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An American Experience

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It was about the war in Viet Nam and the war at home during that time.


The University of Wisconsin had invited Dow Chemicals to recruit for future workers on campus. But the students found out that Dow was making Napalm which was burning the hell out of innocent Vietnamese.

So the students held a peaceful protest at the recruitment site. Well the cops were told to go in and remove the students using any means necessary. So the cops just went in and beat the hell out of the students. Busted heads, broke arms and blood everywhere.


All the while American GIs were being led blindly through the Viet Nam jungle right into an ambush where 1400 VC killed 160 GIs.


Anybody see it?

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I saw it last night and it was a good show. The police at that time just never had to deal with that type of thing. I think a lot of those cops were from the WW 2 generation and just could not relate to these kids bad mouthing America. They moved in and over reacted. Very sad.


That being said, Dow has every right to try to get talent for its company. Those kids had the right to protest and Dow had the right to recruit.


I know if I was a grunt in Nam I would want as much napalm as they could make so I could get my butt home.

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