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Pale Rider

Dungeon Schedule?

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I was wondering when the ol' Dungeon schedule will be churned out. I know we have a lot of time but I was curious for curious sake. I was looking at the NFL Schedule and I was figuring out bye week stuff!

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I had previously put together a schedule for discussion purposes. I was aiming to have the in-division games not happen in the bye weeks. I posted it somewhere, but nobody seemed to care about it much.


Basically, we'd play in-division games weeks 1-2 and 11-14. The non-division games would be weeks 3-10 when the byes happen. The hope is to avoid a costly loss that counts double if you've got more than a normal share of guys on bye in a given week (not just a loss, but it costs you in the tiebreakers too if it's to a division opponent).


But like I said above, nobody cared. Oh well.

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Dungeon Schedule Proposal


Actually, I alternated in-division and non-division games rather than sticking to the bye week idea I had above. (I still strongly prefer the prior post's take on the bye week situation.)

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well. that was the system I am/was trying to run...


Your next season schedule is/was based on your finish from the last season run against an established formula.


There are division games each week under the system I had, just like the NFL


Real World Week 1

schedule has St.Louis playing San Fran, New Orleans at Carolina, Cincinnati at Cleveland and Green Bay.


I think we should be having Divisioal games every week.


Injuries and byes happen. The stronger teams will survive.


It is not a critical issue to me (overall design factor), but I would prefer to continue the system already in place and remove the Divisional games from the Free Agent rank order.


As whoisjgalt said, it was discussed but there was not a large based desire to change.

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i prefer sticking with current schedule design, as i feel lumping all the divisional games together could create more problems than it solved in terms of bye's. if a player was injured for a 3 week period that happened to fall during the critical divisional run then that could hurt a team much more than a single bye imo.

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i prefer sticking with current schedule design, as i feel lumping all the divisional games together could create more problems than it solved in terms of bye's. if a player was injured for a 3 week period that happened to fall during the critical divisional run then that could hurt a team much more than a single bye imo.

exactly what I was going to say

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