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Trade? Westbrook/Jenningsfor S Smith/Gore

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I get Smith and Gore. Is this a no-brainer since I get Smith? Jennings has been good and when does Gore hit a wall.


re-draft league

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I'd really think hard about this. If this is a keeper league, it might be hard to

part with Jennings, who is already looking great as a rookie. Smith puts up

big numbers, but so does Westbrook. I'm not sold on Gore as a starting RB-

he is well below Westbrook's value, imho.

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I'm not sold on this trade either. How do you get improve?

Westbrook gets 1 pt in our league for every 10 rushing and recpt. yds plus 6 for TDs.

Gore has cost a lot because fumbles are -2. He has been better recently, but when defenses know you're vulnerable, they will key on it.

I don't think Smith is that much, much better than Jennings to justify. My opinion.

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If it's a keeper league no - Jennings looks to be the real deal. Otherwise it's touch and go - look at who has the better matchups downt the stretch and base it on that - Westbrook has been injury prone as well so it may just be worth it - thanks for mine.

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I make the trade, Westbrook is hurt to much for me and even though Jennings has been good keeper league or not he's not gonna have Favre throwing him the ball affter this year. Smith will help alot this year and its not as if he's 35 years old and if Gore hangs onto the ball he will be just fine this year and beyond. This would be an easy trade for me to make.


Good Luck


Here's Mine





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What's the rest of your team look like? I'm not sure I'd make the trade, either. Westy will put up better #'s than Gore (who could even lose his GL job if the fumble-itis lasts) and Jennings is solid.


Thanks for answering mine.

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Unless your league rewards receivers more then RB's I wouldn't do it. Gore has the Bears D coming not to mention this schedule:












Gore's value will go down as the season goes on. So it comes to Smith who is not worth Westy and Jennings. I's say be wary unless WR are getting pref. treatment like in my league.

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I get Smith and Gore. Is this a no-brainer since I get Smith? Jennings has been good and when does Gore hit a wall.


re-draft league



No brainer? No you have to think about this...


Smith is going to be good for years. Jennings is good but WR's that have good rookie years have a tendency to go through a sophmore slump the next year. I would definitly rather have Smith then Jennings this and next year. Don't under estimate how valuable Smith is to the Panthers. Jennings is the hot property RIGHT now, after he shows this ability for 2 years then become a believer. The NFL stands for Not For Long.


The problem with this trade is Frank Gore. Gore is not on a team now to showcase his talent. The 49'ers Defense sucks and will be playing from behind most of the year. When your playing from behind its too hard to run the ball. Westbrook on the other hand is on a much better team. As the season progresses he will be utilized more and more. You are taking a big time hit on this trade on the most important postition in FF. If you have other RB's and don't need Westbrook then pull the trigger. If you need a consistant RB to continue winning then ask for a better RB in the trade.

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No brainer? No you have to think about this...


Smith is going to be good for years. Jennings is good but WR's that have good rookie years have a tendency to go through a sophmore slump the next year. I would definitly rather have Smith then Jennings this and next year. Don't under estimate how valuable Smith is to the Panthers. Jennings is the hot property RIGHT now, after he shows this ability for 2 years then become a believer. The NFL stands for Not For Long.


The problem with this trade is Frank Gore. Gore is not on a team now to showcase his talent. The 49'ers Defense sucks and will be playing from behind most of the year. When your playing from behind its too hard to run the ball. Westbrook on the other hand is on a much better team. As the season progresses he will be utilized more and more. You are taking a big time hit on this trade on the most important postition in FF. If you have other RB's and don't need Westbrook then pull the trigger. If you need a consistant RB to continue winning then ask for a better RB in the trade.

I agree. but only problem is that Westy is not consistant (he produces but he may only play about 60 or 70% of rest of his schedule). and Philly has such a good offance that they can afford to sit westy and they will to keep him fresh. just a though.

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I agree. but only problem is that Westy is not consistant (he produces but he may only play about 60 or 70% of rest of his schedule). and Philly has such a good offance that they can afford to sit westy and they will to keep him fresh. just a though.


My crystal ball says 70% of Wesbrook the rest of the year will be better then 100% of Gores production the rest of the the way. Also football fans are a unforgiving bunch. For two years Fred Taylor was called injury prone and risky but he never missed a game. Westbrook might get injured or he might not, there is no certainity that he will get hurt and that is not the reason to make a trade imo

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My crystal ball says 70% of Wesbrook the rest of the year will be better then 100% of Gores production the rest of the the way. Also football fans are a unforgiving bunch. For two years Fred Taylor was called injury prone and risky but he never missed a game. Westbrook might get injured or he might not, there is no certainity that he will get hurt and that is not the reason to make a trade imo


he may produce more than gore but he may screw you as well. I have him in one of my league. he helps me win game but he screws me sometimes too, when philly just decide to sit him 1 min before the game start. I don't even get to chance RB and I get big fat 0 for one of my RB. I have gore as well in that league so I can afford to have westy since I can replace him with gore if he goes down. but if u don't have anyone to replace him then u need a reliable RB. and SS is going to be top WR. jennings has done good in past few games but how long do u think he is going to keep this up?? he is sell high candidate. whatever u loose by giving up westy, u gain in SS plus stable RB (gore).

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