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The Maturation (is that a word?) of our league

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I want to personally apologize to everyone in the league for the poorly written rules I made for this league. Unfortunately, I did not forsee all the gaping holes in the rules when I wrote them. I do think that they are good rules with intentions to be fair to all owners, and to make this league fun for everyone involved. But like all great documents ;) , this one is imperfect. Even our great contstitution has had many ammendments. Therefore, I am presenting two items two the league for input and for a vote.


First, I would like for everyone to print out and read the rules and bring up points that need to be addressed for the future of the league. These should include problems that we have had this year and any that you see as potential problems in the future.


Once we have everyone's input into the rules, we will vote to ratify the new rules for next year. I think the rules should be ratified by a unanimous vote. There should also be something in the rules for resolution of questionable issues.


Second, I would like to put the trade between the Bras and Nadgrab to a vote from the league. With the following facts considered (Now that I have re-read the rules and have seen the complete absense of anything on this subject).

- The rules do not state that a team cannot trade after being mathematically eliminated from the playoffs.

- I stated that on the front page of the web site this week that teams mathematically eliminated cannot trade with other teams.

- The rules do not state that you cant trade a player who started that week until after that week's games are completed.

- Your commisioner is a complete idiot who has the best intentions for everyone in the league. The commish just wants this to be the funnest league out there, with people who are active and have good knowledge about fantasy football.




* another side note. I am truly sorry about all the problems we have had with the rules this year. I wish I would have been as thorough when creating the rules as I was creating my draft preparation sheet. Regardless of the outcome of this year, I hope that everyone wants to stay in this league. It is the best one I have been a part of in my 7 years playing fantasy football.


Please post your responses to the above items as a reply to this post.



Your Dedicated Commish :mad:

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I need to be careful with my response due to the fact that our "English" teacher is checking my response for grammmmer and speeeellliiiinnngggg!


So here go I,


The rules as they are meet the needs of our league (My opiiinnnionnn). We could spend alot of time admending and changing these rules but still will have different interpetations, thats why we have the "COMISH". So "yall" do whatever you think is needed.


The "TRADE" is good! I did not mean to be taken so serious. If yall remember, I'm the guy that started the bidding for a "kicker" at $5.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't we all just-get-along :mad:



I'm here for the fun and the occasional speellliiinnngggg lesson!


;) :mad:

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First of all, STRUMEY has done a great job this year and this is the best league I participate in each year.


The trash talking is great (except for the kiddy porn, child rape stuff....everything has a limit), the players play with good intent (for the most part), and everyone is involved (which is rare in most leagues).


My response to the commish is you have nothing to apologize for. So the rules leave room for a little interpretation, big deal.


BRAS/NADGRAB were obviously trying to thwart the rules and the league = REQUEST DENIED


Best of luck to everyone...hope you have a GREAT CHRISTMAS even though the C*CKCLONERS will take the CUP this year.


I'll be back for more next year, hopefully the FBI will raid bad dude's apartment and confiscate his collection of SHEMALE porn and place him in a cell where his true biatch colors will come out.


Martin - We all owe you a beer. This has been a great league.

;) :mad: :mad:



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I have to echo the thoughts of the previous owners. Helluva job Commish. Martin you obviously out-do yourself with this league.

In regards to the rules. No matter what we amend or try to implement to create a check and balance it will soon wear out it's welcome based on unforeseen circumstance down the road.

That is not a problem. Because, a commissioner in my eyes has the power of an executive branch. Thus you can veto or permit all dealings in the leauge. However, in this matter you are an owner as well. Thus bias cannot be avoided. So a vote is fair as we are all members of the same group. What items need to be addressed? For now, the "trade"-


I truly feel a team out of the playoffs should not trade players to another team as that can only create suspicion for inappropriate intentions. However, this league is a semi-keeper league as well. Therefore if a trade from a team that could no longer make the playoffs included a multi-year player on either side than one would have to re-consider.

A blanket response would be to say that once any team was knocked out of playoff contention than all teams are no longer permitted to trade.


However, that can be difficult to live with as well. What is fair and just is the bottomline of all the rules so far. I am sure we can keep in tune with that theme as we move forward.


