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Everything posted by Uh-huh

  1. Uh-huh

    Traitors at NBC News.......What's next?

    Don't you love these misleading thread titles?
  2. Uh-huh

    N. Korea Suggests It Can Strike U.S. First

    Easy call. March the US Army over the Iraq-Iran border. We're already there in strength. Take us three two weeks to take over the entire country. With zero casualties.
  3. Uh-huh

    Awww Hell No!

    Now if only we could Condi Rice to commish the NFL and Paul Wolfowitz to chair the rules and competition commitees, we'd be golden.
  4. Some people are clueless. Recliner Pilot is not one of them; he's hopeless. Both Clintons, Al Gore, Kerry, Biden et al - none of them were President at the time of the invasion. Bush was. He told people, "Trust me on this". But of course, he was lying. And you can't see that simple fact.
  5. Uh-huh

    Say something nice

    The Pats are blessed to have one of the greatest coaches in the game and one of the best quarterbacks in the league.
  6. Uh-huh


    Same here. I'm Alligator Arms.
  7. So if I understand you correctly, the W administration told you they knew what was going on in Iraq before the war and you believed them. Despite having intelligence sources that contradicted what they chose to believe, and what they chose to sell to you. And even though everything they told you turned out to be not true, you still think anyone who calls them out on it is 'stupid', 'wrong' or 'unpatriotic'. Gotcha. You must love shopping at used car dealerships.
  8. Uh-huh

    Looks like you were wrong.

    BTW, you're in danger of violating one of Mike's FF Today's new board guidelines. As to the original comment: unless we have some amazing successes in the domestic and foreign arenas in the next 2 years, the Bush administration will probably be viewed by historians as incompetent, out of touch, imperialistic, uncaring, and all too ready to accommodate big business at the expense of the people. On the plus side: our economy is doing much better than during the dark years of 2001 - 2004... (caveats: another deflating bubble (housing) is upon us; inflation is hitting us -- hard; and the labor market is rapidly losing white-collar jobs to other countries.) Another plus: Bush got the Taliban out of power. That's pretty much it.
  9. Uh-huh

    Looks like we were right

    Even Nixon had people defending him. So did Milosevic. Saddam Hussein still has supporters. Castro is still in power and has adherents. Why should W be any different? There's a certain class of person who, rather than admit they were mistaken about Bush, prefer to go down in flames with their leader. The pain of admitting to themselves they were wrong is too great for them to bear.
  10. Uh-huh

    Looks like we were right

    American involvement in Vietnam was started during the Eisenhower administration. Unless I am gravely mistaken, I believe Eisenhower was a Republican. As to the initial point: this administration has managed to add a new aphorism to the language: "You can't fool all the people all of the time, but you don't have to: all you have to do is fool enough of 'em." Your 'pros' are debatable, especially that part about "professionalism" in the White House. Requiring suits and ties and working a strict 8 to 6 day does not constitute professionalism. You also forgot deposing the Taliban. That's a huge pro. Unfortunately, the further prosecution of the war against terror has flipped that one on its side.
  11. Uh-huh

    So Which Posters Will We Never See Again?

    Looks like Recliner Pilot is back... too bad.
  12. Uh-huh

    Characteristics Of Fascism

    The phrase, "Well, there goes the neighborhood..." immediately comes to mind... hmmm... too bad the usual suspects are back.
  13. Uh-huh

    Characteristics Of Fascism

    I think W is *peachy*....
  14. Uh-huh

    Characteristics Of Fascism

    Trying to imply sumtin' ?
  15. Somehow you lost Mrs. Uh-huh from your list. 34D, pix included.
  16. Uh-huh

    who do you hope

    fastfish. recliner lemming. the usual idiot suspects.
  17. Uh-huh

    I hate to say it!

    As a Gonzo owner, this makes me
  18. Uh-huh

    Announcement 2: Compiler/Buddy 2003

    I would have bought it at $14.95... at $10.95 it is even a better value These tools are even more useful if you play in more than one league, with different scoring systems. Question: I assume you will take steps to to prevent piracy... will I still be able to create a file per league?