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Thomas Jones Vs. D. Rhodes

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Who has the better year? T. Jones i believe is a much more skilled player, but Rhodes is in an excellent offense. Which is the guy to have.


If you had to pick one, who would it be?

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I would go with Thomas Jones.


Last year he was supposedly going to lose his job to Benson and he ended up performing too well for Lovie to bench him. I don't see how that won't happen again. Lovie knows better than to bench someone that is producing and Thomas Jones will produce adequately enough to keep his starting job and be a serviceable fantasy RB. Don't look for a huge season bu the can definitely fill the role of second or third back for your team better than Rhodes.


Rhodes appears to be the loser in the Joseph Addai competition and if he was all that good, he would have been the sure fire starter when they lost James. It makes you wonder about his true ability level and the level of trust the coaches have in him when he is a multi year veteran and likely is going to be beaten out by a late round draft pick rookie.

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I actally debated this question for weeks, as both were potential keepers for me in a two player keeper auction type league. Out of a 120 cap, TJ would have cost 3, Rhodes only a buck.


Both have similar situations as far as a youngster on their heels. Indy of course will score more, but IMO Chi will run more and have more success, at least versus their passing game. A big factor for me was that TJ's big year was last year, while Rhodes was five years ago. In the end, I spent the extra two bucks on Jones. Unless Benson goes for a lot at the draft (Tues) I'll be trying to get that Bear handcuff, too, as all it takes is an inury or a couple of flat games, and they will need to see what they have in Benson.


I also took Addai in another league, but IMO, I haven't really seen anything impressive out of him.....yet. :banana:

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Thomas "the cockroach" Jones


I call him a Roach because nobody liked the guy early in his pro career (at least I didn't). He got beat out by Pittman on two different teams, but he still wouldn't die.


Next, when you think his dung like career is about to fizzle out, he finally does well and is one of very few bright spots on the Bears. His reward?


They draft Benson early 1st round to replace him. Despite the push for Benson to win the job...The Roach lives on when Benson holds out & shows he's injury prone.


Finally, 2006 season where it is very likely Benson becomes the starter (ala MaGahee/Henry ala Rivers/Brees) with the coach demoting Jones to running with the 2nd team Offense. Roach boy is respected and picked up by his team mates while Benson gets injured again + shows his immaturity by leaving a game early.


Viva la Cucaracha!

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