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Sho Nuff

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Everything posted by Sho Nuff

  1. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Not quite what the GOP offered though.
  2. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    True...several levels above you Neanderthals...there is a reason none of you can refute what Im saying. You are just pissed I dont immediately claim she is lying and support the Republican. Its pathetic.
  3. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Actually yes it can be proven under examination any number of ways. By talking to her and others they can likely determine the time frame...and of pressed may be able to get him to admit it (not saying its likely...saying its possible which is wjatvwas asked).
  4. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    They are good at what they do when questioning people. I agree it shouldnt be some open ended thing.Im stating why it should be before Confirmation
  5. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    If asked...why wouldnt they? They are pretty damn good at their jobs.
  6. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Tactic? No. Delay...yes because if he is guilty and lying he should not sit in the highest court in this land.
  7. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Because the moment thatbhearing is over Kavanaugh will be pushed through and confirmed and you think anything will happen after that?
  8. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Im hedging at your attempted gotcha...like saying she got one detail wrong and you try and pounce because you won't actually be specific.
  9. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Over a known liar like Trump? Yes.
  10. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Again...what parts makes it quite a distinction. Music, the locked door...if she fabricates that vs the actual assault she is claiming its quite different. Quit trying to play gotcha. If she knowingly lied about him doing this...she should be sued and punished accordingly. Pretty simple.
  11. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Absolutely false...if he is suing for defamation he has to prove her statements are false...not the other way around. Also...she is not trying to press charges...so its not about a crime or a criminal issue at this point. She wants the FBI likely to interview both she and Kavanaugh and any related witnesses for each. Also, her words are actually considered evidence for her...as his words would be to him.
  12. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    They aren't? Link? Because... Good bit of advice is not to believe Trump making claims that they don't want to be involved.
  13. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    He won't sue...he would have to prove she is lying...which he knows he can't do. And would likely involve more testimony under oath and he knows if he slips up he is focked.
  14. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    I have not presumed any of that actually...unless someone else has stated "even if he did it". What I have said is that her actions seem to be one of someone who went through a sexual assault incident that has traumatized her throughout her life...that someone doesn't go through therapy 5-6 years ago talking about this just to lie about it later. And now, that someone just making something up completely doesn't call for the FBI so she can lie more. It may not be him... As for him...I will say there are already questions around his honesty with other hearings. His witness friend has gone into the I don't remember anything mode and won't testify anyway. Fabricated some of the story? How much and what parts? That seems to be an important distinction.
  15. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Yeah really logical that a woman just lying to stall actively calls for the FBI to be involved.
  16. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Multiple IDs and two different boards and its all the same with him...and he still says anyone else needs to seek help?Oof.
  17. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    BEcause no matter D or R congress has an agenda.
  18. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Im telling you the giant difference between the accusation and these bullshit attempts by people to minimize this and act like its the same as trying to cop anfeel and getting down. That is pathetic behavior but not surprising on this board. Ive not said a thing about her being truthful...Ive responded to peoples comments in it when they brought up if he did it. That said...her actions that Ive read about appear to be that of someone who is dealing with issues of a sexual assault in her past. What that has to do with Obama is ridiculous...we can play the what if game and its not a good look for the right demonizing this woman the way they have.
  19. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Dude locks the door, wont let her out and covers her mouth so she cant scream. Dont compare the stupid crap of trying and having someone say no...to what the accusations are...its pathetic.
  20. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Holy this is gold coming from you.
  21. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    Not a fan I f what she did with this...but if reports of the hearing invite were true...they would have had her there with Kavanaugh...also ridiculous. She seemingly wants this looked into by someone other than congress alone.
  22. Sho Nuff

    Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

    You backed Roy Moore? Are youbthat dumb? And again the side that posted BS about seth Rich, Pizzagate and bought into the birther nonsense saying anyone else falls for stuff is idiotic . That before we even get into believing the crap Trump says.
  23. Yeah...so they are threatening the HOF...and hoping the NFL blinks because of it? Bad logic on their part there.