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Everything posted by escot4

  1. escot4

    Keeper league trade

    It depends on how your team is right now. If they are horrible, then keep Holmes and worry about next season. If they are average or better, then get TJ try to win it this year. So basically, unless you have no chance of winning this year, get TJ. It won't look ridiculous unless your team is really bad.
  2. That's one of the most even looking trades I've seen. I like both of those receivers a lot, but Smith's production could be hurt a little without Delhomme (it's too early to say though). If you can do it so that the trade isn't in effect until next week (since Chad is on bye this week) then go for it. Looking at his roster, I'm guessing that he also thinks it's even, but is trying to salvage this week since Chad is on bye, and because Andre Johnson and Boldin are both out. Don't do it if you're facing him this week.
  3. escot4

    Which crap WR should I pick up?

    I know you said there's not much left, but can you give maybe the top 5-10 options? There's got to be some unnoticed guy with a little more upside.
  4. escot4

    I know it is a lot but.....

    First team: 1. Lynch for sure. He gets way more opportunities than Taylor (and does more with them). 2. Braylon. His ability and production this season is far enough ahead of Jones to where the matchups aren't enough to take him out. Second team: 1. Very close, but I'd go with Jackson. My judgement might be clouded on this one though since I'm a Chargers fan and am optimistic that they'll break out this week. 2. I prefer Young since he could become a 20 carry per game back. It's riskier, but has high potential reward. He could become a solid #2 fantasy back (the next from the Shanahan RB factory), whereas Jones is more of a bye week fill-in.
  5. If Addai plays, it won't be an issue because they'll both be benched, but if he's out which of those two is the better option? They seem very even to me.
  6. escot4

    need 2 wrs 2 rbs 1 flex

    I'd probably go with the same lineup you said. The 3 RBs and Fitzgerald for sure. The #2 receiver is a tougher choice because all of those guys have that boom or bust potential. I think Cotchery is the least likely to be a bust though, so that's why I chose him. It's very close between him and Marshall.
  7. escot4

    who's a better play at #2 RB for this week

    I'd say Pittman. The PPR is what gives him the advantage over Taylor in my opinion. I'm not crazy about either one though.
  8. escot4

    Jennings or Crayton at flex?

    Good point, thank you.
  9. escot4

    Gore - Gates

    Take it before he changes his mind. Good RBs are always going to be valuable. Gore is young too, so he should be good for a while barring injury. Cooley is a solid TE as well.
  10. escot4

    QB problems

    I have a horrible QB situation this year, but the rest of my team is solid. Anyway, I just have Jason Campbell and David Carr. I have Campbell in right now, but I'm a little worried since Santana isn't going to play. I'm still leaning toward him since he's playing Detroit. What do you think?
  11. escot4

    Trade Help

    I think you should reject it. QB- I think it's even, Rivers will bounce back WR- Really could end up even since Edwards is playing well and Holt is struggling TE- Slight edge to Witten RB- Big edge to Jones (will get the ball way more)
  12. escot4

    Who to start at RB and WR/RB flex?

    WR- Lee Evans for sure Flex- Brian Leonard tentatively (I predict a TD from him this week by the way) If you find out the Addai is not playing in time to change it, then go with Kenton Keith. You could just try Keith regardless, but he won't get as many looks if Addai is in obviously.
  13. escot4

    Drop LEONARD or D. Garard?

    I would drop either Pittman or Graham. I'm not that high on either at this point. Leonard should get starter touches until Jackson returns, so I like him for now despite the Rams problems.
  14. escot4

    Trade help Leave a link and I will respond

    I think you should do it. Gore should step it up soon. That said, I really don't like the format of your league. The lack of emphasis on yards makes luck play into the equation a lot more. Please tell me there's at least fractional points. You should find a better league next year.
  15. escot4

    Evans/Welker/Randle El

    I'm sure there's no bias there. Williams and Hamlin are hitters, not cover guys, so Evans does have a good chance to beat them deep at least once.
  16. escot4

    Evans/Welker/Randle El

    I would at least narrow it down to Randel El and Evans, but from there it's tough. I want to say Evans since I'm using him and hoping he'll do well, but Randel El has a great matchup this week. I'd lean slightly toward Randel El, but this probably one of the few weeks in the season where he'll be playable. I don't think he's a good pick most of the time. Then again, Evans could do like last year and have a monster game out of nowhere, so it's hard to decide. I changed my mind, I don't know... but narrowed it to 2.
  17. escot4

    Flex help Pls.

    So is that like none of the above? Anyway, I like McDonald since he's been consistent so far and the Lions throw all the time.
  18. escot4

    To much/not enough for Housh....

    In terms of the players' abilities it may be fair, but I think it leaves you with a lack of depth at RB. Are you in a PPR league? That would make a big difference because receivers get a big boost in value if you are. If not, I wouldn't do it.
  19. escot4

    To much/not enough for Housh....

    What? That's way too much to give up. You have great depth at RB now, but that trade would leave you very thin there, and any injury to Addai or Edge would be crippling to you. It helps his team too much. 2 RBs who get a lot of touches for 1 WR is not a good deal. LaMont for TJ could work, but who are your other receivers anyway? You might be better off just sticking with what you have. Stockpiling RBs is a great thing to do since it leaves other teams with crappy RBs.
  20. escot4

    Which RB?

    None are great options, but Jones-Drew has the most potential for a big game. He's the most explosive and should at least have a big play or something.
  21. escot4

    Trade help

    Do it. Do it.
  22. escot4

    A chance to trade for J.Walker

    I think you should wait a week or two like you said. Make sure Walker isn't going to be battling injuries all year before you pull the trigger. Also, if Calvin has a couple big games, you might find that you'll want to keep him anyway.
  23. escot4

    trade help selvin young

    Since you need receiver help, I think you should definitely accept that. Young may not have much value after this season anyway. It's too early to know. Harrison is one of the most consistent receivers you can find. Jump on that.
  24. escot4

    Engram/Norwood for Clark?

    If you're going to make a trade, you want to get a guy you can use more than just as a bye week fill-in. It's going to be tough to get anyone valuable for a TE. You could try to get Andre Johnson maybe (he won't necessarily accept it) since he 's out for a couple weeks. That would help you a lot once he returns. You're not going to get a solid RB for a TE though unless the guy is not all there.
  25. Somebody offered Antwaan Randel El and Andre Davis to my friend's team for Edgerrin James, and the guy who offered keeps insisting that it's a fair trade. Personally, I think it's one of the most ridiculous offers I've heard, to the point where my friend shouldn't even consider future offers from the guy. Not only that, but I'd say that all 5 of my friend's receivers are better than both guys offered anyway (he has Wayne, Branch, Chambers, Jennings, and Crayton). Basically, the guy is offering 2 waiver wire receivers for a solid #2 RB. Am I taking crazy pills or something?