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Draft Dynamix Software

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I purchased this software and was disappointed. Posted my dissatisfaction to their customer feedback board of their website, the quickly removed my post. I don't recommend. You can email me for more info.

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Why not just get the compiler? Its like 10 bucks, 3 $ more than a mag, works like a charm everytime!!!!

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Why not just get the compiler? Its like 10 bucks, 3 $ more than a mag, works like a charm everytime!!!!


Been using it for 3 years......playoffs last 2 years.


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not that i want to cause ###### here but, how does the DB/CC compare to the Draft Dominator on FBG?

i just checked it out for fun tonight and although i doubt i will use it, it seemed alright


i wasn't overly thrilled with the CC there, alright but nothing specail....free though

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Yeah...I just looked at that, you got bent over and plugged(anally) on that one, I will say that its a good way to make money for them, $30 bucks to start and then more depending on how many 'expert's rankings' you want to average into your projections.


FF is a thinking mans game, and I don't care who says what about what, there is no such thing as an 'expert' in FF. Luck plays a giant factor in how your season goes, the compiler is great, only because it keeps you organized throughout your draft, but you have to make the picks.


Last year the compiler helped me get three players that led me to the playoffs, Larry Fitz, Jimmy Smith(who I traded for Steven Davis three weeks in) and Mike Anderson. I can tell you that if I was just going off the cuff and not following the teirs I probably would have broken down and took a Defense or kicker at those points in hope of 'striking it rich'. The compiler keeps you on track, and that is all you can hope for with draft software.

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