Strumey- reality is this is by far the best performance of any league- as our season numbers put many of us in the record books. And the level of competition here is by far the most arduous I have come across. I may even book my flight to Vegas this week-


A suite at the Rio- for 3500 Sq. Ft- is $1500 a night- divide that by ten or so- nine because Hank- "General" doesn't fly.


Just a thought.




[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Superfreaks ]


[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Superfreaks ]

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would you guys stop kissing up to the commish? if he weren't making new rules up with two weeks before the playoffs, we wouldn't be in this mess?

my vicadent just kicked in...

i think the trade is valid. if the commish viewed that the trade were tanking, then that's his call - but i don't think it is...the dude is losing a 10 year contract to someone no longer in the CFL - this guy's worse than HE HATE ME.

i am all for setting up a trading deadline next year or even an amended rule for this year, but i think it should come with 1 or 2 weeks left in the regular season....

i hope that the CEO will be able to clone my come all over his face this sunday....& i won't even get into what his kids are up to!!!!

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The rules were the same last year and there were no prolems.


If someone feels the need to change the rules it should be done before/after the season not during. If someone violates the rules it should not be allowed. If someone is bending rules not consistent with the spirit of the game the commish should step in.Even though Bud Selig is a horses rear, once he makes a decision it goes. Bart Giamatti banned the all time hits leader and no has backed down.


Overall good job Martin however either think a little more before deciding or stop changing your mind.


Do not make wholesale changes.

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You never fail to show your lack of intellect. Go read the rules. There is nothing in there forbidding trades by teams no longer in the playoff hunt or while a game is going on. This shouldn't be up to a vote; there wasn't/still isn't a rule against this. For those of us not in the inner circle of Strumey's thoughts, this rule was Made Up on Tuesday.

Was it Giamatti? I thought it was Ueberoth, but regardless - how can you back that ridiculous decision to ban Charlie Hustle? You're a communist.

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In order to bend rules, there must be a rule to bend. I knew of no rule(since there was not a rule) until Martin posted Tuesday morning. The Bra and I had posted prior to Martin's posting and I considered the deal done. As I look at it, anyone could have made the same trade. I can also understand my competition complaining. Buda, for one, has to play me, and does not want to get dicc slapped. ****(and ballz) is nippin at my heals and feels his chances of post season glory are better without Jimmy on my squad. But, no rules were broke or bent and there should not even be discussion otherwise. I hope Strumey calling for the vote is a commish decision and a His Meat decision, as he too is hunting for my playoff spot. TRADE is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!

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As for some of the **** comments. They cannot find anything in my apartment cuz I aint got one. I got me a double wide. A really nice one with 3 all over the windows. That is 3 as in Dale Earnhardt. NASCAR rules. Can we start a fantasy Nascar league? My ole lady wont let any one through the front door, and she is big enough(more to love)that nobody gives her beef. As for the child porn, ****(and ballz) seems to know more than his share of info. Is this weird? Or is it a FLA. thing? Your wife is home when you are there, right? Please in this season of giving, give them a break, and dont give it for a change.

As for everyone giving Martin a beer - BAD idea. 3 beers, let alone 9 beers, and this guy is in the can. I witnessed it first hand when I out hooped, out golfed and out drank him in August. Graham put him to bed while I was busy doing the same with Laura. The best thing about a pregant lady is that you cant get her pregnant. I look forward to Vegas. I also personally guarantee The General to be in attendance, even if I have to drive him there.

By the way, the TRADE is still gooooood!!!!

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Originally posted by Bad Dude:

In order to bend rules, there must be a rule to bend.  I knew of no rule(since there was not a rule) until Martin posted Tuesday morning.  The Bra and I had posted prior to Martin's posting and I considered the deal done.  As I look at it, anyone could have made the same trade.  I can also understand my competition complaining.  Buda, for one, has to play me, and does not want to get dicc slapped.  ****(and ballz) is nippin at my heals and feels his chances of post season glory are better without Jimmy on my squad.  But, no rules were broke or bent and there should not even be discussion otherwise.  I hope Strumey calling for the vote is a commish decision and a His Meat decision, as he too is hunting for my playoff spot.  TRADE is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!


I do have to correct you here. Your post came after I posted. I finished the site around 1:30am central time and your post was at 7:30am.

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And I must correct you. You may have posted results, but you did not put up your anti-trade rule on the front page until Tuesday morning. I did not see this new rule until Tuesday p.m. after my return home from work and I checked the board in the early morning hours.

