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Everything posted by MisanthropicAnthropoid

  1. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    It's my personal opinion...

    I'm gonna say it's Firefly. Joss Whedon writes brilliant dialog. If it weren't for FOX's sudden but inevitable betrayal. . .
  2. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    The UK Times US Presidential rankings...

    I agree with a lot of what you said. I would like to point out that the hand Bush was dealt was one of the shittier as well. 9/11 AND Katrina in his first term? I highly disagree with a lot of how he's handled it, but damn. As for FDR, it depends on what you believe about his economic policies. The standard view is that his New Deal policies saved us from collapse and kept the free market system from dying. There's also a view (I want to say propagated by the economists at UCLA, but I could be wrong on that) that his New Deal policies actually extended the depression; we would've come out of it much more quickly without them. Depending on which view you take, he's one of the best or one of the worst. It's hard to be somewhere in the middle on that one.
  3. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    The UK Times US Presidential rankings...

    I don't know, there's always Carter and Daddy Bush. The only good thing the latter did was not screw up what Reagan had done to the situation with Russia. LBJ was also an awful President since Hoover, although it's mitigated by the civil rights stuff he got passed. Truman's approval rating was as low as Bush's, but history has looked on him more kindly. And if you go along with the recent belief that his economic policies prolonged the depression and generally focked up the country (which I do), you have to put FDR quite low on the list.
  4. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    The UK Times US Presidential rankings...

    Wow. Five of our worst presidents manage top 15, including two in the top three. And that isn't even mentioning Truman's fock-up in Korea. Also, not even mentioning the Indians or the Supreme Court in the brief blurb on Jackson. WTF?
  5. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Biden does it again

    Actually, not right. Conservative and Republican aren't the same thing.
  6. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    I voted today...

    Still not sure why voting for someone who is actually worth a damn is throwing your vote away. Especially if, like me, you like in a completely uncontested state. It's impossible for Obama, Barr, Baldwin, etc to win my state. So is McCain the only person I can vote for and not throw my vote away?
  7. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    I voted today...

    I've actually heard the BTP considered a good alternative for those who don't like the Libertarian or Constitution nominees. But at least Barr and Baldwin are on the ballot in pretty much every state.
  8. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    I voted today...

    I voted Monday. Barr for President, Lewis for Senate.
  9. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    2012 Presidential Election

    Ron Paul I'd also be down with Newt. I've heard good things about Sanford. Huckabee really isn't all that conservative.
  10. MisanthropicAnthropoid


    http://xkcd.com/250/ Here's the real story.
  11. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    After tonight I can say with 100% assurance!

    So if neither of them are ready to lead, why not vote 3rd party?
  12. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Pizza Hut Sucks

    I worked there. Original crust with extra cheese and jalepenos is pretty good. But I prefer Papa John's.
  13. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Test to determine your candidate

    9-4 McCain On the glassbooth poll also listed. . . 85% Barr 58% McCain 39% OBummer
  14. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Ron Paul on the bailouts

    I was against RP in the beginning (strictly for his foreign policy positions), but have come around to thinking I'd vote for him in a heartbeat if I had the chance. First of all, I agree with him on everything else: financial issues, moral issues, whatever. Second, the other candidates suck. Third, although I thought he might be unrealistically isolationist, he won me during an interview when the reported asked him when he would go to war as President. He said "when Congress tells me to." That is the perfect answer, and I doubt any other candidate would use it. Also, I do think minimizing foreign presence and focusing on defense would save a ton of money.
  15. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Whatever happened to Green Fly

    GFIAFP I liked him too
  16. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Chick Sells Her Virginity For Grad School Money

    Selling sex to become a marriage and the family counselor? Talk about irony.
  17. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    ny times expose on palin

    Could be that the media votes overwhelmingly democrat.
  18. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    FFToday Suicide Pool '08 - Week 10

    The "pick New England at home" and "pick against the Chiefs on the road" philosophies coincided this week. I'll take it, particularly when one of the big favourites usually goes down in week 1.
  19. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Hardcore republicans, right to lifers, whatever fringe ...

    Only mine? Talk to some southerners. Heck, talk to people who think the federal government has seized too much power from the states. Starting wars that cost that many American lives usually doesn't go down as a positive in my book.
  20. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Hardcore republicans, right to lifers, whatever fringe ...

    Probably prolonged the Depression, did win the war, the New Deal was one of the worst things that happened to America, and I don't have to trust admired men. A lot more bad than good there. Also, Lincoln started one of the bloodiest wars in U.S. history. Nowhere near our list of greatest Presidents. Washington was excellent.
  21. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Hardcore republicans, right to lifers, whatever fringe ...

    I think FDR is pushing hard for worst ever. He didn't start the trend of government meddling, but he worsened it significantly. And there are a lot of people (including me) who think that his social programs lengthened the Great Depression. That puts a guy pretty low on the list.
  22. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Biden: "(Palin's) Good Looking"

    I agree. Well, I'm not a Republican, but I like them better than the Democrats. And I can't stand Biden. But this is crap. It was a legit, self-deprecating, jesting comment.
  23. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Hardcore republicans, right to lifers, whatever fringe ...

    Nah, there are many who are worse. Andrew Jackson and FDR off the top of my head. Not a fan of Lincoln and Woodrow "He kept us out of war" Wilson either.
  24. MisanthropicAnthropoid

    Abortion Question...

    Chose the second, as it's the better option, even though I don't totally agree with it. As I mentioned in jets24's thread, I think this is one of the few issues the government can take part it, because it involves protecting essential rights (life, in this case). The only time it can be morally acceptable is to protect another life. Therefore, life of the mother is a caveat. Rape and incest, cliche as it sounds, two wrongs don't make a right.