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About rlb_1957

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    FF Rookie
  1. rlb_1957

    Keeper QB Question

    I have Jay Cutler and Matt Ryan in a keeper league. I can keep one QB. Points are 10 pts for 20 yds passing, 4 pts TD pass. Which one should I keep?
  2. rlb_1957

    Keeper league RB rookie draft help

    I think Brandon Jackson will be more of an immediate inpact player of the ones listed. He should be starting over Vernand Morency in Green Bay, IMHO.
  3. rlb_1957

    RB2 Keeper: Benson or Jacobs

    Being a Bears fan I hope Benson has a breakout season. I'm worried about him getting injurie but if he stays health he should produce big time. I just don't have a lot of confidance that he will stay healthy. You might want to handcuff him with Petersen.
  4. rlb_1957

    should i trade up?

    If he would swap draft places with you great, but I don't see how you would expect him to do that, #2 for #5 pick straight up for the entire draft. He'd be crazy not to try to get something more for a one time draft trade. I think you will have to give him another draft pick, like maybe the 7th round as someone posted earlier along with a trade of the #2 spot for the #5 spot.
  5. rlb_1957

    Draft Strategy

    I'd go with Lynch. I haven't heard that Buffalo was going with the Running Back by Committee but if they start out that way I still see Lynch being the primary back after a few weeks. He's just too good not to have on the field as much as possible. If Lynch isn't available you might want to think about Edge. He's got 1 more big year in him with an improved O-line and not much competition with Shipp and Arrington. James isn't one to build your future on but I think he will help out big time this year.
  6. rlb_1957

    Offered Henry & Branch

    I think I'd go for the T. Jones/Boldin for Henry/ Branch trade. Henry is a workhorse and RBs do great in Denver's system. Branch will be Hasselbecks #1 go to guy. I look for him to be close to Boldin's numbers. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=279903
  7. rlb_1957

    Lynch, Benson, Deuce, Green

    If Lynch is there take him. If not go with Benson. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=279903
  8. I'm not sure if there is a free agent QB out there worth picking up but I think I'd put Romo ahead of Young as a starter. Young has talent but he doesn't have a lot of talent around him whereas Romo does. As a whole I like your team. I think Lynch will be a good #2 RB behind S-Jax and Norwood will be a bigger impact this year in Atlanta. Adrian Peterson (I'm assuming he's the one in Minn.) will compete with Chester Taylor but should see more and more of the touches as the season goes by. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=279903
  9. rlb_1957

    Keeper League

    I'm in a keeper league and have the 4th pick in the draft. I have Bulger, QB, S-Jax and L. Maroney, RB, and Randy Moss, WR. I'm thinking of going for RB depth with my 1st pick. How would you rate the following RBs: 1. Brian Westbrook, Eagles 2. Marshawn Lynch, Bills 3. Edgerrin James, Cards 4. Thomas Jones, Jets 5. Brandon Jacobs, Giants 6. Caddy Williams, Bucs Chances are 3 of these guys would go before my pick. I listed them in the order that I rate them. Would you rate these 6 differently? It is not a PPR league. 1 point every 10 yards rushing and recieving and 6 points for a rushing/recieving TD.
  10. rlb_1957

    Big Keeper Dilemma, No 1st round pick

    I'm on the Jacobs sideline. I like Wayne a lot too but RBs are the name of the fantasy game and they go fast. The WR pool is much deeper. Evans should have a good year, not that far behind Wayne. Then there's guys like Reggie Brown, Phil., Branch, Sea., and even Vincent Jackson, SD. These guys could all have good years. Yes, Wayne is almost certain to be a top 10 WR but I'd gamble on Jacobs and try to catch a diamond in the rough with one of the other WRs. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=279903
  11. rlb_1957

    What would you look to do @ this pick?

    I think I'd go for a QB, Romo should have a solid year. RBs are pretty watered down (I'm assuming M. Lynch is gone). You will need to consentrate on WR but the pool there is bigger. Go for the QB next. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=279903
  12. rlb_1957

    Keeper League

    Who should I keep at WR, Randy Moss or Reggie Brown? 1 point for every 10 yards receiving and 6 points for a TD.