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Colston at TE/WR in Yahoo sports...What do I do as Commissioner?

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Colston was a receiver at Hofstra and will need to learn to play a new position while trying to build a career in the NFL. He is not explosive off the ball and this will hinder his ability to release quickly into route. He will need to learn how to fight through the linebacker jam. He was not a highly competitive blocker as a receiver, so he is going to clearly have to become an aggressive blocker to be productive in the NFL. On easy passes within his frame, he has a bad habit of body catching passes (although he does catch them). While he had outstanding size for a receiver, he is going to need to bulk up and add approximately 25 pounds to make it as a tight end.




This guy was a WR at Hofstra, they PROJECTED him to be a TE in the pros.

I think it's BS that Yahoo decided to make him TE eligible, I even read that garbage that the guy from Yahoo said about him, being PROJECTED as a TE in APRIL made him te eligible, even though he was never put there even in PS....

Yahoo won't change it, even though CBSSportsline already has.

I asked them about it as well(after week1), they said " Sorry blah blah blah"


Yahoo should change it. But until they do, you can't make the ruling that the guy can't be a TE. I'm playing the freaking Colston owner this week, and it does suck.

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Yahoo has a long-standing rule that they do not change eligibility designations mid-season. The rule was established and published prior to the start of the 2006-2007 season. You do not change rules midstream.

Anyone now crying for Yahoo to violate their own rules and change Colston's eligibility deserves to have Yahoo come to their house, etc.

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This isnt a league rule change, this is a case where the commish should fix a stupid error on the part of the website. None of my leagues would ever let a website dictate our league rules. In case anyone is wondering, I DO own Colston.

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I think if the site lists him as a TE then you leave him that way and allow him to be started there. Tell everybody to stop complaining, you chose to use yahoo's settings and you should keep them and that has Colston as a TE.


I think if the team he plays for lists him as a WR, and he plays WR EXCLUSIVELY then he should be played as a WR. Is that not completely logical and easy to understand? Nobody CHOSE for Yahoo to list him wrong, that was out of everybody's control except the yahoos at Yahoo. The reason why people elect a commish is to deal with issues just like this.


If the only reason you have for allowing him to be started as a TE is "Yahoo lists him as a TE/WR" then you need to come up with something new. The fact that they list him wrong is why this is an issue. Unless you have evidence that he's in fact a TE or has even played a single snap as a TE (IN THE NFL LADIES...)you have nothing except an incorrect listing by Yahoo.


If Yahoo screwed up and listed LT as a WR, that would be OK for some of you to play him there? :lol: By your logic it would.


We passed the rule in one of the Yahoo leagues I play in unanimously...even the freakin Colston owner voted for it. I guess he's more of a man than most of the other Colston owners I see on here crying to keep their exploit in place.


As commish I simply proposed the rule as such: "New rule: a player has to actually play the position you start him at. Yay or Nay"


If you want to exploit a hole in Yahoo's system, feel free. But more and more leagues are coming around and doing the right thing. The only ones I see really crying about it on here are the whiney Colston owners who's entire stance is based on owning the guy and being able to exploit the incorrect listing. What a joke. Grow up kids.

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This isnt a league rule change, this is a case where the commish should fix a stupid error on the part of the website. None of my leagues would ever let a website dictate our league rules.


Wrong. Any website rule not explicitly overruled by a league rule is a league rule.


Now grab a tissue and start acting like a man.

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This isnt a league rule change, this is a case where the commish should fix a stupid error on the part of the website. None of my leagues would ever let a website dictate our league rules. In case anyone is wondering, I DO own Colston.


This is not a stupid error, rather it is consistent with Yahoo's long term rules for position eligibility. You may think they never should have had him TE eligible in the first place, but that is where he was scouted and Yahoo allows drafts before the Preseason begins (where it became obvious he was going to get WR looks).


With respect to letting the website dictate the league rules: the website dictates the default rules for your league. If you didn't tell everyone that there were exceptions to the website rules, then you are implying that they are the rules for your league. You are certainly welcome to not like them and do one of the following, in order of desirability:


1 Choose another website whose rules meet more closely with your desires

2 Tell all league members that you as commisioner will be enforcing a rule contrary to the website's default ruleset before the season, so that they make their draft and WW decisions based on the correct ruleset.

3 Rule M. Colston a WR only before the fantasy draft, based on his preseason play & communicate this to the entire league.


Arbitrarily changing the rules during the season based on whining is the last thing a commisioner should be doing & will only lead to more whining & pleading for intervention.

