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kutulu last won the day on June 28 2021

kutulu had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

1,633 Excellent

About kutulu

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 10/09/1970

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    Leanne Morgan: I'm Every Woman
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    Mae Martin: Sap
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    Nail clippers, Shoe horn, d socks

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  1. kutulu

    SB halftime show

    I took a shower at halftime. Had to wash off the stink from that game.
  2. kutulu

    Does anybody still play Fantasy Football?

    Totally What someone who sucks at fantasy football would say.
  3. kutulu

    Super Bowl LIX: Chiefs v Eagles

    Fock the Chefs We're dissing them
  4. kutulu

    Raw dirty blues

  5. kutulu

    How do I get an avatar?

    My nigga
  6. kutulu

    How do I get an avatar?

    Troll this
  7. kutulu

    Eating Beaver: Minnesota Is Retarded

    I'll give you my beaver when you can pry it from my cold, dead hands 🦫
  8. kutulu

    Super Bowl LIX: Chiefs v Eagles

    Says the person who only quotes the Bible
  9. kutulu

    13 Years Ago Today

    That would be lame. Dude is the King Slayer.
  10. kutulu

    Anyhow What's Up With Bill E ?

    Yup, didn't cheat. And because of dolty's false accusation never took part in another geek board game. Fock that kunt.
  11. Yeah well maybe I think you're right but saying your wrong when I really think your right or maybe wrong, right?
  12. You're that guy in the car on the highway
  13. kutulu

    Favorite female voice.

    Samantha Fox, I think she sang something