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The Moz

***Free Agent / WW pick up method CHANGED !***

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I have decided to change from a Blind Bid method of free agent pick ups. I could not put this up for vote becasue this is somehting that needed to be done. Under the system I had originally proposed It was just too complicated to work. And the system i had set up originally would give ME too much of an advantage. Instead I have come up with somehting that I think you all might like just as much.


We will keep the 5000 points but instead of a blind bid it will be a weekley open auction held every tuesday night.


rules are as such :



Auction will begin at 7 pm - 12 pm Central time.


It will be all done via thread as I will create threads on the hottest FA's out there week to week and within those threads the bidding will ensue.


If the bidding is going back and forth and midnight strikes it goes to sudden death auction - each bidder only has 5 minutes to raise the bid if more than 5 minutes are taken it's like a forfeit.


If a player that a team is intrested in does not appear on any thread created by me then feel free to create your own.


I will monitor most of the autions and on the times I cannot i will ask Sing to stand in.


I HOPE THIS IS ACCEPTED BY ALL -- I believe it will becasue it adds what I like to think of a intresting / mini draft/ auction element every week.


If you are dead set agaist it or need it better explained please email me.

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i had no problem trusting you with the blind bids, but i do prefer this active bidding better


altho i wish that we could end it at 11pm EST as i work midnights, and have to leave by 11:30p

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i had no problem trusting you with the blind bids, but i do prefer this active bidding better


altho i wish that we could end it at 11pm EST as i work midnights, and have to leave by 11:30p

also I would be able to see everyones bids before i bid in a blind bid set up. That is a recipe for mutiny the first time I out bid someone and a sure bet to doom the league. Thanks for the trust but I will say If i was an owner I would not stand for a commish to have that kind of an advantage. I could email My bids to sing and vice versa but then one person is still always going to have an advantage. This makes it even more interesting I think and I believe all will have fun with it. I do have a feeling this might meet opposition from ILM and Singman but I am hoping for the best :ph34r: :headbanger:

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i had no problem trusting you with the blind bids, but i do prefer this active bidding better


altho i wish that we could end it at 11pm EST as i work midnights, and have to leave by 11:30p

I could end it at 10 CST.

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i had no problem trusting you with the blind bids, but i do prefer this active bidding better


altho i wish that we could end it at 11pm EST as i work midnights, and have to leave by 11:30p

also I would be able to see everyones bids before i bid in a blind bid set up. That is a recipe for mutiny the first time I out bid someone and a sure bet to doom the league. Thanks for the trust but I will say If i was an owner I would not stand for a commish to have that kind of an advantage. I could email My bids to sing and vice versa but then one person is still always going to have an advantage. This makes it even more interesting I think and I believe all will have fun with it. I do have a feeling this might meet opposition from ILM and Singman but I am hoping for the best :ph34r: :)

Why do you think I would oppose it? Because of the college football thing? :D


I agree with your opinion and don't mind this at all! :mad:


The co-commish has spoken! ;) You ready to fire me yet? :P

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also I would be able to see everyones bids before i bid in a blind bid set up. That is a recipe for mutiny the first time I out bid someone and a sure bet to doom the league.


I agree with your opinion and don't mind this at all! :blink:


The co-commish has spoken! :cry: You ready to fire me yet? :cry:

Good point, I didn't realize you would get all the bids.


Auction style sounds like we will run out of points quicker.


Also, It fails to reward the owners who manage to get some "outside" info (who knows how) and bid one point on a player who nobody should want. Another owner might get crafty and just bid 2 points to be a buster.


What happens if someone bids you out by one point right at 10 central? Some of us have got to sleep.


Just questions, for clarity sake. :cry:

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also I would be able to see everyones bids before i bid in a blind bid set up.  That is a recipe for mutiny the first time I out bid someone and a sure bet to doom the league.   


I agree with your opinion and don't mind this at all! :rolleyes:


The co-commish has spoken! :o  You ready to fire me yet? :banana:

Good point, I didn't realize you would get all the bids.


