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PIK 95

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Posts posted by PIK 95

  1. I know you can start 3Rb's and there is only 4 point passes, but Manning at 1.8.......My God! :headbanger: I am also very happy with Jamal Lewis on the way back. If he stays healthy he will be a top 3 RB imo. :thumbsup:

  2. It was a total oversite on my part. I am very sorry. The weird part is i thought I did fix my lineup. The other three teams under that yahoo ID were adjusted. It must have been the classic yahoo refresh-unrefreshes problem. It's a dam shame because bulger alone would have given me the win. :dunno:

  3. :shocking:  Just win baby!    :cry:

    You beat me by 1 point in Toral! :mad:

    Zap, I have made a big mistake this year. After cutting down and dropping out of alot of my leagues last year, I have allowed my number of FF teams to balloon back up to 25-30 teams (including 20 Yahoo teams and 5-6 moneyleagues) again. I have been so busy making waiver moves and such with all of the teams that I barely have time to look at the scores any more. I didn't even realize I was playing you in Toral. Next year I gotta get back under 20 teams. :mad:

  4. I wish I could help you with that one. Hopefully someone else can. Ask in the geek club, and I'm sure help will be forthcoming...

    No help yet...but a very weird post from a rookie. :wall: I was just a lurkur at the rome board. :rolleyes: Check it out. :sleep:

  5. I'm her, hurt back and all. Fanball works, but I have seemed to have picked up a virus or adware at some point last night. I ran my mcafee, and it picked up four things, but it could not delete or quarentine them. Every minute no matter where I am a pop up comes with a yyy in the ip. When you update your virus protect do you have to pay? I just bought it 4-6 months ago. :mad:

  6. FYI Zap, there was one guy who couldn't get into Reckless Bacon Chat (I don't know why, it worked for him last year) so I had everyone try the GOIDPANKAL chat. A lot of people had problems with the GOIDPANKAL chat, including PIK. Descriptions of problems from various people were as follows:
    it's not working for me.

    i type in my name and click the enter chatroom

    button, but nothing happens :-(

    him: I couldn't get into it.  I typed a name and clicked Enter and nothing happened.

    me: Did you try clicking the Enter Chatroom button?  Pressing Enter doesn't do anything but clicking on the button does (for me).

    him: Clicking the button does nothing.

    I was able to get in the second time I tried it.
    pik: When I clik on enter nothing happens. It does say applet started on the bottom but the enter stays there and nothing happens.

    TJ, can I download something or ajust a setting to get in? :mad:
