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3 starting running backs-pro/con

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The commisioner of the league I'm in keeps insisting on starting 3 rb's every year since the league began in 2000. All it does IMO is:

-Have teams waste picks on players who will only start barring injury to the #1 guy

-Reduces competition by teams who face injury to their #1 pick, and don't feel they can compete, so they stop trying.

-It leads to less parity, and therefore a less competetive overall atmosphere.

-Increases bickering and whining from team members about how they can't compete

I say change the rule. The commish says it's what everyone wants. I need some simple and complex arguments using a combination of logic and numbers to email to this guy. If I don't play as a result, I told him to expect every other team to get a nice ups package with all the information I know in 12 years of playing(the package should'nt cost much to ship,then), as I will no longer have use for it. It's childish, but I don't know what else to do. Guys were taking JJ arrington over hines ward,K barlow when they could have had anquan b, as well as guys like m pittman,m shipp, d blaylock, m turner, l toejam, d rhodes....

Any thoughts?



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Just convince him to make it a flex spot for now.


If he won't budge, convince him a slow transition over the next 20 years with a RB/WR/TE flex.


My first league, 10 teamer (that I am now commish of) starts 1 QB, 3RB, 4WR, 1K, 1DEF). It is a 3 man keeper league. I have been very successful in this league and have been consistently at the top in the 10 year existence in the league. 4 championships, 3 2nd place finishes (last two years), 2 3rds, 1 4th.


The secret is that our league is a keeper. I usually keep 3 RB and usually draft one in the first 3 rounds. If you have 3 solid RB's in this type of league, you are golden. One guy in our league left last year as he was always in last, but his keepers were always 1QB, 1WR, & 1TE. No way to get ahead in the RB game. Being a keeper, I reach for young RB's with opportunity. Took McAllister in round 13 his rookie year, kept him when the Saints traded Ricky. Two years ago got Jordan on the waiver wire in week 12 knowing he was going to be a FA. Guys in my league are getting smarter to it. 3 rookie RB's went in the first 6 picks last year and they will all be keepers this year.


Bottom line is in a 10 teamer it is only 6 more starters that a 14 teamer that starts 2RB. Also, by starting 4 WR, that evens out the parity a bit. I am always week at WR (and QB) and that has kept me from winning every year. I like it, because it takes some of the luck out of drafting and gives the guy doing late round research an edge.


It does cause problems. Tough to recover if you have bad RB's or Injury problems, lack of available players on waivers (we have deep rosters, but actually are cutting them down this year due to this problem), and reaching for RB's (my last two picks in the first round have been Q. Griffin & JJ Arrington - both flops, when I should've been drafting WR's).

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I am the commish of 12 team keeper league and would not like having to start 3 RBs. Its tough enough to have two of any quality let alone 3. Plus the problem it creates in a keeper league is the RB poor never can get a viable starting tandem and will eventually lead to turn over in the leagues owners.

The best thing is a flex postion allowing either RB/WR/TE to fill it. Because lets face it when you get down to the 25th and beyond RBs...you're really not looking at much...

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I'm in a 12 team league that requires you START 3 RB every week.

It's a unique league- that doesn't make it a bad league. Like any league, you have to understand the rules and draft accordingly.

It makes it interesting to be different and have to forge your own strategy- you can't just rely on rankings other people do for their leagues.


Our league has been in tack for over 12 years and we don't like to change the rules very often. We've got a waiting list to get in.


All I can say about your situation- if the reules have changed since you joined, you've got a legit beef.

If the rules changed without a league vote you've really got a legit beef.


On the other hand, if these rules were in place when you joined,

You can suggest making a change.

You can try to organize the other owners to vote on the rules change.


You can quit. But I don't think throwing a hissy fit is called for. If you don't like the league rules that were in place when you joined, live with them, work to change them, or just leave.


Good luck.

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I think the biggest flaw in 3 RB is that it does not match the NFL. You want a fantasy league to match the real one at least in terms of how important players are (at least players you can measure). Nobody plays a 3-back set, in fact more teams play a 3 WR set, you could probably argue that a league should have 3 WRs over 3 RBs.


So I'd say it doesn't match the NFL and as other said, make it a flex.

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i wouldnt say it wastes picks as you think but i would much rather see it a FLEX spot


i play in one that has a similar and slightly odd format that a team can start 4 RBs if they want














makes for some different strategy in drafts and makes it a bit more interesting

what i dislike about mandatory 3 RBs is injuries can cripple a team


especially if it is a 12 team league that would suck for any team having a big injury


id try and gather support to make it a flex, you can still have the same draft strategy but arent going to die because you are forced to start a crap RB with a good WR on the bench due to injury

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Even as a flex position you still end up drafting 5 or 6 RBs. I've been in a 10-team league for 3 years now that starts 2 RBs, 3 WRs 1 Flex and 1 TE. 90% of the time the flex is a running back.


The draft pretty much goes all RBs the first two rounds, with a few randoms thrown in (PManning, top WRs, etc..). I think it's just an added challenge to find the right mix of players with the right mix of bye-weeks and the right luck of injury or TO blow-up. Injuries are all part of the game. I had Priest last year and someone else grabbed LJ. I got screwed and he got paid.


If you're hellbent on trying to force a change, get with some of the other owners in the league and see if you can get some kind of a mandate to make a change to a flex position. The simple argument would be that it's still basically an RB spot. "I'd rather start Antwaan Randle El than Aaron Stecker" should work nicely. That said, with all the RBBC going on this year...and now the flood of PUP RB's I think chasing prospects might not be all bad.


Even at that, just say the heck with it and draft WR's when everyone else is drafting practice-squad RBs. If the points system is even remotely legit, a good WR will out perform a scrub RB anyway.

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