  21. Sparkling Wiggles

    draft strategy

    You did well through four. Who did you get in four? Jacobs? I don't really see a fifth or sixth round pick on this team, though. If you took Vernon Davis and Leinart in five and six, that's pretty weak.
  22. edjr is the worst baseball fan, evah. The Red Sox are the best team in baseball and when they slump, edjr cries like a little bitch, as if he could run the team better.
  23. Sparkling Wiggles


    No kidding. Go back a couple pages and look at all the threads he's started that absolutely everyone refuses to respond to. The only thing that separates him from GFIAFP is that GFIAFP responds to himself.
  24. Sparkling Wiggles

    Hey SUX

    Riceman + any Honda = riceburner joke I can't think of right now.
  25. Sparkling Wiggles

    Hows this team look?

    Your team is fine. Tell the Betts owner to go fock himself.