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Originally posted by Bad Dude:

And I must correct you.  You may have posted results, but you did not put up your anti-trade rule on the front page until Tuesday morning.  I did not see this new rule until Tuesday p.m. after my return home from work and I checked the board in the early morning hours.


That is probably because your computer cached an old copy on your machine. I can show you the read out on the server where it is hosted and the time and date stamp of the update is from 11/26 22:56. That is Monday night at 10:56pm. I do believe that the server is on Pacific time, so that would be 12:56 am 11/27. Your post was at 11/27 at 7:48am. So neener neener neener. ;)

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And I must correct you.....


The rule was tested last year. We all agreed on it last year. The fact that it wasn't updated is moot. CHANDLER knows better, he was part of the league. You gayz know the intent of what you're trying to do is wrong.....put your t*ts away and be a man.


Bad Dude = Nascar fan? Please don't disrepect the memory of the 3 car by saying you're a fan. I was at Daytona when he went down and that was a crappy day.


I hear that JR. is going to be driving the 3 car for the first time at this year's 500. You Texas boyz want to have a good time, you need to head to Daytona in February. That is, if your wives will let you out for the weekend. Or in Bad Dude's case.....it would be his SHEMALE live-in/Trailor partner.


You know your old lady (shemale pornstar) is bigger than you (gut size and c*ck size)......hell, she probably has more hair on her face than you do on your ass.


Your comments about out-sporting Martin, and out-drinking Martin make you the 100th person to accomplish the feat.


Somebody get me a beer....no not you shemale, get back to bad dude you ugly ass back hills biatch.



The C*CK


[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: ceo1000 ]

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So far, I have the following votes



Bad Dude








I have no idea what Superfreak voted for, but whatever he voted, he sure backed it up well.

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The verdict is:


1. The trade is valid because the two owners involved are pu**ys!

2. The "Comish" gives good head, I mean is in charge!

3. The Florida boy loves BUDA and wants to sleep with him when we all meet in Vagas!

4. The NADS win the CUP!!!! :cool:

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With all the evidence in front of us-


granted I am new-


but I don't see it in the rules. Therefore we can not expect to know it exists. Second piece of reliable evidence both parties wish to trade and you can argue that neither team is really getting over on the other. The hefty contract inhibits roster moves for one team and gains access to a could be decent player down the road. I think the evidence proves there is equal risk for both parties and neither team laid down for the other in this trade.


Outside of the evidence. The intent of law. Is it honest? Is it fair? To live inside the rules is a tough way to exist- secondly to think the rules are not an experiment is foolish. We must all agree this is an imperfect science which we all are trying to make livable.


The real goal is what can we live with?


My vote? I can live with the trade. I can live with discussions and amendments as we move forward. Progress is willing to change. And improvement is willing to change back when something doesn't prove to be advantageous. Many of us have different rosters than when we started. Some of us are looking to future more than others. We should not handicap someone just because they are out of the playoffs. I plan on being in this league for a long time. And like most teams on the fence I too may throw some games in one season to gain tremendous footholds for the coming season.


If it is still unclear- I am for the trade.


The evidence along with my values bring forth a critical decision to allow the trade.


Furthermore I suggest we decide on a trade deadline for the future- I really do not favor these but it seems to coexist we may need to define clearly when you can trade players-

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Originally posted by triton143:

Thank you - GANDI, sorry I meant Superfreak!   :mad:


LOL. He certainly has a way with words. ;)

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~Mahatma Gandhi~




Live Simply so that others may simply live-


and if you think that is what I sound like- I appreciate the kind praise.

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Dearest Nads.

What is a comish? And what is the cup? This is football. Not hockey or soccer. There is no "cup" in football, except on the meat of my players who are going to drive a big bone up your squads azz. Speaking of taking it in the azz, how is ****(and ballz) doing? Does he give it as good as Buda says he takes it? Gotta love the state of Florida, where your crack is always moist with sweat, ready for the sausage at all times. Nice cloning apparatus.

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I am allowing until 7pm tonight for people to vote. If you vote is not in by then, you forfeit your vote.

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It is good to see justice being served. As I posted earlier, please add Smith and Edwards to my active roster, replacing Hambrick, who is a Bra, and Muhammed who sucks.

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