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2nd Pick

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i'm picking 2nd in our draft this weekend..10 teams, standard 6 pts/@#%$, 1 pt/rec, we start 2 rbs each week. we are franchising one player from our roster. i'm assuming LT2, LJ, alexander, tiki, edge, peyto manning, lamont jordan, TO, and boldin are the other guys' keepers.


who do you keep?


hasselbeck, chad johnson, julius jones, willis mcgahee.


who do you pick 1st?


portis (yes, i know), s-jack, rudi, cadillac, ronnie brown, reggie bush, other?



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If your in a keeper league I'd take Ronnie Brown, he has great potential not only to be good this year but several years down the road.


I'd probably keep Chad Johnson out of that group, he is a clear top 3 at his position and possibly the #1.

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Thanks for the input! Any other opinions on which RB I should draft first? I'm leaning toward either Ronnie Brown or Rudi Johnson.

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