Auction style sounds like we will run out of points quicker.


Also, It fails to reward the owners who manage to get some "outside" info (who knows how) and bid one point on a player who nobody should want. Another owner might get crafty and just bid 2 points to be a buster.


What happens if someone bids you out by one point right at 10 central? Some of us have got to sleep.


Just questions, for clarity sake. :D

I don't have a problem with the WW auction. Though I think we might have to iron out some details.

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also I would be able to see everyones bids before i bid in a blind bid set up.  That is a recipe for mutiny the first time I out bid someone and a sure bet to doom the league.   


I agree with your opinion and don't mind this at all! :dunno:


The co-commish has spoken! :thumbsup:  You ready to fire me yet? :P

Good point, I didn't realize you would get all the bids.


Auction style sounds like we will run out of points quicker.


Also, It fails to reward the owners who manage to get some "outside" info (who knows how) and bid one point on a player who nobody should want. Another owner might get crafty and just bid 2 points to be a buster.


What happens if someone bids you out by one point right at 10 central? Some of us have got to sleep.


Just questions, for clarity sake. B)

Read what I said -- If someone out bids you by 1 at 10 CST you have 5 minutes to counter and out bid him and vice versa untill 1 person either takes longer than 5 minutes or yields.



I really like this format as it makes you really think about who you really want in Free Agency and it throws in the element of " bluffing " a bid to get someone to waste his auction money.


Of course things will be ironed out better before the season starts.





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Guest TheCheat
i had no problem trusting you with the blind bids, but i do prefer this active bidding better

I had no prob. w/ this either. If I did, I wouldn't have sent you $$$ in the 1st place. (If anything, I'd hate to be a commish in this case...what'd happen when you *legitimately* outbid someone for a player by a slight amount? That'd pretty much suck for you.)


I gotta say that, on 1st read, I don't prefer the new process. I have my doubts about a system contingent upon all/most owners being available for a big chunk of time one night a week for many weeks. Me: I have no wife, no kids, etc. so I'm pretty sure I can make it every week, but what happens to anybody who has something come up Tues. PM that can't be avoided (like when you got sick, Moz) and that's, say, the Larry Johnson week?


I *do* like the active bidding aspect tho, a lot actually. :thumbsup:


Few other related thoughts:


- I was wondering if the site could manage the bid process too. I wonder if there's a way to auto-manage an active bid process?

- What about a longer active bid period? Say, Tues. thru Thurs. or something? (Just thinking out loud, so bear w/ me.) I'm trying to think of a way to avoid putting bandwagoneer at a disadvantage when he can't get out of a Tues. NAMBLA meeting.

- I also wonder if there's a way to deal w/ this in an active bid process:


Also, It fails to reward the owners who manage to get some "outside" info (who knows how) and bid one point on a player who nobody should want. Another owner might get crafty and just bid 2 points to be a buster.


Those 1pt. pickups a week before somebody blows up is a big part of the appeal of a bidding system to me.


Anyway, w/ better definition, I'm sure I'll get on bored w/ whatever we do here...I'm just glad we have some time to work this out.

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If the bidding is going back and forth and midnight strikes it goes to sudden death auction - each bidder only has 5 minutes to raise the bid if more than 5 minutes are taken it's like a forfeit.

I read what it said, I just interpreted it differently. Which is why I asked, you said if the bidding was going back and forth, if I place a bid and no one has matched it, or even shown an inkling of countering, than I might not notice that someone out bid me at the last minute. It makes sense now, I just have to check right at 10 central every Tuesday night.


I'm fine with the new system. It presents some interesting parameters, but that's no different than any other league with an unfamiliar structure.


Vote: :banana:

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I am not sure what the site will let me do when doing free agents . I will see. I personally like the live auction and the ONLY other alternative is a free for all - meaning first come first serve pick ups. I HATE the idea of a set order waiver wire as I hate rewarding bad teams for losing. I can tell you there will NEVER be a waiver wire in this league like that. 99% of things i am flexible on the only 2 things are this and I am adament on NO MINUS points.

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