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I think if the team he plays for lists him as a WR, and he plays WR EXCLUSIVELY then he should be played as a WR. Is that not completely logical and easy to understand? Nobody CHOSE for Yahoo to list him wrong, that was out of everybody's control except the yahoos at Yahoo. The reason why people elect a commish is to deal with issues just like this.


If the only reason you have for allowing him to be started as a TE is "Yahoo lists him as a TE/WR" then you need to come up with something new. The fact that they list him wrong is why this is an issue. Unless you have evidence that he's in fact a TE or has even played a single snap as a TE (IN THE NFL LADIES...)you have nothing except an incorrect listing by Yahoo.


If Yahoo screwed up and listed LT as a WR, that would be OK for some of you to play him there? :P By your logic it would.


We passed the rule in one of the Yahoo leagues I play in unanimously...even the freakin Colston owner voted for it. I guess he's more of a man than most of the other Colston owners I see on here crying to keep their exploit in place.


As commish I simply proposed the rule as such: "New rule: a player has to actually play the position you start him at. Yay or Nay"


If you want to exploit a hole in Yahoo's system, feel free. But more and more leagues are coming around and doing the right thing. The only ones I see really crying about it on here are the whiney Colston owners who's entire stance is based on owning the guy and being able to exploit the incorrect listing. What a joke. Grow up kids.


yes :cheers:


It doesn't matter because this is mid-season. It is more fair to live with the "mistake" then to change rules mid-season. The problem isn't whether or not he is really a TE or WR. The problem is hurting one team for doing something completely legal by Yahoo rules mid-season.


If you were going to allow Colston to only be played at WR it should of been at the time of the draft.

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This is not only a Yahoo issue, but a NFL.com issue as well. Anyone who drafted Colston as a TE and has kept him in the lineup since week one has been allowed to keep playing him as a TE. Once he is taken out of the starting lineup, he becomse a WR. I have no problem with him being listed as a WR/TE this year, though surely he wont be listed this way next year. Anyone on Yahoo who say the dual-eligibility and picked him up for value is getting rewarded for good foresight.

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Here is the problem:


Yahoo is protecting the less than 1 percent who drafted Colston to be used as the TE....and penalizing the other 99.9 percent.


Everyone knows...or isn't being honest. When they truly think that Colston should be allowed to be a TE...Yahoo should have changed this week 1 or even earlier because never has Colston anywhere been listed as a TE. yes he may have been projected as one before the draft. But that was in I believe April...and could have been corrected...oh about 4 months before most drafts happened.


But, as a comissioner...you can't change the rules. I set the league rules that we would go by the websites rules. Example...don't complain to me if Yahoo is ruling McNabb with a fumble but ESPN.com says he doesn't have one.I think that one simple rule would help future problems.


I also think most complainers are just mad that they didnt' pick him up first. Everyone had an equal chance...if the actual owner actually drafted him. Then oh well...it is kind of like complaining about someone drafting a sleeper that hits it big.


"But MR. Commish I had no idea Gore would be good" or "But, Mr. Commish I drafted Brady and he really sucks balls this year...can't we draft all QBs over with the new stats??"


I know what I just said is a stretch...but you have to admit it applies a little to this situation.


The owner in my league called me before he picked him up and asked if he could be used as a TE.


I know this message has rambled...but the jist is this...It would have been cool to make a rule week #1 or before the draft. but, to change the rule mid stream would be unfair...even more unfair than the actual situation. This kind of equates toa few years ago everyone was complaingin when Vinateiri got credited for TD pass. Oh well!!!!!

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So what about this? I decided to drop my drafted TE because he was sucking ass (like almost all the TEs this year), and becuase Colston had 3 consistent weeks of kicking arse. So now, if Yahoo decides he is WR only, I am without a TE. Am I supposed to go to the WW for one? That's going to KILL me at TE.



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The real problem here is playing in a Yahoo league...tell them you get what you pay for. Live with it.


First, do you have a rule that dictates a defining source of player positions? I assume no, or that would have been brought up by now. If not, you are punishing a guy for making a move to fill a position that he had no reason to believe was wrong (and, as already mentioned ad nauseum, the fact others didn't do it first is the real reason these whiners are complaining, not b/c they are worried about the integrity of the league).


Next, can you even change positions on the website with Yahoo? If not, then what is your alternative? Are you going to go through every single player, verify his position, make a list of who doesn't qualify where, and manually monitor violations of this list all year long? If you're torridjoe trying to institute a utopian league where you think this isn't a problem, maybe. If you are a senisble person and play with remotely reasonable people, that is unrealistic. Anyone who thinks it is as simple as just making a decision on Colston is setting themselves up for more problems (isn't Michael Robinson eligible at WR on Yahoo? If you don't make a comprehensive ruling now, what happens when he takes off when Gore gets benched for fumbling?).


