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Everything posted by Uh-huh

  1. You think California is overpriced? Check out what 800,000 gets you in Miami Beach. Just to clarify, given we have a lot of posters from the Midwest and Texas: no, you don't get the BUILDING. You get a CONDO in the building.
  2. Bowl of (uncooked) rice and a blow dryer can work wonders. Check the hologram. It turns pink if gets wet. If it's still white you can try returning it.
  3. That's what I thought. The market for supply chain managers (as opposed to workers) is pretty weak down here in Florida, too. If finances are not an immediate and pressing issue for your, and considering: you seem to be doing OK due to your wife's income plus benefits you're still eligible for unemployment they're not offering you a position appropriate to your background and experience apparently there is no realistic chance for advancement in the new job (your new boss has been there for 15 years in the same job, right?) the new job doesn't pay well most important of all, you have an opportunity to spend the summer with your wife and daughter which you've never had before and (barring winning the Lottery) may never have again ... I'd say don't settle. Either counter their offer with your own salary requirements, or look for a job that'll satisfy you AFTER you spend that glorious summer with your family. Essentially you're betting things will pick up later in the year as opposed to getting worse.
  4. I take it the market for logistics personnel is not booming in your geographical area? I'm asking because I'm trying to gauge your particular situation before offering any opinion (FWIW).
  5. What sort of work do you do?
  6. Uh-huh

    Weekend homework assignment for you Obama supporters.

    A three-way troll cage match. Or, in the spirit of this thread, maybe we should call it a troll threesome? Hilarious!!!!
  7. Why hello Mr. Internet Tough Guy! How's your Mother's Day going? Only to trolls who deserve them. It's all they understand. Thanks for the clarification. Ever think about breathing into a box, sealing it and selling it on Ebay? P.S. Shonuff, thanks for entertaining me for 30 seconds. While your posts aren't as hilarious, they make for a refreshing change of pace from the usual RP or FlaHooker drivel.
  8. I take it you're still blustering? I would slap you down again but you might start . Why don't you go find some more lies to post?
  9. Uh-huh

    Keith Olberman

    Why not the past 50 years? Or 20 years? Or 100 years? In the past 40 years, Clinton was more effective and would have been even more so had he not put his d!ck in Lewinski's mouth. Reagan had cool hair, got lucky with the Soviet Union's dissolution (arms race my a$$) and he gave good speeches. That's it. Of course, we also have Reagan and his administration to thank for Iran/Contra, massive federal deficits, the economic decline of the early nineties and probably for the 1st Gulf War too.
  10. If my guess is correct, now he's started blustering and calling people names. Unfortunately, by now I know my b!tch.
  11. Uh-huh

    The Audacity of Hope and The Absence of Reason!

    Slanderers. FlaHawker just has a wide stance.
  12. I bet Recliner Pilot's lying again.
  13. Unfortunately the ignore feature doesn't hide thread titles, so I can see the usual suspects playing their little games again. I'm just going to save everyone a lot of time by posting two links showing how Recliner Pilot likes to lie and mislead. http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2009/05/...iefing-process/ http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/torture/...-waterboarding/ ... as well as this link that shows the ACTUAL CIA DOCUMENT where the CIA discusses Pelosi's briefing: http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/wp-conte...lositorture.jpg For those of you who don't know, Goss is Porter Goss, a GOP congressman at the time of the briefing and later the Bush Administration's Director of the CIA. If Pelosi is lying about the briefing, so is Porter Goss. And by the CIAs own admission, they first briefed Congress on waterboarding in 2004. Too easy. As usual.
  14. Uh-huh

    Keith Olberman

    What's the problem? Reagan IS dead and, (except to the right wing, who think he is God), Reagan was no great shakes as President, either. I wouldn't call him lousy, though. Just overrated.
  15. Wrong. He's getting off on both. The proper move is to tell the roommate/buddy/pervert c0ck-watcher who's trying to pretend he isn't gay while sneaking a peek at you boning a chick is, "Dude. Get the FOCK out of here while I do my business". And that goes double if you're sober. Any other action is a clear indication of gayness. NTTAWWT. The only other possible excuse is you're a porn actor and you get paid to bone in front of male cameramen, directors, etc. And even then you're gay.
  16. No, it makes you gay, too. Didn't realize we had so many posters hereabouts who get off on another guy watching them have sex. Ugh.
  17. It is gay, period. Sex isn't an spectator sport. If you can fock a chick KNOWING another guy is watching, you are gay. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Now, if you are talking a threesome with 2 girls and a guy, that's not gay at all. That's studly. Sorry about the double standard, but that's just the way life rolls.
  18. Uh-huh

    The Audacity of Hope and The Absence of Reason!

    I can do this all day.
  19. Uh-huh

    Best monologue ever ....

    No love for the Godfather movies? Here's a classic, delivered by teacher to the stars Lee Strasberg:
  20. Check your facts. We have the second highest statutory corporate tax rate in the world. However, the effective corporate tax rate is one the lowest among developed countries. Why? Because of the many loopholes in our tax code, some of which Obama is proposing to close or change.
  21. Uh-huh

    Republican 2009

    What is this Republican Party you speaketh of?
  22. Uh-huh

    Gramatical oddity

    Both words are derived from Latin: defecate - defaecre (to cleanse dregs from). . urinate - urinare / urina (urine) The Latin prefix de- denotes "to remove". So "de-urinate" would mean "to remove urine" from the body. HTH, Uh-huh