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Everything posted by MisanthropicAnthropoid

  1. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Name a band...or at least two singers

    As has been said before, thread over. No one beats S&G for harmonizing. Although, in an entirely different spectrum, I love Bad Religion's harmonies, especially in "Man With a Mission."
  2. MisanthropicAnthropoid


    I'm in college. Two hour nap after the last class, get up in time for dinner!
  3. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    I can see someone hating Donnie Darko in either of these cases 1. You don't like to think 2. You don't watch the whole movie Or, of course, both. Personally, it's among my favorites.
  4. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    If you could turn the clock back to being 18 again....

    And tell me exactly how many 18 year olds can grow a thick beard (or goatee).
  5. MisanthropicAnthropoid


    I saw it Saturday with my little sisters and niece. Quite good. Among Pixar's best.
  6. MisanthropicAnthropoid


    Well, it is pretty hard to go wrong with anything adidas. I wear Sambas. Then again, it's probably only because I used them for indoor shoes because we weren't allowed to wear proper boots (tears up the field quicker) and I didn't feel like buying new ones.
  7. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Pepsi, hands down.
  8. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Supreme Court rules against race quotas

    Well, at least you're intellectually honest. That's more than I can say for most people. However, you being okay with choosing murder is a tad disconcerting.
  9. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Most depressing movie you've ever seen

    Se7en Awesome, but depressing.
  10. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    This is the worst movie thread, not the best. HTH
  11. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    What's the worst movie you can remember seeing?

    In a "so bad it's funny" sense, Teenagers from Outer Space. In a "bad, but not funny" sense, Napoleon Dynamite.
  12. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Supreme Court rules against race quotas

    That's not the sole question. The question is also whether the means (discriminating based on race, likely sending kids to schools far from home that they don't want to attend) justify the ends (diversity). I see a clear "no" here.
  13. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Illegal Immigration - This chased torridjoe!

    Wow, I just read through this for the first time and it was hilarious. I wish I'd been here initially.
  14. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Fred Thompson - the new hope for conservatives

    There's my one and only reason to oppose a lot that the Republicans have done recently.
  15. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Who is the least funny comedic actor in Hollywood?

    Will Ferrell and the guy from Napoleon Dynamite are battling it out. They both suck royally.