Now comes that part where you actually have to be a commish. Other than whatever administrative work there is, the only real job as commish is to make a decision on ambiguity not specifically covered in the rules. In lieu of (1) lack of a rule defining a source for player positions, (2) assumption that you cannot change a position as commish on Yahoo, and (3) the unreasonable task it is to try to manage every possible incorrect Yahoo-defined position, you say, "While obviously not ideal in this situation, the lack of a rule defining another source to determine a player's position, and the implications of a major rule change during the season, as well as the unreasonable effort it would take to correctly manage this for every situation, the league will defer to the host website for determining position. If you want this change in subsequent seasons, request a rule change and we can vote on it in the off-season. Not to mention, all you cheap asses liked the idea of Yahoo being free, so until you are paying for a host site so you have a reason to complain over something so inconsequential as a flash in the pan player on the focking Saints, STFU and quit crying like a bunch of two year-olds."



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I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I'm the 4th year Commish of our league and it helps that our league covered this situation pre-draft, but it should be no different for those that did not. ANY player listed as dual position, and we were not talking about Colston at the time, can be played at either of their listed positions. Colston wasn't even on the radar for anyone in our league pre-draft.

This should hold true especially if Colston was drafted before the season as a TE. If he was picked off of waivers then any member of the league had the opportunity to get him and they have no right to complain because if they had gotten him they would be doing the same thing.

Yahoo has already stated that his position will not be relisted as WR only this year as it would screw up anyone who did draft him as a TE.



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yes :unsure:


It doesn't matter because this is mid-season. It is more fair to live with the "mistake" then to change rules mid-season. The problem isn't whether or not he is really a TE or WR. The problem is hurting one team for doing something completely legal by Yahoo rules mid-season.


If you were going to allow Colston to only be played at WR it should of been at the time of the draft.


Are you kidding me? Who actually DRAFTED Colston in any league that didn't draft after the season started? It's not midseason, and many leagues (mine included) already took action on this 2 weeks ago. Anybody that has Colston drafted a real TE as their intended guy.


Not buying that explanation at all. Pretty weak argument IMO.


I've said this before, but I'll say it again. I'm the 4th year Commish of our league and it helps that our league covered this situation pre-draft, but it should be no different for those that did not. ANY player listed as dual position, and we were not talking about Colston at the time, can be played at either of their listed positions. Colston wasn't even on the radar for anyone in our league pre-draft.

This should hold true especially if Colston was drafted before the season as a TE. If he was picked off of waivers then any member of the league had the opportunity to get him and they have no right to complain because if they had gotten him they would be doing the same thing.

Yahoo has already stated that his position will not be relisted as WR only this year as it would screw up anyone who did draft him as a TE.




What makes a player playable at multiple positions is how he is used by the team he's on. Answer me this, if his own team doesn't list him as a TE/WR, why should Yahoo? Other sites got this right, why didn't Yahoo?

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What makes a player playable at multiple positions is how he is used by the team he's on. Answer me this, if his own team doesn't list him as a TE/WR, why should Yahoo? Other sites got this right, why didn't Yahoo?

Yahoo took the information given them by the team and went with it. My guess is Yahoo only does this once and doesn't look back.

Colston actually tried out for the Saints as a TE. They decided to use him as a WR. Apparently when the teams roster was given to Yahoo they still had his position listed as TE.

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This is such a screwed up situation.


Look at the Saints' depth chart on Yahoo.com:




Colston's not a TE there.


Yup, and that's even based on the preseason as you can tell because Henderson was listed as the starter ahead of Colston.


Yahoo had a chance to deal with this and chose not to. Again, other sites got it right. As a commish or member of a democratic league you have the ability to correct this.

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Are you guys gonna get mad if the league gives Bush dual eligibilities?


That's hypothetical and irrelevant.

It also doesn't matter how Yahoo labels relief pitchers or whatever in Fantasy baseball. Nobody cares.


What this thread is about is a player who exclusively plays WR and can be played in Yahoo at TE even though their own player page for him (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/8001) says only WR.


The fact that everyone had a chance to get him doesn't justify that he's not a TE. To play him there is taking advantage of a loophole.


I believe commissioners not only have the right but the duty to disallow this as it compromises the integrity of the league just as much as a collusive trade or any other action that would create an unfair advantage for a team.


That's how I would rule if the situation existed in my league (the Colston owner plays him at WR so it doesn't).

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