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Benson + 1° 2007 for S.Alexander

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I should give Benson and the first pick (likely a top4)




Shaun Alexander



Benson has 2 years contract at 1.300k


Alexander has 2 years at 3.900k



Someone give me a little help? :wacko:

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well, all I have to say is...


Alexander had better put you over the top if you're gonna give up that much to get him.


If you think he will put you over the top, you need to make the trade. If you will still be average to above average, I'd hold off.

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well, its not as simple as that in a dynasty league.


to me, the goal is to win the championship. whether that be now, or in the future.


The way I see this trade:



you are giving up futures in a draft pick and a starting RB (maybe not starting today, but maybe later in the season and probably for another 5 or 6 years at least)


agreed you are getting a top end player, but he doesnt have a lot of tread left in the tires. he'll put up good numbers for 2 or 3 more years and then will start to decline.


so, if you add him to your lineup, do you have a good chance to win the championship? I see that you have the #4 overall pick this year, so I'm guessing your team wasnt that competitive this last season. This leads me to believe this trade likely wont win the championship for you this year.


however, you may be able to Flip Alexander to a contender at the deadline for more.... but its a bit of a gamble.


if you're gonna make a deal like this, the timing has to be right.


its worth it to make the deal if you win this year or next, but you are definitely hindering your chances of winning beyond year 2 because you are giving up the eqivalent of 2 good starters for one man.


so if you cant win this year or next, I wouldnt make the deal. That's the bottom line.



also, keep in mind, I give this advice but dont know what you have for a team. that info would help us give you better advice. right now, I dont have a very good idea of just how good your team is at the moment.

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