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Time for two from Tourniquet

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Greatest Christian heavy metal band evah


the tomb of gilgamesh


I ask that you return me

the years I did ignore thee

And with my burden bury

the weight of guilt I carry

And lead me to the well of life

before my soul departs


Now I so clearly see how I have murdered me

and I cannot fake what I tried to make of myself; a God

Please heal me


The halls of countless eriudite teeming with the self deified

Cloaked in snuffy habiliments

No need to strive for holiness

When beauty dies she leaves behind

The scars of dreams abandoned long ago


Where myriad wonders once repelled the onslaught of decay

now given to the manifold miseries of mortal dismay

And out of joy is sorrow born the stained white halls are now forlorn


Wisdom calls from these halls


Now I so clearly see how I have murdered me and I cannot fake

Please heal me


So very wise in their own eyes

The world's great minds will one day find

that for life they studied, worked, and pined

but in wisdom made by man alone that a high IQ with low regard

will be dethroned and from heaven barred


Wisdom calls from these halls


I ask that you return me

the years I did ignore thee

And with my burden bury

the weight of guilt I carry

And lead me to the well of life

before my soul departs


I Corinthians 1:27





Music: Tourniquet - If I Was There .... Movie footage: Passion Of Christ

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Wow, The Crucified AND Tourniquet both mentioned in one thread. What a flashback. Great bands back in the day. Bride was king though.

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Wow, The Crucified AND Tourniquet both mentioned in one thread. What a flashback. Great bands back in the day. Bride was king though.

I almost considered slipping Vengeance Rising in there :banana:

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