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Mike MacGregor

Two Notes on Trade Buddy

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1. Okay, I know there are some issues particularly with the manual roster input option. Thanks to everyone who responded with feedback on this (and other points).


I will be looking at Trade Buddy over the next couple days to fix this and any other issues. I will announce here when a new version is ready. For those people who input rosters in TB using the manual option, keep your copy handy so you can copy and paste the rosters over to the new version when ready.


2. When you guys post a question on the forum here, can we make the title a little more descriptive than just "Trade Buddy"? :lol: Thanks!

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Okay, I'm close to fixing the manual input thing. Thanks to Jeff for the help. As way of an update, I'm working on some other aspects of Trade Buddy and going to discuss with Mike Krueger about delivering rest-of-the-way rankings to update in Buddy before we release the next version.


Thanks for your patience. I guess I should have put "beta" version instead of 1.0 on that first release. I didn't realize all of our other weekly commitments would hinder the rankings update so much.


Anyone have any comments on the grading system? That is of particular interest to me.

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Guest chazzmani

I don't think the current grading system is very valuable. I have tweaked the Trade Buddy to look back at the values and points of various players as I pull them from the compiler. I much prefer a quantitative score than a tiered score.


As such, I judge each trade on two numeric scales:


1) The comparative VALUE of the traded players

2) The total POINTS of my starting team both before and after the trade


I like to see value since that helps me judge trades across different positions (since we know you can’t compare points from a QB and a WR). Then, I like to see points so I can see if the trade improves my starting squad.


Unfortunately, the values and points I pull from compiler are based on pre-season projections so they lose more value the deeper we get into the season. I would like to see you update and keep stat projections throughout the year. It would be too difficult to manually change them each week, so I would just assume some type of straight-line progression. Something like:


If a RB has only accumulated 90 yards through 3 games, his full year projection (based on actuals) would be (30 x 16) = 480


If you projected him to get 1600 yards before the season, then assume he would get the average of those (480 + 1600) / 2 = 1040


Then, each week you would be blending more actual vs. projected yards and things would tighten up.

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Guest thom
:rolleyes: Is there any news on the Trade Buddy update?

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Hey, Mike, whatever happened with the Trade Buddy you introduced last season? I couldn't run it at the time, I think because I was using Excel '97. I've since upgraded to Excel 2000.


I didn't see any information about it in the downloads section this year. Have you decided to put it off until the bugs get worked out?

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Have you decided to put it off until the bugs get worked out?


Yep. That's pretty much it. Either a revamped Trade Buddy will resurface this year, or some similar online application(s), or both.

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